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DNA Solves
  1. mimimama5

    Calif. whooping cough: 9 dead, infections on rise

    I know most universities will offer the testing for about 25.00 per test. I dont know if thats standard in doctors offices though, but I would think it may be able to be covered by insurance if the doctor orders the testing?
  2. mimimama5

    Calif. whooping cough: 9 dead, infections on rise

    I agree with so many of the posters here. One size fits all medicine just isnt possible. Vaccinations are no exception. Parents need to be educated about the risks and informed consent need to be given. I know that if I had been supplied with that information, things would be very different for...
  3. mimimama5

    Calif. whooping cough: 9 dead, infections on rise

    Wow, what a thread! Im going to weigh in here, as this is a topic very near and dear to my heart. Im on the anti-vaccines until proven safe side of this debate. here is why..... When Baby Jac was 8 weeks old he went to the ER for coughing fits, so hard and long in duration that he would turn...
  4. mimimama5

    Mama Grizzly spreading her legs doing yoga

    I got a virus wrning on this link? Norton shut it down
  5. mimimama5

    GUILTY OK - Hunter Warner, 3 mos, suffocated, Tulsa, 20 Aug 2010

    I simply cannot understand the heartlessness it takes to put the little angel in his bassinet and walk out the door!!!!! She didnt even call for help, nothing!!!! I am so disgusted. If it was poor parenting ok, some new mothers dont have the skills. She deliberately tied a blanket to a newborns...
  6. mimimama5

    Does Skyline school bear any responsibility?

    It is my understanding that Skyline had a policy in place that required a written note to take a child out to a doctors that correct?:waitasec: If that is the policy, then a verbal, across the room situation should not have been enough to release Kyron to TH. JMO
  7. mimimama5

    Family reunited with dog stolen 7 years ago

    Amazing! Dogs are incredibly loyal souls. I wish everyone who has abandoned, dumped, or otherwise pawned off a dog would read this story. They do remember you, they do wait for you, they do love you until the end of their days, whether you deserve it or not. I can't imagine losing one of my best...
  8. mimimama5

    GUILTY MO - Edward Bagley & others for keeping teen as sex slave for 8 years, Lebanon, 2009

    My prayers are with this woman, may she heal somehow! One of these monsters lives very close to my little town, which makes this all too real for me. I just cannot imagine this happening, no matter how much I read here, some lunatic always comes up with a new more vile idea of torture and disgust!
  9. mimimama5

    The Joy of Animals

    awwww, that was the definition of cute! Even hubs had to come in and watch, and he was just as tickled. He of course followed that up with " no Love, you cannot have a moose". He knows me too well ;)
  10. mimimama5

    Could this be how the world ends in 2012?

    I do think we may be in for some changes, and change is constantly occuring on our planet. I truly think the Mayans ran out of room on their calendar, or thought they had charted enough, and decided to end it with 2012 and this great change in the astronomy. I'm still happy I live in the middle...
  11. mimimama5

    Light a Candle by Your Computer Tonight

    Hey baby girl! Just wanted to say hello, and tell you that I still come to your forum everyday and spend a little time with "my Caylee". I think it says so much that so many folks are doing it everyday. You are so loved!
  12. mimimama5

    Does Skyline school bear any responsibility?

    Well that would help the case if she had indeed signed Kyron out. At the very least LE would KNOW who he left with, and at what time he had left! Those are crucial pieces of information as to his current whereabouts. If this signout took place, Im willing to put money on TH would be in custody...
  13. mimimama5

    Screwed Until The Very End

    I so agree with you Annmarie! Ive been telling my family forever, please do not bury me. I dont need all that space. I have my own plot purchased, but it is because I didnt want my son to have "neighbors". So we purchased a few adjacent plots to prevent him from being overcrowded by stangers. I...
  14. mimimama5

    Does Skyline school bear any responsibility?

    alright, Ive read this whole thread before offering my two cents. I do feel that the school is partially responsible. At this time, we cannot prove who took Kyron, or when he was taken. If it was TH, what makes the school any less responsible because she was known to the child?! If it was a...
  15. mimimama5

    TN - Girl, 3, left brain damaged after beating, mom's BF charged, 29 Aug 2010

    I'm trying, but I just can't understand the level of anger these perps get to with children. I just dont see how pushing tv buttons can be the trigger for abuse... preschoolers are inquisitive. Its the best part about raising them! They want to see and touch and check everything out. They are...
  16. mimimama5

    KS - Extremely Dangerous Sex Offender Escapes

    I live close to Kansas, in the neighboring state. This is football season, so many boys are out at practice, or just playing outside. This is terrifying! Thank you for the heads up. Someone seriously dropped the ball watching this man! Im thankful that KS has civil commitment in place for...
  17. mimimama5

    2010.08.30 - Status Hearing

    JB giving his list of depo schedules, even though he claimed work product and the judge didnt want it!
  18. mimimama5

    Need to Discuss a Wikipedia Article: Human Experimentation

    very interesting article Sunnie. I know as a society, we almost all question the secrecy of our government, and the CIA. This article can be viewed as either a conspiracy theory, or the "real " truth, something that the American public is often not privy to. I do not vaccinate my children, not...
  19. mimimama5

    Infant critical after attack by pit bull ...

    I appreciate everyone contributing here, I do think those who suggest that its a prey driven instinct have it correct. I believe responsible ownership along with good training, of both children and dogs goes a long way. I don't believe pitbulls, chows, shepherds or rottweilers to be killer dogs...
  20. mimimama5

    2010.08.09 - Caylee's 5th Birthday

    sweet girl, I can't believe it, 5 already! The time goes too quickly, and yet too slowly all the same. I think I know how heaven works little one, and I'm certain your birthday is an occasion to be celebrated! I just know the angels will be singing and helping you unwrap the biggest best...

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