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DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
  1. Snaz

    We DO have Coyotes in Fla!

    To be fair... and without going back and re-listening to what Jeff said... I think he said something to the effect of "We are not blessed with coyotes here." Maybe he was referring to the Orlando area and not the whole State of Florida. I live in North Central/Central Florida and have for over...
  2. Snaz

    2011.06.22 TRIAL Day Twenty-five (Morning Session)

    During one of the hearings, the defense tried to insinuate the chloroform could have come from the chlorine in Caylee's bathing suit, which was thrown into the trunk after having been swimming at Tony's apartment pool. Cindy stated in one of her depos that they did not use chlorine items in...
  3. Snaz

    2011.06.21 TRIAL Day Twenty-four (Afternoon Session)

    Respectfully BBM Thanks to people like Casey Anthony.
  4. Snaz

    2011.06.18 TRIAL Day Twenty-two (Morning Session Only)

    RichardHornsby Richard Hornsby #CaseyAnthony Defense Case-in-Chief Scorecard: Jeff Ashton - 3, Defense Team - 0.
  5. Snaz

    2011.06.18 TRIAL Day Twenty-two (Morning Session Only)

    I hope the jury can see how deliberately evasive and misleading Dr. Spitz is being!
  6. Snaz

    2011.06.18 TRIAL Day Twenty-two (Morning Session Only)

    RichardHornsby Richard Hornsby Jeff is now giving the #CaseyAnthony defense a lesson on the use of Learned Treatises.
  7. Snaz

    2011.06.18 TRIAL Day Twenty-two (Morning Session Only)

    RichardHornsby Richard Hornsby #CaseyAnthony Spitz is about to get backhanded with his own book, not good, not good at all.
  8. Snaz

    2011.06.18 TRIAL Day Twenty-two (Morning Session Only)

    RichardHornsby Richard Hornsby This is not good for #CaseyAnthony defense, Dr. Spitz is basically admitting not aware of facts other than what Baez provided!?
  9. Snaz

    2011.06.18 TRIAL Day Twenty-two (Morning Session Only)

    Dr. Spitz may have been practicing forensic pathology for 56 years, but if I was a juror on this case, his opinion would appear "bought" to me.
  10. Snaz

    2011.06.18 TRIAL Day Twenty-two (Morning Session Only)

    Here's what I'm having trouble with. There was ZERO DNA on the duct tape (excluding the FBi lady who inadvertantly got some of hers on it). That means there wasn't even any DNA from the person who originally tore that tape from it's roll..... why doesn't anyone ever mention that? It was...
  11. Snaz

    2011.06.18 TRIAL Day Twenty-two (Morning Session Only)

    OMG!! I want to scream! Does no one on this defense, including their witnesses, recognize that there was NO sticky left on the duct tape?! It was disintegrated!! Hopefully, Ashton will clear this up on cross... or in their rebuttal case. Geeze, he put duct tape on his arm and got hairs on...
  12. Snaz

    2011.06.18 TRIAL Day Twenty-two (Morning Session Only)

    I DESPISE the good ole' boy banter Mason always pulls with HHJP. And HHJP always seems to "fall" for it!
  13. Snaz

    2011.06.18 TRIAL Day Twenty-two (Morning Session Only)

    Could the guy speak any more monotone?? If he keeps that up, I believe he will lose the jury.
  14. Snaz

    2011.06.17 TRIAL Day Twenty-one (Morning Session)

    Please tell me Baez did not really say "live human cadavers"!!!
  15. Snaz

    2011.06.16 Sidebar Thread (Trial Day Twenty)

    BBM One of the tweets from media (I think it was Ashleigh Banfield) said she had spoken with 3 FBI employees today and they said the FBI pays for them to travel to trials. Assuming that is true, I guess BS didn't realize that. ETA: ABCAshleigh Ashleigh Banfield I talked 2 these last 3 FBI...
  16. Snaz

    2011.06.16 TRIAL Day Twenty (Morning Session)

    Maybe I am just slow, but I am completely baffled as to how the lack of blood or other DNA being absent on items so degraded is helpful to the defense.... can someone help me, please?
  17. Snaz

    2011.06.16 TRIAL Day Twenty (Morning Session)

    HHJP seems to be a little impatient with JA today... and seems to be over ruling more objections than he is sustaining.
  18. Snaz

    2011.06.16 TRIAL Day Twenty (Morning Session)

    This witness, Heather Seubert, reminds me of actress Kate Jackson.
  19. Snaz

    2011.06.15 TRIAL Day Nineteen (Morning Session)

    Mason keeps yapping on and on about no evidence ICA ever mistreated her daughter..... where is the evidence that George ever mistreated Caylee??????
  20. Snaz

    2011.06.10 TRIAL Day Fifteen (Afternoon Session)

    But weren't there THREE pieces of duct tape over the mouth area? Do you think Ashton is waiting to bring that point home in re-direct?

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