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  1. Just the Fax

    Breaking News/State files Brief Today in Young Case.10/20/14

    Based on facts, not speculation. 1- Blackman submitted a motion, not a brief. 2- The state answers that motion by 2-4-15 3- the SC schedules and hears oral arguments
  2. Just the Fax

    Breaking News/State files Brief Today in Young Case.10/20/14

    I respectfully need to correct misinformation being posted as fact by another poster on this board. The state's response due 2/4/15 is simply a response to the motion for appropriate relief filed by JLY 12/26/14 .....(arguing JLY received ineffective assistance of trial counsel) There will be...
  3. Just the Fax

    Breaking News/State files Brief Today in Young Case.10/20/14

    Well, all we can really go on is the state's highest court decided to hear the state's appeal. According to many, this in it's self is extremely rare, as up to 95% of these unanimous CoA decisions appealed by the state are dismissed without any comment from the Supreme Court. I also find it...
  4. Just the Fax

    Breaking News/State files Brief Today in Young Case.10/20/14

    The 27 page motion JLY filed has not been published in the electronic document library (as of today). We know from published reports , one of the most common reasons defense attorney's file this motion is "violation of right to effective assistance of counsel" We also know this is in fact the...
  5. Just the Fax

    Breaking News/State files Brief Today in Young Case.10/20/14

    Hmmmm, very interesting. In addition to their appellate response, it seems JYL also filed a 27 page 'motion for appellate relief' , claiming he received "ineffective assistance of trial counsel". The Attorney General has asked for an extension to 2/5/15 to respond to this particular...
  6. Just the Fax

    Brad Cooper Pleads Guilty to 2nd Degree Murder of Nancy Cooper

    Biased? Really? Last I heard, Brad Cooper admitted - under oath to God- he in fact, murdered Nancy. Sounds like closure to me..............
  7. Just the Fax

    Brad Cooper Pleads Guilty to 2nd Degree Murder of Nancy Cooper

    Their father is a convicted -self admitted violent felon that said, in fact, he murdered their mom.I seriously doubt they will have any feelings other than hate, the older they get.
  8. Just the Fax

    Brad Cooper: Appeal info

    Off topic....kinda Kudos to Judge Fox. He was not about to let another wife killer possibly walk. A federal judge on Thursday denied a motion for a new trial for Jeffrey MacDonald
  9. Just the Fax

    Brad Cooper: Appeal info

    Excellent point! The criminal defense lawyer has spoken!!! Set the incarcerated killer free.
  10. Just the Fax

    Brad Cooper: Appeal info

    midpoint of deputy 'county' attorney is $133K ? Really? Wake County has assistant district attorneys and the most senior on staff makes a bit more than $120,000...
  11. Just the Fax

    Brad Cooper: Appeal info

    for a single indigent case? That is the more than a full time senior assistant DA makes in 2 years. A defense attorney saying his client is innocent is not exactly earthshattering news
  12. Just the Fax

    Brad Cooper: Appeal info

    3. "He is 100% sure the computer was tampered with and that Brad is absolutely innocent." Kurtz collected $233,116 from us taxpayers to tell the world his client was wrongly accused. Of course he is 100% sure Brad is "absolutely innocent" :laughing:
  13. Just the Fax

    Brad Cooper: Appeal info

    Not 2, but 3 convicted wife killers granted new trials. Michael Peterson has been out on bond for >2 years with no word on a new trial date....or even a plea deal.
  14. Just the Fax

    Brad Cooper: Appeal info

    I'm quite sure the defense can hire a 'hack' that can at least try to muddy the water on a windows system even log that clearly points to guilt. We'll see how smart these jurors are. Hopefully they will have at least some common sense and justice will prevail for the Nancy.
  15. Just the Fax

    Brad Cooper: Appeal info

    ......and then decided to dispose of it the day Nancy died? Round 2 should be a slam dunk for a 2nd guilty verdict.
  16. Just the Fax

    Brad Cooper: Appeal info

    Too bad it was discovered at the 11th hour by Cisco and not presented to the jury.With system logs, Mr Frye will prove the missing $11,000, 3825 router was in fact used by Brad when he said he was sound asleep. Wonder how the defense will attempt to counter this smoking gun? Maybe they will...
  17. Just the Fax

    Brad Cooper: Appeal info

    Torch and pitchfork? Sorry, I don't have either one.;) The prosecution is doing their job by seeking justice for Nancy Cooper and her family. If there was a "sham", it was the defense view of the computer evidence and their attempt to use publicity hungry,fake experts to twist and muddy...
  18. Just the Fax

    Brad Cooper: Appeal info

    Summer 2014 is my bet.
  19. Just the Fax

    Brad Cooper: Appeal info

    Actually, Central prison is a country club compared to the 11 floor Wake County Jail. Zero sunlight or fresh air has to take it's toll.
  20. Just the Fax

    Brad Cooper: Appeal info

    A criminal defense attorney is a criminal defense attorney. It makes no difference if they are paid by us taxpayers or by the criminal himself.

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