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  1. Marshmallow

    2011.07.22-25 HLN & FOX (Weekend) News Coverage - Caylee Anthony

    the thing about therapy is that it only helps when the person cooperates and wants help. I do not see Casey Anthony wanting help or cooperating with dealing with her obvious flaws and issues and behaviors that are bad. It will not work and I think most people know it.
  2. Marshmallow

    2011.07.22 George & Cindy Board Private Jet for Nassau Vacation

    the only person stating that Casey Anthony lost her daughter in a drowning is a known liar. there is no proof at all that Caylee Anthony died in an accidental drowning.
  3. Marshmallow

    2011.07.19 Casey Anthony possibly spotted back in Orlando

    in my opinion if she can give an interview, she can give a deposition.
  4. Marshmallow

    Casey to be given new name & moved to secret location. Where is Casey?

    the thing is, without her name Casey Marie Anthony, there is no fame. Without the fame, no payout, without the payout she's just an expense. She needs her name to make $$ for someone. Without it she's just another liar who doesn't like to work.
  5. Marshmallow

    What did we learn today 7-05-2011

    today I lost my faith in our justice system. today I learned that you can kill your child, smear other people for life, and then walk out to profit from your actions. today I am ashamed of our court system and will find it difficult to respect it again.
  6. Marshmallow

    Would you lie in court to save your child? CLOSED FOR REVIEW

    no because if I swear to tell the truth then I will tell it.
  7. Marshmallow

    2011.06.23 TRIAL Day Twenty-six (Afternoon Session)

    I'm pretty sure the Judge is well aware of it now. he must be livid
  8. Marshmallow

    2011.05.26 TRIAL Day Three (Morning Session) **READ FIRST POST PLEASE**

    but it usually makes sense or has a clear purpose.
  9. Marshmallow

    2011.05.26 TRIAL Day Three (Morning Session) **READ FIRST POST PLEASE**

    as I see it the problem with the defense saying there was no duct tape on gas can and that means George Anthony put it there is that it shows me that Casey wanted her trunk to reek of gas to cover any other smell.
  10. Marshmallow

    2011.05.25 Sidebar Thread

    I don't think Lee is as close to the family as we thought. I get the feeling he moved out and moved on years ago, tired of the draaaaamma that was his sister. I do not think he would jeopardize his future for Casey. These accusations will follow Lee and George forever. Who would let a child near...
  11. Marshmallow

    Has The Defense Changed Your Mind About ICA's Guilt?

    Another reason that makes me doubt the abuse accusation is that in her letters to the other inmate Casey said it was Lee that molested her and she was just begining to thing that maybe George might've too. Can that be used against these accusations, since Casey herself wrote those words?
  12. Marshmallow

    Has The Defense Changed Your Mind About ICA's Guilt?

    I don't think George has the man marbles to hie his feelings well enough to cover up like Mr Baez accused him of. Today the defense not only confirmed my belief that Casey killed Caylee, it also solidified that she would throw anyone and anything in to save her hide. Today Mr Baez blamed...
  13. Marshmallow

    Caylee Anthony Drowned In Family Pool Theory

    if Caylee had drowned I firmly believe that George would have called 911.
  14. Marshmallow

    2011.05.23. Nancy Grace.

    and what about lying to the tattoo guy while getting the alleged tribute?
  15. Marshmallow

    Anthonys May Sue Over Merchandise being Sold

    any money is some money so no, the Anthonys are not free and clear of profiting off Caylee's murder. I don't think Cindy Anthony is as hated as some think though and as with anyone else, including Casey, Cindy is responsible for her words and actions and she chose to say and do what she wanted...
  16. Marshmallow

    2011.05.02 Sidebar Thread

    I do agree. George has been the one we've all assumed will lose it but I think Casey got her morphing abilities from him. Her ability to pretend the obvious isn't real and to make a new reality that pleases her. Cindy doesn't seem to do that. Yes, she's lied a lot but she doesn't shift reality...
  17. Marshmallow

    Whoa! a new 48 Hours (April 16) Check out the trailer!

    they're trying to defuse the lying/nanny story before the trial so they can glide right over it as if it doesn't matter.
  18. Marshmallow

    Whoa! a new 48 Hours (April 16) Check out the trailer!

    I plan to thank 48 Hours for ensuring that the defense cannot cry about media bias and anti-defense press. The only part that saddens me is the lack of Caylee in their news stories/trailers. It's all Casey, Baez, et al. I often want to yell "why doesn't anyone remember Caylee, why isn't she the...
  19. Marshmallow

    Whoa! a new 48 Hours (April 16) Check out the trailer!

    I think this is only fair, it also eliminates Mr Baez's claims of media bias against Casey Anthony. I bet it brings some very interesting questions up for people to ask afterwards. Questions like: what did Mr Baez do with the original $ from the pics and videos Casey took out of the Anthony home...
  20. Marshmallow

    What was the smirk between CA & ICA at the hearing?

    I think during the Cindy, Lippman, Baez meeting, the one with no George, Cindy made her own ultimatum. I think when Mr Baez was outlining what he needed her to say/lie about, Cindy said she'd only play nice if he made Casey stop giving her the cold shoulder. I think Cindy and Casey are all about...

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