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DNA Solves
  1. Marshmallow

    Casey as "co-counsel" ...good strategy or no?

    she would've been better off sticking to the sexy librarian look she tried early on, her standing behind Mr Baez as he spoke...with her glasses and her white professional shirt was a much better fit than this new emotionless paralegal look. The only time she gets animated is when she first sees...
  2. Marshmallow

    2011.03.23 Frye Hearing - Afternoon portion

    colorforms are much more fun.
  3. Marshmallow

    Cindy is Unbelievable

    whenever I read those misinformed articles I keep one thing in mind ... wet duct tape doesn't stick. For the duct tape to be stuck like that it had to be put on dry.
  4. Marshmallow

    2011.03.02 Motions Hearing - #1 (AM)

    Cindy is angry. different tone for different sides, not good Cindy.
  5. Marshmallow

    2011.03.02 Motions Hearing - #1 (AM)

    lots of not recalling things by Mrs Anthony.
  6. Marshmallow

    2011.03.02 Motions Hearing - #1 (AM)

    she can't remember much but she knows what colors and uniforms the deputies were wearing.
  7. Marshmallow

    Public seating available for trial there will be a "ticketing" process!

    and I say "Ooh people are going to pay to see justice for Caylee everydayin court!" :)
  8. Marshmallow

    Will Casey Testify?

    no, she won't and that's going to be the pin that pops the defense's balloon. they're going to hint and suggest at an accident and they're going to try to blame anyone and everyone but without Casey's testimony all those things fall flat. And with her testimony she would seal her own fate...
  9. Marshmallow

    Local 6 Uncovers New Info in Anthony Case

    I wonder if Mr Piptone will be explaining who gave him these unrealsed documents, if any money/services/goods were exchanged for anything involving these reports, and why he alone was chosen to be a part of these unrealsed documents. my guess is he won't answer any of the above questions.
  10. Marshmallow

    Anne Pham and Kasper Jordan...defense witnesses?

    I sometimes wonder if some of these additions and motions aren't just grist for the whine mill. They don't think there's a chance they'll go through but they want to able to whine that they weren't.
  11. Marshmallow

    2011.02.04 - Status Hearing

    I'm pretty sure that when Mr Baez was born the doctor pulled him out, wiped him off and said "congratulations it's a boy and I think he's smirking at me" Thank you to all who are kind enough to tell us wat it happening. I cannot watch it with m granddaughter here so I rely on your helpfulness...
  12. Marshmallow

    Coincidence or Not? Please List!

    but their new atty issues a statement declaring their marriage to be fine.
  13. Marshmallow

    2011.01.28 Doc Release

    So LB wasn't just a volunteer with Equsearch, she also reported a sighting at Disney and actively emailed both the Anthonys and their atty? wow.
  14. Marshmallow

    How is the Defense Spending the Taxpayer's Money?

    back in 2008 (october?) did Mr Baez state that he had located someone who had a photo of Zanny, Casey, and Caylee all together? Maybe he can work with that negative first. :innocent:
  15. Marshmallow

    Is there any possibility of a Plea Deal on the Murder Charges?

    I agree and wanted to add: she will also be away from responsibility. No need to work, no need to live up to the pressures of equaling everyone else her age. She can spin her lies, become a new person according to who is in her cell block, she won't need to be a working, normail adult woman...
  16. Marshmallow

    2011.01.14 Hearing: Jury Selection Expected To Be Main Topic

    if the State did cave in then it says to me that they also share the blame for the blatent disrespect in these courtrooms. Orders disregarded, insults flung, making a mockery of a Judge's orders and attempts to keep order. This is sad to see. A court of law used to be important, now it seems...
  17. Marshmallow

    2011.01.14 Hearing: Jury Selection Expected To Be Main Topic

    that hearing and what's preceded it this week has given me a bed taste about our legal system. it often makes me wonder if anyone takes it seriously and if it's normal to have officers of the court on the defense side be so drippinly disrespectful of the court, the State, and our laws. It...
  18. Marshmallow

    2011.01.06 Baez Slapped with Formal Sanction

    there masy have been talking between the State and the defense but the deliberate wording of the letter makes me think Mr Mason is trying to bully Mr Ashton into not cashing the check. It's too deliberately worded and Mr Mason knew it would be released, I think he wrote it with the release in...
  19. Marshmallow

    2011.01.06 Baez Slapped with Formal Sanction

    no, he refused to. the courthouse released it.
  20. Marshmallow

    2011.01.04 Defense Motion to Suppress Casey's Statements to LE

    thanks to Flitterfuzz @ IS for the memory jolt. This bit Baez gives at the begining of this clip. He pretty much refutes the recent motion to exclude Casey's statements. He never eludes to anything having to do with her being held and not free to leave.

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