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DNA Solves
  1. momtolil

    LA LA - Audrey Moate, 31, Laplace, 24 Nov 1956

    Yeah, I think she had one post post, very informative and the poof she was gone. I know we all had many questions for her. She claimed she was about to die. I do remember the short news video featuring her talking about giving DNA because she was very ill. (I know it was on this thread...
  2. momtolil

    Identified! CA - Huntington Beach, WhtFem 40UFCA, 18-30, poss name Andrea, Apr'90 - Andrea Kuiper

    I wonder how we could get in touch with him. Unfortunatly the mobile home park is no longer there. Most of the people who lived there were on the older side, if thats the case they would be very old by now. I'm assuming the police Dept. would be not willing to give any inforormation about...
  3. momtolil

    Identified! CA - Huntington Beach, WhtFem 40UFCA, 18-30, poss name Andrea, Apr'90 - Andrea Kuiper

    I'm no expert, but I have been reading this sight and looking at missing persons files long enough to realize that every police agency is different when it comes to the unidentified. I don't know why but it seems that some gather a lot of information such as jewlery, clothing, pictures and some...
  4. momtolil

    Identified! CA - Huntington Beach, WhtFem 40UFCA, 18-30, poss name Andrea, Apr'90 - Andrea Kuiper

    Your right.. I used to dye my hair black in high school. What a disaster. Dyed black hair is the worst and takes incredibly long to grow out. My hair is naturally very dark brown, so it wasn't always that noticible. Possibly it wasn't that noticible on Andrea either, if natural color was dark...
  5. momtolil

    Identified! CA - Huntington Beach, WhtFem 40UFCA, 18-30, poss name Andrea, Apr'90 - Andrea Kuiper

    I wonder if she had an adoptive family that did love her and wanted make it work and she left anyway. It seems to me that if she did have a caring adoptive family, they would have at some point looked for her.. If she was truly was an orphan and looking for her parents, there may not be anyone...
  6. momtolil

    Identified! CA - Huntington Beach, WhtFem 40UFCA, 18-30, poss name Andrea, Apr'90 - Andrea Kuiper

    Someone a few pages back on this thread was talking about the area where she was struck... Back in 1990 there wasn't really much around that area except fields an power plant and an old mobile home park with a small golf course, which is where she stayed the night before. I had a boyfriend...
  7. momtolil

    LA LA - Audrey Moate, 31, Laplace, 24 Nov 1956

    Oh OK. I the Unsolved Mysteries piece may have been wrong about their exact relation. I remember her daughter posting on here that one and only time mentioned that alot of it was incorrect. Still confusing though. Wow minnie lived a long life... Did you see an obituary? Is that why you know...
  8. momtolil

    Identified! CA - Huntington Beach, WhtFem 40UFCA, 18-30, poss name Andrea, Apr'90 - Andrea Kuiper

    Close to the beach would have been pretty cold even in April in Huntinton Beach; at least to the people who were born and raised here (we are wimps about cold weather). Maybe it's in the hi 50's or low 60's. Others on the other hand, like people from Seattle or back east would probably not find...
  9. momtolil

    LA LA - Audrey Moate, 31, Laplace, 24 Nov 1956

    OK. I'm trying to sort this out in my head. So the two older children went with their bio dad. My thoughts are that he most likely did not want to raise his ex-wifes love child with another man. But isn't the woman, Minnie Audrey's mother inlaw? I remember thinking that it was strange she...
  10. momtolil

    Identified! CA - Huntington Beach, WhtFem 40UFCA, 18-30, poss name Andrea, Apr'90 - Andrea Kuiper

    At first after looking at the picture of Cynthia I thought that there was no way she was a match. The picture just looked like someone much older.Our Andrea seems to have such a youthful look Than I realized the the age matched up well. So possibly worth a look. I don't remember, Did they...
  11. momtolil

    Identified! CA - Huntington Beach, WhtFem 40UFCA, 18-30, poss name Andrea, Apr'90 - Andrea Kuiper

    Yes! you have a great way of sucking someone into your story. (Very descriptive and caring at the same time) I find myself intriqued. Even if she's not the UID, I just find myself wanting to know more about your mystery girl. I kind of don't want her to be our girl because I would love to...
  12. momtolil

    Identified! CA - Huntington Beach, WhtFem 40UFCA, 18-30, poss name Andrea, Apr'90 - Andrea Kuiper

    I agree that it is wonderful that MontanaMan has been reunited with an old friend and they are able to be of support for each other. It just goes to show you that when you least expect it, someone from your past can re-enter your life and make it so much better. I am so happy that whether or...
  13. momtolil

    Identified! CA - Huntington Beach, WhtFem 40UFCA, 18-30, poss name Andrea, Apr'90 - Andrea Kuiper

    Great article. Thanks for finding it. Would it be possible to contact Detective Luckey and see what he thinks of our search and the new picture? I wish the article had mentioned the Orange County residents that spent some time with her during her last days. Are their names available to...
  14. momtolil

    AZ AZ - Glen Hyde, 29, & Bessie Haley, 23, 15 Nov 1928

    I remember being intriqued by this case as well. I know this is out ther and since I haven't re-read the case it may have been discussed but, could it be possible that this person may be Bessie? Could she have gotten out of a bad situation and changed her identity?
  15. momtolil

    Identified! CA - Huntington Beach, WhtFem 40UFCA, 18-30, poss name Andrea, Apr'90 - Andrea Kuiper

    Not that this helps much but... I remember that place. It was called the golden Bear, right on the corner of Main street and PCH. I believe it was around since the 20's. It was torn in 1986. I was to young to go there, but it seemed that all th cool people went there and my parents were...
  16. momtolil

    Identified! CA - Huntington Beach, WhtFem 40UFCA, 18-30, poss name Andrea, Apr'90 - Andrea Kuiper

    Thanks for posting the page about the Batcave and the whole scene. It really does give a good picture of what it was like. I grew up not far from where "Andrea" was found in Huntington Beach. I do remember seeing people dressed like that in the downtown area in the early eighties. I was very...
  17. momtolil

    LA LA - Audrey Moate, 31, Laplace, 24 Nov 1956

    Just a thought... The child was so young.. Maybe she was adopted out. Perhaps a closed adoption? She would have so young that she possibly remembers nothing of her birth family.
  18. momtolil

    OK OK - Sharon Marshall, 20, multiple aliases, OKC, 1990 - ID'd as Suzanne Sevakis - #5

    I have been following this case for years and for some reason I thought Sheri-Lynn was eliminated by dna. I'm sorry I just dont see any resemblance between the two girls. Doesn't Sheri-Lynn have brown hair and brown eyes? Completely different bone structure in my opinion.... Who know I could...
  19. momtolil

    NY NY - Alice Parsons: Heiress, Long Island, 1937

    Everyone is doing such a great job of sleuthing. I don't know how you all do it. But I'm just wondering... Could the name Ravi come from Roy's wife's side of the family? Or maybe because they are both artists they just decided to give their son an artsy different kind of name? Just a thought. :)
  20. momtolil

    NY NY - Alice Parsons: Heiress, Long Island, 1937

    Yay... I'm so happy this is the featured case. I would love to read more more. I wish Roy's wife was willing to give up a little more information. .

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