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  1. mrye4709

    Searches for Lisa

    It would be amazing if the sighting really was her!! I'm so far behind in reading, I've had my little butterbean here all day and it's hard to put her down, lol. I just don't see how anyone could hurt any baby, especially their own.
  2. mrye4709

    Searches for Lisa Irwin/ merged thread

    I'm behind in reading, but can somone tell me if anything else has been mentioned about the abandoned house with the luvs diapers in it? I'm wondering if they have tested those diapers, just in case. In an interview where the reporter was out on the back deck of JI's house and showed in the...
  3. mrye4709

    Interviews 10/17/2011 All interviews #2

    I would agree with you, if it weren't for the them changing their opinion of the screen. In the interview today they both said absolutely they thought someone came in the window. In an earlier interview they both said no one could come through that window. I was on the parents side, I honestly...
  4. mrye4709

    Interviews Lisa's Parents Good Morning America, Fox, The Today Show 10/17/2011 #2

    Yes, I was wondering why she was saying that. Not sure why she needed to make that point. She was talking about not wanting to live in that house again, saying she wanted Lisa's stuff. Said she had Barney and something else and the pack and play was at this other house. :waitasec:
  5. mrye4709

    Interviews Lisa's Parents Good Morning America, Fox, The Today Show 10/17/2011 #2

    I have been on the parents side of the fence, but I must say after all of this today I not only climbed the fence, I fell over it. UNBELIEVABLE!! I am wondering if anyone else thinks they have been reading here? I know it was discussed about her possilby drinking the wine and not remembering...
  6. mrye4709

    Searches for Lisa Irwin/ merged thread

    Both. Any metal can be detected with them. Cheap ones will just beep, but expensive ones can tell the difference and depth of any metal and have all kinds of guages and knobs on them My hubby does this for a hobby, I don't know alot about them other than that.
  7. mrye4709

    2011.10.15 Diapers and Backpack found #2

    I'm not understanding why people are saying that if Lisa's diapers were one brand and these were another or the wrong size then it is an indication that these couldn't be hers. I'm not saying they are hers, but IF someone took her they would probably buy diapers and may not know the correct...
  8. mrye4709

    2011.10.15 Diapers and Backpack found #2

    IMO, LE should have already known there was diapers and stuff in that house. I don't care if they think it was the parents or an intruder, that house should have already been searched, it's not that far away. Are they wanting someone to just tell them where Lisa is?
  9. mrye4709

    Diapers-backpack found/Jersey arrested(unrelated charges) 10-15-11 DEVELOPING STORIES

    WTH? 4 blks is just outside of the scope. I'm not so sure about this investigation and have kept my thoughts to myself (i'll continue to do so)
  10. mrye4709

    Diapers-backpack found/Jersey arrested(unrelated charges) 10-15-11 DEVELOPING STORIES

    Why is this one routine and the other abandoned house was never taped off?
  11. mrye4709

    Police Dispatch Tapes

    I don't guess I do, but seeing them do their thing with the "unidentified man" video I figured as much. It would be nice if the reporters would do a little fact checking before they jump in with "bombshells". Things like that are a matter of public records, it shouldn't be that hard for them to...
  12. mrye4709

    the car break in

    Media is really screwing with people, so so sad. They could be using their powers for good, yet they seem to be just trying to come up with the best breaking news. Makes me mad for the parents, and people wonder why they aren't coming out in public.
  13. mrye4709

    Police Dispatch Tapes

    Indamiddle just posted in the car breakin thread that it was indeed mid august. The media is doing this intentionally, IMO.
  14. mrye4709

    Police Dispatch Tapes

    I'm wondering if this is just the car theft and the media is doing it's thing again. Maybe the LE on the tape meant JI was a party in the larceny and media is using it this way to get themselves more attention since there is very little being told to them right now. Even if JI said the car break...
  15. mrye4709

    Lisa Irwin Disappearance - Thoughts and Theories ONLY!

    As far as the shorts thing, i'm puzzled. My granddaughter (one I took care of daily/nightly from 9 mths to 4 yrs) had many sets of pjs that were shirt/shorts. I never even thought about it, I would change her and put her shorts back on. I didn't realize that wasn't smart, they were really cute...
  16. mrye4709

    14 october 2011 press conference

    Maybe it's in the benefactor's savings acct or a cd or something to where they can access it if/when Lisa is found or there is a conviction. :waitasec:
  17. mrye4709

    Lisa Irwin Disappearance - Thoughts and Theories ONLY!

    I see no indication that she was neglected. I know people can snap, but I just can't see that in this case. 1. Both bio parents, no step as in alot of the cases. 2. The videos show great interaction between mom and baby. 3. Alot of family around, so good support system. 4. SAHM, so...
  18. mrye4709

    Lisa Irwin Disappearance - Thoughts and Theories ONLY!

    BBM When my kids were babies I went to bed and slept until I heard them, 1 hr or 8 hrs. It's not like someone goes to bed and sets an alarm to get up and check on their baby, there are exceptions to that of course (preemies and other health conditions). If baby Lisa had been sick mom may have...
  19. mrye4709

    Lisa Irwin Disappearance - Thoughts and Theories ONLY!

    I get Amber alerts on my phone for OK, MO and TX and I never got the alert for Lisa. I was wondering what was wrong, but I have gotten 3 since hers and 2 of them were in MO. :waitasec:
  20. mrye4709

    Lisa Irwin Disappearance - Thoughts and Theories ONLY!

    It's very interesting reading here and comments on fb and news sites. I have never been the best housekeeper, have picked up things at the store for people other than myself and had more than one transaction, I don't have perfect credit, have left my doors unlocked, wouldn't stay in the...

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