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DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
  1. S

    JDI - A Possible Prosecution?

    I have no idea what happened in the R's house that night, I do however have more than my share of theories. I find it hard to believe that JR, if he was guilty of molesting JonBenet over a long period of time, would still have been satisfied with digital stimulation. We know, from LHP that...
  2. S

    Boulder Grand Jury Voted To Indict-Boulder Dailey Camera

    The radio show tonight was great!! Thank you Chief Kolar, Tricia, Bob C., Cynic, Cherokee, KoldKase (love the accent), Wengr, Kimster and I love to Bend Pages. One question I really wanted to ask was of Chief Kolar. If he were to publish his book today, would he have made any changes based...
  3. S

    Who molested/abused Jonbenet?

    I knew about French, but I also thought FW looked in the wine cellar earlier in the day. That would prove that someone moved JonBenet there at a later time. (Someone I believe to be JR). It may be that when French wandered past the locked door, JonBenet wasn't yet present in the room...
  4. S

    Who molested/abused Jonbenet?

    Which brings up another question or two in my mind. Where was JR during his disappearing act at 11 and wasn't the wine cellar searched the first time with the basement?
  5. S

    The ransom note & Patsy Ramsey, letter by letter.

    I totally agree, 100% with your first paragraph. What I can not understand, is how paragraph 1, leads you to paragraph 2. Makes no sense. Facts to back up your theory in paragraph two please. As for the rest of your post, you have to prove there were intruders first.
  6. S

    Ramsey Home Electronic Surveillance!

    The Ramey team should have been interested in 'knowing what they know.' Problem is, they went beyond obtaining knowledge, hiding evidence and used 'contrivances' and muscle that not only 'helped the truth along', but obscured much of the possibility of finding the truth that did exist on either...
  7. S

    Lacy lied to the Supreme Court & we can now request the Ramsey Grand Jury files!

    Awaiting the snowball effect!! Cynic, I am a long time fan, as your brillance dazzles me!!
  8. S

    Boulder Grand Jury Voted To Indict-Boulder Dailey Camera

    Thank you for this gem!!! Looking forward to tomorrow night! Cynic, once again you have dazzled me! I am looking forward to this being explored more thoroughly. The thread At FFJ is a wealth of information and can give us some hope that a snowball effect might occur!! I hope this will be...
  9. S

    The "war",what was it all about

    For those that have not read FW's letter: Found this interesting as I re-read the letter: The May 6, 1998 issue of the Colorado Journal, a publication for the legal community, presented an article flattering to Alex Hunter entitled "D.A...
  10. S

    The "war",what was it all about

    For a couple who were 'friends, but not close', they certainly got REALLY close, really fast. Did the Steins have any other children? I think the Whites had a son and daughter. Does anyone know where the Steins are now or what they are doing? I think that they know the entire story. F and...
  11. S

    Questions I Have Not Found Answers To

    Sorry, don't know about the windows, however, the pink top on the bed has been reported to be the pink pj top JonBenet wore Christmas morning. PR said they would keep the pajamas underneath the pillow during the day. Odd thing however, it is not known if the pink pajama bottoms were ever found...
  12. S

    Ramsey Home Electronic Surveillance!

    This is something I would like opinions about. Does everyone believe this was something done by the Ramsey lawyers, or something that had been in place previously? A. James Kolar Foreign Faction Page 132 - 133 Not long after arriving in the home, investigators noted something unusual...
  13. S

    The "war",what was it all about

    You answered your own question about primary transfer in this post. PR stated she had NEVER worn that sweater while painting, or when she had been in the basement. Never is a strong word, imho. So, you have duct tape, found in the basement, a piece on JonBenets mouth, pulled off by JR...
  14. S

    Shootin' from the Lip--Part One

    Mt copy is on the way. I was hoping to stir up local interest in the book!! I have been reading excerpts on FFJ and am anxiously awaiting my copy. Thanks!!
  15. S

    Shootin' from the Lip--Part One

    Hmmm, that made me think. I think I will call the local book stores here tomorrow and ask if they have Kolar's book and if not, ask when they will be getting copies in. ;-)
  16. S

    IN - Convicted killer serving 60 years mistakenly released in Chicago

    At a time in our society, when prisoners seem to have more rights than victims, lawyers make plea bargain deals that keep their clients out of jail or serving short sentences for heinous crimes, it is more than a shame, that a convicted criminal, with many years left to serve, is erroneously...
  17. S

    10 years after the Columbia disaster: doomed crew not told of disaster awaiting them

    But for the grace of God go I. I have heard this expression often, but never have I felt the true extent of this expression until reading this story. What a burden sits upon the shoulders of those involved.
  18. S

    Was Burke involved?

    1) I think that what may have started as exploration and 'playing Doctor' on BR and JonBenets part, at some time became a more intense 'game' of sexual exploration. If I remember correctly, when LHP walked in on the children, it was not immediately near the time of JonBenet's death. Things...

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