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  1. P

    Post sentencing discussion

    Not difficult at all. I’m working at a more down-to-earth end of the glittering/glamorous fashion industry, i.e. more technically part like trying to make the garments fit to various body shapes (kind of mission impossible, but still give it a try ). Most of manufacturing taking place in...
  2. P

    Post sentencing discussion

    aaaahhh, how can one ever explain why 2 people on different sides of the globe are laughing about the same thing . . . I'm lost . . .do you want me to find the post about gender again ???? Please just enjoy - as I do myself :martini:
  3. P

    Post sentencing discussion

    s/b = should be, it's a very common abbreviation I use in my daily communication with colleagues in several countries, mainly Asian
  4. P

    Post sentencing discussion

    aarggghhh, GOSH - NO !!!! - I was refering to a post about our ' dear' Annette Vergeer . . . very sorry if any confusion caused :o
  5. P

    Post sentencing discussion

    Don't worry, we are all a bit excited today, no ?? :skip:
  6. P

    Post sentencing discussion

    I think she was wrong in so many ways, a disgrace to her profession too ( and all her colleagues doing good work ! ). She s/b moved to some other position where she won't be able to cause so much harm. I saw on her FB page she has 2 daughters, probably raised all by herself - otherwise I'd be...
  7. P

    Post sentencing discussion

    Exactly, and this - combined with other unpleasant attitudes - was adding constantly to my distaste for the whole family, to an extent where I don't know how much rubbed off on OP . . . though he has his own pretty share of it, just by his own doing and behaviour.
  8. P

    Post sentencing discussion

  9. P

    Post sentencing discussion

    Dear Colonel/la* Mustard, Love ALL your posts of today :loveyou: . . . you're really hitting the mark . . . *that post about gender of forum members was so much fun too
  10. P

    Post sentencing discussion

    hmm, wasn't there something about a story planned to be published by one of these Magazines like "YOU", "Juice", or whatever they are ???
  11. P

    Post sentencing discussion

    I'm worried - WTH do you mean by the BIB ????
  12. P

    Post sentencing discussion

    You are right I also remember reading about that point some time ago, i.e. right of state to appeal on questions of fact. SA law commission worked on it, suggestions for changes on law were implemented subsequently in many countries, referring to suggestion made by that said SA commission...
  13. P

    Post sentencing discussion

    agree with the PR interpretation, poor OP bla bla bla . . .though I feel it might not have been the perfect choice of time - not knowing an appeal would happen/not happen, in which they well will need Roux But I don't pity them tooooo much :biggrin:
  14. P

    Post sentencing discussion

    yep, challenging thought - but too many twists and turns and too uncontrollable for JM from my POV
  15. P

    Post sentencing discussion

    Hi and thanks to all the posters making me learn that Wollworths in other parts of the world is something VERY different from what it is and seen as in Germany :-) See ya later hopefully
  16. P

    Post sentencing discussion

    An interesting view on the case. What if roles had been switched ?
  17. P

    Post sentencing discussion

    To be honest I’ve a bit of mixed feelings about ANCWL role in this whole case. Appreciate their support for Reeva and agree the case is important beyond this single trial . . . . but . . I don’t know what would be their role/influence in the process acting as “a friend of...
  18. P

    Post sentencing discussion

    Just would like to add 2 points to yr excellent summary - posession of firearm needs to be claryfied as well - he pointed out it's not related to a single person involved (reading in my view as not meant to "attack" on the person of OP)
  19. P

    Post sentencing discussion

    For sure I am not expert on appeal process . . IIRC the far better posters around here, he will need a lawyer to present arguments against appeal. Some cases are dealt with just based on court transcripts and docs of all evidence, photos, expert reports etc. But in some cases there is a hearing...
  20. P

    Post sentencing discussion

    As I understood she has to be adressed for leave to appeal, but if rejected state can go to Supreme Court directly (as IB wrote above) I rely on Prof Grant, he will explain all the details to us :-)

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