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DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
  1. M

    new questions?

    One of my questions has always been....did they test the cigarette butts gathered outside for DNA? Especially if it matched the DNA found on JBR....or any potential suspects (like Helgoth) where they had their DNA. "If" the perp(s) smoked, the odds are he may have smoked outside the window..or...
  2. M

    JonBenet – 15 years later

    Burke at this point wouldn't add anything over what he said during his interviews right after the murder. He doesn't know what happened. They know who did the murder---they have the DNA---they just haven't matched it. That's the only way this case will be solved, unless there is a...
  3. M

    new questions?

    As far as being a match, I think that's another Steve Thomas urban legend. What did they do a DNA test on pineapple? She could have had that at the White's. The odds are there was fruit there, and pineapple wouldn't have been unusual. IMO, there was much ado about nothing as far as the...
  4. M

    A thought occurs...

    Michael Blaggs---that was a different one....there was little evidence and his daughter was never found. He didn't appear to be a very sympathetic suspect. Perhaps if he had high powered attorneys he could have gotten off.
  5. M

    A thought occurs...

    I think you might mean Gerald Boggs? The case was mostly circumstantial although the marriage to Boggs was her 8th marriage, and her son testified that she had told him her boyfriend killed him. He was zapped with a stun gun, and although the medical examiner missed it at first, when they...
  6. M

    A thought occurs...

    The case would have gone forward if there was evidence. This wasn't a case where circumstantial evidence would be enough. Alex Hunter told the police bring me a case. The dry run the police put on was laughable. Scheck was one of the police depts. expert witnesses---no way he would support...
  7. M

    A thought occurs...

    The DNA was a problem........several on the Grand Jury had scientific backgrounds. If the Ramseys had been tried, double jeopardy would have come into play, and if new evidence was found, they couldn't be tried again. Most of the police case, when they did their dry run was circumstantial...
  8. M

    Poll: Will you buy Mark Furhman's New Book in which he identifies who killed JBR?

    I don't believe much of what ST says---he exagerates. I'd say the l0 percent is what might have been kept from the public. Yes, wolf hairs were definitely found---I'll try to find a reference....and Helgoth had wolf dogs---yes they are a hybrid.
  9. M

    Poll: Will you buy Mark Furhman's New Book in which he identifies who killed JBR?

    You're correct.....not much ever came out about the one beaver hair found. They line gloves with beaver fur.....nothing ever came out about Patsy owning beaver hair boots. One hair could have been a secondary transfer. I haven't seen anything about the paintbrushes either. Wolf dog hairs...
  10. M

    Poll: Will you buy Mark Furhman's New Book in which he identifies who killed JBR?

    Sorry again..I haven't looked in here for a while. The panel discussion was sooo long ago. It was led by a woman that use to be a judge---Rikki something? Don't remember her name. It was an anti-Ramsey panel......I don't remember specifics, except Fuhrman commented on Patsy's beaver hair...
  11. M

    Poll: Will you buy Mark Furhman's New Book in which he identifies who killed JBR?

    Sorry, I haven't looked in for a while. No...I didn't read Fuhrman's book---is it out? When I saw him on Fox (years ago) in a panel discussion, he was uninformed. I do know Steve Thomas said he talked to Fuhrman at some point. Other than that, Fuhrman seemed to stay away from this...
  12. M

    The “Undoing” of the Ramseys.

    I love Ressler....he was involved in a case in Europe---serial child killer who also sexually assaulted most of his victims---male and female. Ressler used linkage analysis to track him down. This may be neither her nor there, but the room JBR was found in also contained a floor safe. I...
  13. M

    John Ramsey ReMarries!

    Wow....he still has it in him to get a glitzy, younger woman. The two marriages and bankruptcies would make me nervous....but I'm sure with his connections he can only help her career. I hope the rest of his life is happy and peaceful. I always thought the Charlevoix connection with the...
  14. M

    Poll: Will you buy Mark Furhman's New Book in which he identifies who killed JBR?

    Does Furhman say just how much contact he had with Steve Thomas, while Steve Thomas was still part of the ongoing investigation? IMO, ST wanted to copy Furhman, including getting contracts with the Media, "if" the Ramseys had been indicted. He had a contract with one of the major TV...
  15. M

    Watching the KC Anthony trial yesterday made me think of Patsy...

    When the case got to the Grand Jury, because of pressure on the Governor, the DNA was a BIG problem. Sometimes Grand Juries are used to predict how the case will play out in court. Hunter knew from the start that the Grand Jury was a waste of time, and charging on mostly circumstantial...
  16. M

    Watching the KC Anthony trial yesterday made me think of Patsy...

    Alex Hunter was right in not arresting the Ramseys......he knew double jeopardy would attach, and there was no motive, no evidence tying the Ramseys to the crime. The circumstantial case wouldn't fly. Alan Dershowitz mentioned yesterday that in high profile cases such as Casey Anthony.....good...
  17. M

    A problem with a common IDI theory

    There is evidence the intruder came in through the broken window---the leaves were disrupted...there was a noodle in the wine room. He knew it was safe to go out the same way he came in----and couldn't be sure the alarm system wasn't armed. The system wasn't armed---it's possible there was...
  18. M

    Possible NEW Suspects In JonBenet Ramsey Case?

    The similarities just show that there's some kind of contact with the victims....a mentally unbalanced person gets and idea.....and they luck out that they get away with it. I don't think the Ramsey case is so complicated. There was the article in the paper a few days before on the lst page of...
  19. M

    A problem with a common IDI theory

    Good points about revenge and they didn't mention JBR's name...I don't think they knew it...but they said John several times. There is proof on an intruder---they have his DNA---they just don't have the name connected with it (yet).
  20. M

    Would the Ramseys have left the house if JonBenet was never found?

    Golly's entirely possible JR was in shock when he made the phone call to the pilot......and not thinking straight.

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