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  1. L

    Darlie Routier's Trial Transcripts

    I went to access the transcripts and saw the note that vols. 2 and 27 contain the indexes only those volumes are missing. Arggh!
  2. L

    NY - Ted Ammon, 52, murdered in his East Hampton home, 20 Oct 2001

    "They have no DNA, no prints, no witnesses at all..." Danny Pelosi is predicting he will be home by Christmas.
  3. L

    NY - Ted Ammon, 52, murdered in his East Hampton home, 20 Oct 2001 PELOSI SPEWS TO NEWS BY ROBERT GEARTY and BILL HUTCHINSON DAILY NEWS STAFF WRITERS Jennifer Zolnowski leaves L.I. courthouse after prosecution rested its case yesterday against her fiancé, Danny...
  4. L

    Darlie Routiers Website!!

    Dani, I get an error message when I try to click on those links.
  5. L

    Innocent vs. Guilty

    Shamrock: Why didn't the Routier dog, Domain, a very feisty yappy dog who is said to go nuts if a stranger enters the house, bark that night? Why would an intruder use a knife from the kitchen?
  6. L

    The Investigators CTV on Darlie 23 Nov.

    Jeana, please---- come back!!
  7. L

    The Investigators CTV on Darlie 23 Nov.

    "For 2 yrs Judge Robert Francis had presided over hearings on the transcript issue..." The appellate atty was to present evidence of Halsey's saying that she thought Darlie did it and that would show bias. Francis cancelled the hearing. "Why-- no one really knows....It's now in the hands of the...
  8. L

    The Investigators CTV on Darlie 23 Nov.

    Darlie: "I did not kill my children. I stand strong in that and I can look you in the eye...because I didn't do it. The evidence shows this. There's overwhelming evidence that proves my innocence. They continue to ignore it." "Darlie Routier's life is confined within these walls at Mountain...
  9. L

    NY - Ted Ammon, 52, murdered in his East Hampton home, 20 Oct 2001,0,2828577.story?coll=ny-topstories-headlines Prosecution rests in Pelosi case BY ROBIN TOPPING STAFF WRITER November 24, 2004, 9:33 PM EST Theodore Ammon was repeatedly zapped with a stun gun and the killer...
  10. L

    The Investigators CTV on Darlie 23 Nov.

    "In Texas there is no such thing as life in prison w/o parole so the DP is the only guarantee that she won't get out." same Routier juror: "Nobody wants a person who killed 2 boys out on the street...after 20, 30 years..." "But the case continues to intrigue the public, today you can log onto...
  11. L

    The Investigators CTV on Darlie 23 Nov.

    "Outside the courtroom both sides played to the media and sometimes it got nasty." vidoe clip of Cron speaking to the camera saying "It shows there was no intruder." Off camera a female voice says: "That's a lie and you know it." Cron: Do I have to interview in front of this trailer trash over...
  12. L

    The Investigators CTV on Darlie 23 Nov.

    Richard Mosty, Routier defense atty: I think Mr. Cron missed his calling. He should have been a psychic reader. He was out there 20 mins and had the case solved. Doesn't have a fingerprint, hadn't talked to anybody, hadn't seen any of the evidence. "Lab tests revealed another kitchen knife...
  13. L

    The Investigators CTV on Darlie 23 Nov.

    more home movies. very sad Jeff Crilley, Fox 4 tv reporter: It's like our own Susan Smith. "We couldn't do enough Darlie stories." Off camera voice asks: What do you think happened that night? Darin: I think we have the prettiest house on the block. And I think I have the prettiest wife on...
  14. L

    The Investigators CTV on Darlie 23 Nov.

    It's already been on! I am transcribing it in segments. I typed up the last bunch and the PC froze up and lost all that typing! Dang! Sorry. You will just have to be patient.
  15. L

    The Investigators CTV on Darlie 23 Nov.

    home movies, photos Darlie in hospital Routiers cooperated fully Stunned people outside the house photos of Darlie and Darin 1988 wedding--- Darlie 18, Darin 20 Darlie describes her idyllic life exp. home and boat, Darlie fashionably dressed birth of 3 boys Darin describes what an...
  16. L

    The Investigators CTV on Darlie 23 Nov.

    Excerpts of interviews with Darlie Routier DA journalist Darin Routier home movies appellate attorney she's one of 8 women on Tex. death row sentenced in 1997 for murder of Damon accused by not tried for murder of Devon supporters seen with signs: Honk for the innocent! Recap of...
  17. L

    Innocent vs. Guilty

    Shamrock, how is it possible that Darlie slept through the attacks on both her sons? Why did she suffer a different kind of wound than they did? Why did she change the story of the event so many times? Why did she pick up the knife and mention it on the 911 call? Couldn't she have...

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