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DNA Solves
  1. Seebra

    2009.05.01 Document Release

    Worried - was hoping for more in the reports - more findings that matched. But maybe it will come out later. :( So sad for baby girl angel Caylee.
  2. Seebra

    2009.05.01 Document Release

    Did they test the hair for Chlorine I wonder???
  3. Seebra

    2009.05.01 Document Release

    Reading the Keith W. interview really made me tear up for the first time today. So sad that he was struggling with what to do with the money if he got it - start a Caylee fund... so sad. She has touched so many lives.
  4. Seebra

    2009.05.01 Document Release

    Keith Williams:
  5. Seebra

    Light a Candle by Your Computer Tonight

    I rarely enter this thread - it's too emotional for me to see you, wolf mom, every single day without fail, post the light for baby Caylee. But thank you, and thank you to everyone who loves this little girl the way her own mother should have loved her.
  6. Seebra

    2009.05.01 Document Release

    I want to also see the duct tape and forensics report regarding the trunk. DIRT ON SHOES matching dirt in woods. Or dirt on floor of car. Something to tie KC to the scene. Also want to see unreleased interviews (JP had to interviewed, could LE possibly think he had nothing to do with KC?)...
  7. Seebra

    Random Thoughts and Discussion Ideas#5 About the Case

    I totally get the impression that somehow they are communicating - I was thinking by letter, but then again that would leave a trail. So would email. If JB brings his laptop into the jail, is it legal for KC to use it to browse the web, perhaps talk to her family through VOIP or something...
  8. Seebra

    2009.05.01 Document Release,0,2014496.story?track=rss
  9. Seebra

    Specifically: Why were these questions not asked of Casey?

    Wish I could thank multiple times. I saw KC flirt with everyone (all men), even on October 14 during her indictment for murder. I also wondered what it would be like to have a woman interrogate her? Just tells me that LE knew KC pretty well to surround her with men. Perhaps thinking they...
  10. Seebra

    Specifically: Why were these questions not asked of Casey?

    Perfect response and exactly what I was hoping for - so in other words, they may have wanted the answqers to certain questions but held off on asking them once they knew the defendant's tendency to lie, only to have them saved for trial and drop that "bombshell" to catch the liar in her lies...
  11. Seebra

    Specifically: Why were these questions not asked of Casey?

    Exactly - this is the type of info I am wondering about - so that it is on record, and thus completely subject to disprove at a later time.
  12. Seebra

    Specifically: Why were these questions not asked of Casey?

    I agree with you - HOWEVER, it also pleases me tremendously that THEY FORCED her to admit to a lie, walking down the Universal hallway, calling her bluff. IMO the only way to get to the bottom with a monster like KC is to force her into a corner. I simply wanted more of those moments, and...
  13. Seebra

    Specifically: Why were these questions not asked of Casey?

    I just wish that before KC found JB, and "protected" herself from answering questions, LE could have gotten more info from her - even more lies, which would work against her. The #1 on my list is the one that has haunted me - it seems that NOONE, not her family, not LE, NOONE - has really...
  14. Seebra

    Specifically: Why were these questions not asked of Casey?

    I have been re-reading all older documents, including the transcript at Universal with KC. KC was interrogated by LE at Universal. Why were these questions not asked - or were they asked and I somehow missed them. Would these have not forced an answer from KC that might have tripped her...
  15. Seebra

    It's All About Caylee

    Dear baby angel Caylee, You are not, and never were a nuisance. You never were an obstacle. You never were a burden. You never were difficult, or in the way, or too much to handle. You were a beautiful little girl who captured millions of hearts with just one smile. You were, sadly...
  16. Seebra

    Casey thanked Cindy for calling 911 after first call

    Yeah, uh hum, sure, Cindy. You called the police because your daughter wouldn't produce your granddaughter, and your daughter thanks you for it, all the while telling you that baby Caylee is safe with the beautiful nanny who has nothing better to do with her time than to snatch your...
  17. Seebra

    Is Casey the real Zenaida?

    This has been boggling my mind as well from early on - especially in that we know KC cashed a check at BOA, and then when CA took the money, there was the exact difference between what was taken out and what was left that equaled EXACTLy a payment of the fine that day. There is no way that LE...
  18. Seebra

    It's All About Caylee

    Hi beautiful angel, how are you today? Are you playing happily in the sunshine and warmth of all of the love surrounding you? Are you dancing for all of the other angels and are you feeling the love that everyone here is sending you? I think of you every single day, sweet baby girl...
  19. Seebra

    2009.04.13 Baez requests phone records - POLL

    I selected every answer except for "NO". Because it's all about KC, right? Who cares about anyone else's life or feelings?
  20. Seebra

    2009.04.13 State To Seek Death Penalty For Casey Anthony #2

    This made me cry for the first time today. Poor baby angel Caylee. It's just not fair. Not fair. Not fair.

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