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DNA Solves
  1. C

    Found Deceased UK - Jason Gates, 36, Aviemore, Scotland, 12 March 2016

    This is a weird one. I live in Aviemore. We live beside a large mountain range called The Cairngorms, and there is a lot of rural space nearby. On monday the 14th He was in Drumnadrochit, 15 miles away (as the crow flies). He was walking his dog, and the dog (a spaniel) got into a field of...
  2. C

    UK - Historic Boleskin House at Loch Ness burns

    I'm from the area. It was a bad fire, as the roof is gone. Boleskin House is only a *dark* place if you think of it as such. In the early 90's there were some illegal raves there i may have attended. It's said to be a bad place because Crowley started a ritual there and didn't complete it. Given...
  3. C

    CA CA - Jackie Kay Boyer, 12, Windsor, 21 May 1980

    I am trying to find anyone else who has looked into this case. I can only find a small amount of information on her both here and on the web. On her Charley Project page it states that there was a chair by the window of her room and pry marks on the window, but no indications of a stuggle...
  4. C

    penalty phase #10

    All my Blessings to the Alexander Family today.
  5. C

    trial day 48: REBUTTAL #146

    The defence to this case is to the prosecution as night is to day. I am impressed with this witness. I must admit though, when the defence team get a chance to question her I'd just love it if she then started giving long winded/rediculous answers and doing her very best not to say yes or no.
  6. C

    trial day 43: the defense continues its case in chief #131

    Poor guy has never had to type the word anal so much in his life.
  7. C

    trial day 43: the defense continues its case in chief #130

    I hate hate HATE the way ALV uses "Mr Martinez" in an antagonistic tone. She might do it to try and redress the balance of power, as she seems to do it whenever he's one-upping her or whenever he has her flustered (which is a lot). Its not only irritating and childish but incredibly...
  8. C

    trial day 42: the defense continues its case in chief #126

    I'm a lurker, and i've seen many posts about the number of people on the forum and to come join in. I haven't, but not because i'd prefer not to, but simply because everything I have to say is already being said. you guys and gals are totally on it. And its already really busy here without me...
  9. C

    Question and Answer thread

    i don't post often. i find you are all far more on the ball than i am. but, this has been bugging me. Do you think all the kerfuffle over her missing meals is something she will use later as reason for an appeal? She told and told her lawyer, and i'd imagine any lawyer in that situation would...
  10. C

    UK UK - Renee, 36, & Andrew MacRae, 3, Inverness Scotland, 12 Nov 1976 *arrest in 2019, killer died*

    This is local to me. without going into too much detail, i found this: Do you think it could be her? She was deceased 1 year or more when they found her in 1981 (could have been 5 years?), she'd given birth to two children we know...
  11. C

    Malaysia - Mother beats up 8-month baby *GRAPHIC VIDEO*

    what is most heartbreaking is that the baby instinctively moves towards its mother for comfort; even though she's the one hurting it. poor baba.
  12. C

    Fake Wichita robbery may be "Urban Skittles" game

    There was a tv series here in the uk (which i won't name as it might break the rules) that had a guy in it who did this as a *dare/game*. If you search urban skittles on youtube it comes up there. I won't do anyone the indignity of linking it here as it really is just trashy tv. if you want to...
  13. C

    Can You Call a 9-yo a Psychopath?

    I've know this may cause a lot of you to shake your heads, but i've known two children I fear are potential psychopaths. One was 5 when i started to think that way, the other was just 3. One of them tried to kill a 5 week old kitten by throwing it across a room into a wall (when they thought...
  14. C

    GUILTY OK - Patrick Misner for raping 4yo girl, Sapulpa, 2012

    Jesse James Hollywood - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia This guy abducted and killed the younger half-brother (aged 15) of a man who owed him a drug debt.
  15. C

    Deceased/Not Found CA - Sierra LaMar, 15, Morgan Hill, 16 March 2012 #2 *A. Garcia-Torres guilty*

    bit of a lurker, but wanted to posit a few theories that i've had running about my head: There is no way a conscious 15 year old girl in a car would let/allow anyone to throw what seems to have been a hugely important part of her life (her phone, her link to the world) away(i've seen what...
  16. C

    Resolved IL - McHenry Co., two human skulls, Jan'12 - Academic Models

    I agree it looks like a female. Also from what i can see (may be seeing it wrong because of the photo) it looks like it has a hyperbolic maxilla, suggesting it could be someone of african decent. Also the Frontal Suture seems closed (from what i can tell with the light reflecting off the skull)...
  17. C

    TX - Sisters brawl over heirloom jewels at funeral home

    Lol at the tyres : ). When my grandmother died my (notoriously) greedy aunt was the same..."I'm going to get..." Before her death my grandmother told my mother she didn't want her getting a hold of an antique silver locket which had a picture of my great-grandmother (who died when my...
  18. C

    NY-LI 10 bodies found on Beach-Poss. SrlKlr-12/10-4 id'd; more found 3/11 #12

    Some overall thoughts: 1. I have rarely seen such amateurish press conferences (even in the height of a crisis) as I have with this police department. They have backtracked hugely more than once (three killers to one) and have made statements that don't ring true/make sense (such as the...
  19. C

    ?A Scottish Misunderstanding...

    This video does not surprise me. Anyone with an attitude problem knows they can get into a situation like this with a member of staff (the train staff being examples) and what are the staff going to do? They can't put their hands on them, so they put the pressure on the public (I can stay here...

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