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  1. jjgram

    Theories On What Happened to Caylee Part #5

    :clap: :clap: :clap: Good one HP.................. KC the Professional.....:confused: Yes ~ where are her papers ! ? & Her files ?:waitasec::confused: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: Enough said ! Thanks ! God Bless ! jjgram ***...
  2. jjgram

    Casey & Family Psychological Profile #7

    :clap: x 1,000,000 T H A N K S ! ! ! D I T T O & D I T T O on the WHOLE " A" family " THAT's J U S T ~ NOT ~ R I G H T!!! the way they acted !!! & ~ the way they ~ARE~ ACTING ~ so I guess we can predict.... just NOT...
  3. jjgram

    Casey & Family Psychological Profile #7

    NOW ~ HEAR ~ THIS ! ! ! No I do ~ NOT ~ think any partying... no.... NOT 1 Nite ~ NO .... NOT ~ ANY NITE>>> No partying while CAYLEE/ or any child is missing NO PARTYING IS ACCEPTABLE IN A SITUATION LIKE THIS ! ! ! E V E R>.... there is...
  4. jjgram

    Casey & Family Psychological Profile #7

    OK ~~ plain and clear ! ! ! I'm :furious::furious::furious: :eek: :sick: :banghead: :yuck: :cursing::cursing: :frown::frown: :scream::scream: :hopping_mad::hopping_mad::hopping_mad: :nuts::nuts: KC MAKES ME = M A D ! ! ! That's my f e e l i n g s and I'm stick N...
  5. jjgram

    Casey & Family Psychological Profile #7

    oh yes... you should have just said that in the 1st place... just one ( 1 ) nite.... of course that .... is acceptable ! :rolleyes::doh::dance: :doh::bananapowerslide: :doh::Banane25: :doh::Banane24: :doh::Banane11: :doh::Banane35: :doh::Banane59...
  6. jjgram

    DCF Worker States: Casey referred to Caylee as "that child"

    :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: Thank you ! Well said ! ! !:clap: :clap: :clap: KC is KC We have seen how she acts ! We have seen how she talks ! and we see the END Results... Her Toddler 2 year old child CAYLEE is DEAD ! Jury...
  7. jjgram

    DCF Worker States: Casey referred to Caylee as "that child"

    :clap::clap::clap: I believe: " T H A T CHILD" is totally different than "My Child" That just does not belong.... besides.... the words.... and attitude of parent before & After count also !!! THE WORDS AND A T T I T U D E of KC are...
  8. jjgram

    DCF Worker States: Casey referred to Caylee as "that child"

    :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: I agree..... :waitasec: How in the world can A N Y ONE.... * ENJOY * A N Y T H I N G ! ? ? ? :confused: :confused: :confused: It would be mentally and physically I M P O S S I B L E ~ for me to * E * N * J * O * Y ~...
  9. jjgram

    DCF Worker States: Casey referred to Caylee as "that child"

    :clap::clap::clap: I agree.... but I will say... I think saying " where are the Kids... ? " is ok... but I think calling your CHILD a KID is not the best... sounds like a kid = BILLY GOAT>>>> I like the word "CHILD" & " CHILDREN" sounds a...
  10. jjgram

    OK - Jody Rilee Wilson, 23, murdered, Wister, 5 May 2009 *Arrests*

    That is some very pretty country over there.... but it is also... some rural.... drug country also... with the father of the deceased being the depty mayor or what ever... could it have been an enemy type murder..? But I also find it very...
  11. jjgram

    Is Casey the real Zenaida?

    [/I] :clap: :clap: :clap: I wish and hope that that could possibly be true ! ! ! But I think that the real ZG that has the law suit against KC did verify that she did indeed go to the actual apt SG on the date of June 17th...
  12. jjgram

    2009.05.13 Larry King Live

    :clap: :clap: Thank you !!!! :rolleyes:That has really been bugging me... why is CA saying KC was such a GOOD mother... WELL..... why was CA thinking of getting CUSTODY>>. So also... does that mean the CA mom SP and son R is lying.. are...
  13. jjgram

    DCF Worker States: Casey referred to Caylee as "that child"

    Yes.... like KC really really really wanted to spend more T I M E with CAYLEE>...... so that CAYLEE could W A T C H ~ KC ~ Text messaging on her CELL ! ! !:doh: :pcguru: :nuts::nuts::nuts: :read: :read: :read: :dj: :clock: :deal...
  14. jjgram

    DCF Worker States: Casey referred to Caylee as "that child"

    :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: WOW ! 1st I heard of this TRUST FUND>>>> $ $ $ $ so.... the p l o t thickens !!!!! How in the world can anyone ever K NO W :confused::confused: :rolleyes: If any of these things KC...
  15. jjgram

    2008.08.17 Items Found by Searchers in Wooded Area

    :clap: L@@KS like Care Bear to me 2 !!! Remember they said b - 4..... CA saved some of KC's stuff.. and was using them for CAYLEEE!!! LIKE: Momma Doll.. & We had that same Momma Doll from my daughter in 1980's and Care Bears ALSO !!!! V ery...
  16. jjgram

    Casey Anthony's Written Statement

    :furious: :furious: :furious: it drives me totally :crazy: :crazy: :crazy: c r a z y..... that KC insist that she talked on the phone on MONDAY June 16th to ZANNY/NANNY ( bo banny b a n a n n a :bananapowerslide:fannna fo fannny ) ok settle down...
  17. jjgram

    In Retrospect-Kronk Believes He Saw Skull In August

    ** I think if you L@@K at the map... you will see that... there is a greenbelt..... walk way.. back behind the anthony home.... that leads down... towards SUBURBAN..... Maybe somebody can guide you to the one... LOOK L@@K close... grass and...
  18. jjgram

    Is Casey the real Zenaida?

    :clap: :clap: :clap: Thanks for loving your children ! Thanks for Not Killing them.... !!!!! H A P P Y ~ M O T H E R S ~ D A Y !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: Jmo God Bless ! jjgram
  19. jjgram

    Cindy and Casey on Mother's Day 5/10/09

    :rolleyes: :furious: If only KC had "NOT" have done this to Little Angel CAYLEE ! ! ! This would have been such a W O N D E R F U L MOTHER's DAY .... for 4 generations of women in the Family..... SP/CA/KC/CAYLEE ! ! ! KC IS...
  20. jjgram

    In Retrospect-Kronk Believes He Saw Skull In August

    :clap::clap::clap: when I first saw the google map.... I look towards her tossing the body over the back fence... so the fact that she could have done that ... later is not out of sight... but we know she was in the back yard... we K N O W she was in...

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