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DNA Solves
  1. jjgram

    Casey and TonE Chat Logs

    :clap: :clap: :clap: :eek: That Internet warning is sooooooooooooo TRUE !!!! really L@@Ks can be deceiving ! & LIARS are what they make up!!! :liar: :behindbar :crazy: S C A R Y ! ! !:eek: now that scary road that KC took... she went down...
  2. jjgram

    Random Thoughts and Discussion Ideas#5 About the Case

    :liar::Banane57::argue: :other_beatingA_Dead:snake: :Bicicleta: :cop: :Benny_monkeysmilies: shakehead::rocker: :treadmill: :computer: :spinner: :partyguy: :dj: :talker::talker::talker: :liar: :behindbar JMO jjgram
  3. jjgram

    Zani Timeline- Other ZannyThoughts- Zanny Searches on Caseys computer

    :waitasec: I do not have the link right now... but yes... it was stated that the 2 houses at the end of HOPESPRINGS DRIVE/ and corner of Suburban the end two ( 2) homes were owned by #1 Zanaida #2 Gonzales Now they found Little Angel CAYLEE...
  4. jjgram

    2009.01.07 - Annie's D. Interview (Document Release 2009.04.06 / 2009.09.29)

    :clap: yes... it was hard to tell them apart... this Anne/ KC they used the same words.. and just generally spoke in the same tone... and attitude.. scary to me... I know people say when couples live together a long long long time.. they start to L@@K...
  5. jjgram

    2009.01.07 - Annie's D. Interview (Document Release 2009.04.06 / 2009.09.29)

    That Quote thing on ANNIE : just hold me down hard and drown me in love RIP: CAYLEE THAT IS VERY VERY S I C K !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:eek::eek::eek: What does that mean????????????? :furious: jmo :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes: God Bless ! jjgram
  6. jjgram

    2008.09.05 - Richard Grund Interview with OCSO

    :clap: Good Post ! Good thoughts... GOOD INFO = TRUE ! ! ! :mad: :eek::furious::liar: KC makes me soooooooooo MAD ! ! ! MAD Mother Against Death ! ! ! ! That KC she totally is WRONG ! She was working every single angle ! ! ! Just L@@K when LE...
  7. jjgram

    JB's responsiblity - Did he know that Caylee was dead

    :confused: Not sure but name of old case might have been VanDam It was a sad one... I remember it... Just not 100% on name... T H A N K S ~ for seeking ~ Justice ~ for Little Angel CAYLEE ! & Helping ALL C H I L D R EN ! JMO God Bless ! jjgram
  8. jjgram

    What happened to Nancy Grace tonite ?

    :clap: :blowkiss: Thanks ! We had a storm... and cable went off.. and.. computer messed up.... *** What a s___ Bag that Drew Peterson...!!!! I would like to be on his.... jury and the facts already... here close to Chicago.... He appears to be...
  9. jjgram

    What happened to Nancy Grace tonite ?

    :confused: Just wondering what happened to Nancy Grace tonite ? Thanks ! God Bless ! jjgram
  10. jjgram

    Gas Cans discovered by George Key date - June 24, 2008 ***REVISITED ***

    :confused: :eek: :waitasec: I feel like a bunch of us ~ thought something was strange... I feel like when GVS show was there.... and the local people...even... Lots of questions.... HOPE we can hop on this.. and get more answers !!!! Thanks MC...
  11. jjgram

    JB's responsiblity - Did he know that Caylee was dead

    :clap: Thanks for the REMINDER: JUSTICE ~ WILL ~ FOLLOW ! ! ! :detective: = GRRRREAT WORK ! ! ! ! :thumb: :star2: :smiliescale: :cop: = G R R R R R EAT WORK ! ! ! :usa: :Justice: :praying: :grouphug: = All you Web Sleuthers and ALL working for JUSTICE...
  12. jjgram

    The Pontiac - "Revisted" #1

    :confused: Why was NO ONE ever able to come up with KC's Phone records... of CALLS from any of these *** SO CALLED * * * people.... with out... KC/ LA/ CA saying...... " Oh that was a D I F F E R E N T Jeff/ Julliette/ Zachary/ Zanieda e t...
  13. jjgram

    The Pontiac - "Revisted" #1

    SAD & S I C K ! ! ! or S I C K & S A D ! ! ! ! I'm sorry but it is true... how in the world could two ( 2 ) P R O F E S S I O N A L ~ people..... miss it...???? It really troubles my soul that they have indeed made the choice to stick with KC...
  14. jjgram

    Random Thoughts and Discussion Ideas#5 About the Case

    * * * :eek::eek::eek::mad: at the end of the video... of KC playing airplane... etc.. with Little Angel CAYLEE.... KC is really tickling her R E A L Y hard.. and holding CAYLEE and Continuing to Tickle her HARD...and KC is using her mouth to get Little Angel...
  15. jjgram

    Is Casey the real Zenaida?

    :clap: :clap: :clap: Very interesting ! Thanks ! God Bless ! jjgram
  16. jjgram

    2009.05.06 Nancy Grace

    :clap: :clap: :clap: Forget the little fishing boat.... I hope it is worse than Gilligains 3 hour tour ! !! ! ! I hope it is a 3 life time Sentence of D P ! ! ! E T C ! ! ! Sorry.... ticks me off !!! wants to help find missing...
  17. jjgram

    2009.05.06 Nancy Grace

    E X A C T A L L Y ! Caylee was never missing ! Caylee was Murdered ! Dang ! these people really make me :confused: :crazy: :furious: :eek::eek::eek: JMO God Bless ! jjgram
  18. jjgram

    2009.05.06 Nancy Grace

    I was responding to how C R A Z Y = KC helping to find missing children !!! C R A Z Y :no::no::no::crosseyed: :run::run: :detective::liar: I don't Think a Liar = Detective JMO God Bless ! jjgram * * * TIP: Experience helps.... try L@@King for...
  19. jjgram

    2009.05.06 Nancy Grace

    :clap: :clap: :clap: :waitasec: :confused: :confused::rolleyes: :banghead: :banghead: :banghead: :furious: :furious: :furious: jmo :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes: God Bless jjgram
  20. jjgram

    The Pontiac - "Revisted" #1

    :clap: :clap: :clap: GRRRRREAT POST ! sounds like KC............ JMO also !!! God Bless ! jjgram

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