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DNA Solves
  1. S

    FL FL - Michelle Parker, 33, Orlando, 17 Nov 2011 - #14

    Not sure if I understand your statement above...from what I read... Michelle was humiliated by having to go on national TV for this...I'm a bit confused with your would one pursue a court hearing by having to possibly owe the other party? Sorry I'm not sure if I...
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    FL FL - Michelle Parker, 33, Orlando, 17 Nov 2011 - #13

    I believe life would be a lot easier if it was standard dating procedure to take a trip to the police station and do a criminal background check together... before that Italian dinner and that comedy movie date :) JMO's
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    FL FL - Michelle Parker, 33, Orlando, 17 Nov 2011 - #13

    I believe part of the facade with some DS jr to come off as a great guy..super friendly...etc.....let's face it...everyone in our world demonstrates a certain degree of niceness imo...what I feel diferentiates each of us how we handle anger...unfortanately some people go to...
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    FL FL - Michelle Parker, 33, Orlando, 17 Nov 2011 - #13

    I went back and fixed my grammatical mistakes ...and also added a Welcome :) I'm at work :( trying to multi-task...more like multi-stakes :P
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    FL FL - Michelle Parker, 33, Orlando, 17 Nov 2011 - #13

    Hi uscgirl...I'm sort of new too here...rarely ever post...welcome!!!...most peoples opinions and thoughts are so well said...leaves me without much to say :) But...was thinking about your post...and by far...I am not expert by any means...but I think the benefit of naming a person like DS...
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    FL FL - Michelle Parker, 33, Orlando, 17 Nov 2011 - #13

    I have also wondered about the possiblity of newly developed construction areas...JMHO's
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    FL FL - Michelle Parker, 33, Orlando, 17 Nov 2011 - #13

    LOL!!!! 2funny...not to get off topic,,now you all got me curious seems divers are armed in case of this sort of thing...seems some divers use a device called a bangstick...and it looks like they also make Underwater Defense Guns. but back to topic....I feel there was a very good...
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    2011.07.11 Greta Van Sustern interview with Jury Foreperson

    I still believe going against the grain...shocking outcome was viewed but this jury as the best way to be more wanted by the media for interviews...if the verdict was one would really care what these 12 jurors would have to say because that was the verdict the majority expected!!!! I...
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    Exclusive: Casey's Aunt, Pam Plesea, Speaks - book being written

    I believe the night of the 15th would paint a clearer picture of what happened to Caylee ...for a mother/Cindy to have to choke her own daughter/KC is telling ...I believe Cindy told Casey that evening that she was going to stop paying for expenses to her for leave Caylee at the...
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    Where did the prosecution go wrong?

    I thought the state did a very good job!!!! I thought they should have pressed with what happened the night of the fight...but also wouldnt doubt the A's would lie about not sure if It would have done any good to seek a truthful answer....I have been thinking about this for days...trying...
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    What do you want to personally say to the jurors?

    Hey juror number three...did you ever consider Caylee wished she could be at disney too!!!!... just heard juror number 3 got a free trip to disney for her entire family for talking to disgust me!!!! JMHO
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    What do you want to personally say to the jurors?

    when you are doing these interviews.(while making money for these interviews btw)..will you ever think about the little girl (Caylee) who did not get justice because of your financial gain?
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    Did the jury get it wrong, or...

    I believe they got it wrong due to the checks they will recieve for TV interviews and all...someone in that room knew that they would be very rich if the verdict was "not guilty" I just hope they realize they just let a Ted Bundy who wears a skirt walk free...JMHO
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    Look Out Houston, Texas - Here Comes ICA?

    1 down...49 to go...JMHO
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    Did the jury get it wrong, or...

    if the jury got it wrong which is what i believe...does not mean CASEY IS NOT GUILTY...JMHO...if there is such a thing as karma...let it start today
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    Who believes that Cindy should be prosecuted for perjury? Or is it just me...?

    if she is guilty.....which I believe she is...than...yes ...this is a high profile case ...I believe it would make headline news...and set an example for all...JMHO
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    2011.07.04 State Closing Argument Rebuttal Thread

    even though I felt strongly with what I felt prior to this trial....and I wanted to give both sides the benefit of the doubt and judge on facts only..I think the State did a great job connecting the dots....there arguement makes the most sense to me...JMHO
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    2011.07.04 State Closing Argument Rebuttal Thread

    I think we can all side one way or another with how well the lawyers are doing in this case...but I think what is what makes the most sense with what happened to caylee....caylee deserves that...and I really hope people are using best judgment with Caylee in mind...JMHO
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    Life after Casey! How do you cope?

    It is sad to say...but there will be new cases...maybe not nearly as intense as this one...wish there was a supplement for empathy for those who lacked...and I wish our world only had boring news for me to read ...JMHO
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    POLL: Will George and Cindy remain together in the wake of the trial?

    I think 6 months after the verdict ...they will go there seperate ways...JMHO

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