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  1. D

    CO - James Holmes Trial - *Penalty Phase* #3

    Happened in 2012 too, if anyone recalls: with further details about "Johnathan Lee Riches"...
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    CO - James Holmes Trial Discussion - Begins April 27, 2015 #13

    I don't know why some people on here are having such a hard time believing that JH could have had a real psychotic episode in November. I think the evidence has shown he had pretty severe issues with social anxiety and was suffering from possibly other mental issues. It runs in his family. It...
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    CO - James Holmes Trial Discussion - Begins April 27, 2015 #13

    I think this is a very good question. Maybe he wasn't on any proper meds (was he on any?) because the Defense instructed Woodcock not to call someone back regarding treatment. Just appalling--first, that he didn't call them back and second, that no one follow-ed up....
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    CO - James Holmes Trial Discussion - Begins April 27, 2015 #11

    Here is the Form M-1 which is required in CO for an involuntary hold (but it was updated 6/2015, so not sure what the form looked like in 2012):
  5. D

    CO - James Holmes Trial Discussion - Begins April 27, 2015 #11

    Here's some info on CO: M-1 or Mental Health Hold The actual Mental Health Hold (M-1) may be invoked when a person appears to be mentally ill and because of the mental illness, the person appears to be...
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    CO - James Holmes Trial Discussion - Begins April 27, 2015 # 5

    I'm really curious about that bent key. Was it his car key? Did it make the car inoperable?
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    CO - James Holmes Trial Discussion - Begins April 27, 2015 # 5

    So do you mean the gun would still fire that last bullet if the trigger was pulled, but the person loading may have THOUGHT it couldn't fire because loading the clip didn't result in the normal motion?
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    CO - James Holmes Trial Discussion - Begins April 27, 2015 # 5

    Did anyone hear what they decided about the child care issue with the juror? Will the juror have to be excused? Will the court find another way to provide care? Just curious...
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    CO - James Holmes Trial Discussion - Begins April 27, 2015 # 4

    I just listened to the testimony of the bf who left his family in the theater. I wondered how someone could do that. After hearing the full story, it makes a bit more sense--although still.... Anyway, he ended up separated from his gf and other child because when he ducked down his 4 month old...
  10. D

    CO - James Holmes Trial Discussion - Begins April 27, 2015 # 4

    I was wondering this too. Three years ago we had a thread to discuss JH and mental illness: One of the things I remember someone asking was about effect of living in an apartment with those fumes of...
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    CO - James Holmes Trial Discussion - Begins April 27, 2015 # 1

    I'm not sure who (maybe atthelake ?) asked if there was a Media Thread. A bunch of us discussed this case, um, 3ish years ago. Amazing the information we've gotten in just 2 days. We had so little info back then. Anyway, lots of threads here, including Media...
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  13. D

    George Zimmerman /Trayvon Martin General Discussion #11 Tues. July 9

    This isn't the toxicology report. It's the autoposy--say to see separate document which I don't think has been fully released (or is redacted). JMO--Does anyone know about this?
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    George Zimmerman /Trayvon Martin General Discussion #11 Tues. July 9

    Aren't these recordings admissible in court?
  15. D

    George Zimmerman /Trayvon Martin Discussion Thread #10 Mon. July 8

    But his lawyer said he changed his statement because the new tape was more clear. Even if he didn't admit to authorizing that statement, his lawyer said it, no? Doesn't that show that he clearly changed answers? IMO...
  16. D

    George Zimmerman /Trayvon Martin Discussion Thread #10 Mon. July 8

    And this one sure got a lot of police calls. I suppose this has been posted earlier, but 402 calls in one year? More than 1 a night! Read more here:
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    George Zimmerman /Trayvon Martin Discussion Thread #10 Mon. July 8

    Great post! This is the part that gets me and convinces me that GZ was the one yelling. Can anyone describe a scenario where TM would have been screaming for help, sounding in pain, but no marks were found on him? Who screams repeatedly with a gun put on them? Wouldn't they be quiet and do...
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    Read more: Man threatened to blow up jail, demanded James Holmes' release, feds say - The Denver Post
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    James Holmes' Psychiatrist Sued by Widow of Aurora Shooting Victim
  20. D

    Armchair Psych Profile and Treatment

    Did JH have on those black contacts in his uni picture? Remember all the discussion about how his eye color didn't look the same, etc...?!/img/httpImage/image.jpg_gen/derivatives/landscape_635/james-holmes.jpg

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