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DNA Solves
DNA Solves
  1. S


    Had to have been made by a Darlie fan. Looks more like a Darlie ad than a tribute to Devon and Damon
  2. S

    Such a telling article

    I hate how Darlie and supporters have attacked these investigators. I can't imagine what it was like having to look at that scene close-up and focus on all the details of the case.
  3. S

    Poll: Did Darlie Routier murder her children?

    OH! Sorry, I did miss the sarcasm but I have heard some people make that argument with sincerity. Just wondering-can anyone figure out how she could have gotten bruises following her scenario? I never understood why that was thrown in as part of her "attack injuries". Unless it was supposed...
  4. S

    Poll: Did Darlie Routier murder her children?

    If you were fighting off an evil intruder who brutally stabbed your children and you held your arms like that, you would have knife cuts and stabs (not just one). Instead of bruises, you would have slashes. Why would an intruder switch from the effective strategy of stabbing with a knife to...
  5. S

    Poll: Did Darlie Routier murder her children?

    I don't see the statement about the pillow and blanket and Darin telling her he loved her in the same light as you do. I feel a lot of what both Darin and Darlie won't say about that night is included in the words they make a point to say in those statements. When I first read the statement...
  6. S

    The Leeza Show

    Some of the members of the family are very convincing but I have learned the only way to see the truth in this case is to read the transcripts and rely on logic not emotion. I tried forever to find reasons to support her innocence other than hopes that those children did not know their mother...
  7. S

    Another theory

    I wonder if people with NPD share similar early childhood experiences. I have always heard the descriptions of NPD but never if anything influences its development
  8. S

    The 2nd Attack Theory: Forum Legend???

    Now I remember why I stopped trying to stay on top of this case. I have been re reading volume 38 of the trial transcripts and it makes my blood boil. Isn't it amazing how when a person is guilty and doesn't stand a snowball's chance in Tahiti they always blame the inept police or the corrupt...
  9. S

    The 2nd Attack Theory: Forum Legend???

    Thank you. I remembered about the blood map on the carpet, etc but couldn't recall about the wall. I am going to go read the whole section about this. I hate to re-read the entire transcript but reading on these posts, I have forgotten so much.
  10. S

    The 2nd Attack Theory: Forum Legend???

    I've been catching up on reading the threads here (Had to laugh at the Dave M. posts and then the memories of Cheryl-lol) and came across one about the wall by where Damon was found. I have always believed Damon was attacked more than once but thought there was no blood evidence to support...
  11. S

    The 911 Call

    She did write several people telling that she KNEW who did it. She was confronted with this during her trial. I don't think she had a clue they were reading her mail and, had they not confronted her, she probably would still be saying she knew who did it, etc. I tried to hear her saying...
  12. S

    Darlie Routier asks for DNA testing

    LOL. If he is involved I hope this does indeed reveal that involvement. Of course if there was an elusive intruder, I do hope that is shown, but I would bet that the only evidence that is found is going to show more of the same-Darlie is guilty. I'll never forget all the hoopla about the...
  13. S

    Poll: Did Darlie Routier murder her children?

    More on the crack head theory, though Jeana covered it nicely. Someone amped up on crack would most like not have stopped an attack on Darlie. They would have kept going on the adrenaline rush of that crack fed emotion. This crime scene was too controlled. There were some defense wounds on...
  14. S

    Questions about darlie?

    They did finally admit to discussing a separation that night. This point had been argued against for years but, around the same time the information about Darin's alleged insurance scam, they admitted it. I hate to recommend any of the books, since they all were flawed in some way. I thought...
  15. S

    Any Supporters who crossed over?

    I noticed that about the bruises. I kept trying to look for some sort of pattern in the bruises. It never made sense to me how the bruises would have gotten there in an attack, anyway. If she had been hitting away at someone in self-defense, wouldn't they have been stabbing at her and creating...
  16. S

    Any Supporters who crossed over?

    THAT is the biggest part of my interest in this case. In the back of my mind, I hope that one day I will figure out why she did it and what is going on in her head now. I don't think it will ever make sense and she is going to go to her grave claiming she is innocent. I would love to think...
  17. S

    Book: Media Tried, Justice Denied

    I loaned my first copy of this book to a friend who decided that anyone reading this book or any true crime book was having mental problems. She threw MTJD away along with a collection of Darlie videos I had recorded and loaned to her. She is convinced that anyone reading or viewing this type...
  18. S

    Darlie Routier on Death Row

    I missed the A&E program, but have seen that clip of the interview. I do agree that this interview was at the least as bad as the Silly String episode, though I have only seen just a brief snippet of that. I would love to see the entire Silly String and interview that was on the original...
  19. S

    Luminol Evidence

    What is the WE show? I would like to see it. I don't recall seeing one with the luminol results.
  20. S

    The 911 Call

    The part that got to me was something that sounds like she is asking "are they still laying there" Sorry, don't know the line number. Anyhow, why in the world would she be concerned about them STILL laying there? And, then as some of you have mentioned, there is that point where her voice...

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