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DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
  1. wonderllama

    Australia Australia - William Tyrrell, 3, Kendall NSW, 12 Sept 2014 - # 9

    Just my opinion, but I think if you're argument for or against the death penalty is related to the financial costs, you're kind of missing the point. It's about a penalty, not what is most economically beneficial. Is the crime inexcusable? Are they going to be rehabilitated? It's not...
  2. wonderllama

    ANZAC Day - April 25th

    This saturday, Australians and New Zealanders will be pausing for ANZAC Day. ANZAC Day commemorates the first major battle that soldiers from both nations were involve in during WWI, but now it pretty much commemorates all conflicts involving our military. This year is the 100th...
  3. wonderllama

    If You Are From Australia (and surrounding countries) Please Post HERE!

    Michael, yeah I know, llama sounds better. 40 (sigh) In sunny Melbourne I came here originally after years looking at true crime and reading about it. I wanted to find out about a specific case and the rest is history. I had an interest in forensics since I was in school, mostly because of...
  4. wonderllama

    phone records

    It's funny you ask if people have read ST's book because I have seen posted wrt that exact point, something along the lines of 'I won't be reading it as I don't agree with his assumptions', and the same has been said about Kolar. I don't believe in God, but I have certainly read all the...
  5. wonderllama

    Boulder police chief exonerates Fleet and Priscilla White in death of JonBenet Ramsey

    That, I suggest, is a good defence line for you to use, but not entirely accurate.
  6. wonderllama

    Boulder police chief exonerates Fleet and Priscilla White in death of JonBenet Ramsey

    Correct, so you can't be discounted of anything that happens in your house. ;)
  7. wonderllama

    Boulder police chief exonerates Fleet and Priscilla White in death of JonBenet Ramsey

    No evidence indicating the presence of FW or his wife were found in the basement. Evidence indicating the presence of the various members of the Ramsey family WAS found in the basement. Bit of a difference there.
  8. wonderllama

    JAR's semen on the blanket in a suitcase in the basement

    I was under the impression the hand/mouth thing had been addressed in a program with Kolar. I could be wrong. Might be worth asking cynic as I think he may have been the one who mentioned it. I may also have made all of that up ;)
  9. wonderllama

    Hi-Tec Boots

    Alive and well on this forum in fact.
  10. wonderllama

    JAR's semen on the blanket in a suitcase in the basement Just in case anyone was interested.
  11. wonderllama

    JAR's semen on the blanket in a suitcase in the basement

    The other thing that stands out for me is that given the state of the basement, which I think we will all agree was a mess with stuff lying every which way, it seems odd that those things would have been specifically tidied away in that suitcase as part of a clean up exercise - unless is was a...
  12. wonderllama

    911 Call

    I think the telling thing is the emotion. Anger, not distress.
  13. wonderllama

    Australia Australia - Siriyakorn 'Bung' Siriboon, 13, Boronia, Vic, 2 June 2011

    Interesting that they are offering such a large sum of money. John Potter said they still cannot rule out two suspects, but didn't say whether either of them was the person who came forward and claimed to have run Bung over and killed her. Seems odd that if someone is confessing to an...
  14. wonderllama

    RDI Theories & Discussion ONLY!

    Just helping out as the link in Meara's post didn't work. JonBenet Ramsey autopsy photos - CAUTION GRAPHIC! - Forums For Justice
  15. wonderllama

    If you could ask a Ramsey a question...

    I guess you have to look at it this way. A lot of people feel (rightly or wrongly) that they are personally connected to this case because they have invested so much time on it over the last 17 years. It is, in effect, like questioning their religion (just to stay on topic ;) ). So when...
  16. wonderllama

    If you could ask a Ramsey a question...

    My post or the Ramsey forum?
  17. wonderllama

    If you could ask a Ramsey a question...

    So having ranted on, here is MY question to either male Ramsey family member. How do you sleep at night? How do you uphold a moral superiority over the rest of the population knowing what happened, knowing how you avoided and evaded, lied and deceived and then have the calm demeanour to rest...
  18. wonderllama

    If you could ask a Ramsey a question...

    Hold on....don't judge others? What the? Pardon my completely ANTI-Religious beliefs, but judging is part and parcel of what this place is all about. We look at clues, we look at evidence, we assess the information, we study the people involved, we profile the type of person who might be...
  19. wonderllama

    Do you think Amanda Knox is GUILTY? **LIST ONLY NO DISCUSSION**

    I think she was involved for sure. Now for the extradition saga.
  20. wonderllama

    Boulder police chief exonerates Fleet and Priscilla White in death of JonBenet Ramsey

    The fact that some of us claim to not understand why the Whites would want to be cleared for a third time perhaps tells us ALL that we don't know what is going on anywhere near as much as we THINK we know what's going on. How about waiting and seeing before proclaiming it either makes no sense...

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