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DNA Solves
  1. st. crispian

    Casey Anthony General Discussion Thread #151

    Bump.... sorry..... I am just so curious about this. Does anyone know? Thanks.
  2. st. crispian

    Casey Anthony General Discussion Thread #151

    RIGHT ON!!!!!!!!!!! Very well put! :clap:
  3. st. crispian

    Casey Anthony General Discussion Thread #151

    Susan, you just brought up something I've been wondering about. Is it your impression that the hair had the follicle attached (confirming DNA) or was there decomp ON the hair that the lab was able to swab off? Or is it both? The big news would be follicle AND decomp ON the hair.
  4. st. crispian

    Prosecutors to hold Press Conf 10:30 AM 8/29

    Re the brownies: I don't believe this was a random thing - it was meant to be noticed. I think this is all JB beginning the process of humanizing her (ha!). Baking brownies and sharing them with people is so thoughtful, so kind, so maternal, so care-taking. :sick:
  5. st. crispian

    Deputy Tony Rusciano, Fired For Lying About Sex,

    Eewwww! I know - cutting the cord and everything. Jeez!
  6. st. crispian

    Deputy Tony Rusciano, Fired For Lying About Sex,

    Exactly. He supposedly quit, but maybe he knew what was coming down.
  7. st. crispian

    Caylee Anthony General Discussion thread #134

    Right! She doesn't give a RA that her "explanations" sound absurd. She doesn't care because she's willing to lose a few battles; her goal is to win the war. She is determined to get away with whatever she did with Caylee, and I believe she knows which accusations to shrug off and which ones...
  8. st. crispian

    Caylee Anthony General Discussion thread #134

    But remember she was whining about not being able to sleep. She said something like, "I need Tony's number! Get me Tony's number! I haven't slept in 3 days!" Could Tony Lazarro have been the source for sleeping pills, Xanex, Ambien, whatever? If the theory of Cayley's possible drugging is...
  9. st. crispian

    Caylee Anthony General Discussion thread #134

    I don't think she cared if they checked her stories - when she was caught in her lies, what did she do? Nothing. Silence. Like a child getting caught with her hand in the cookie jar. Why did you do that? Shrug shoulders. I dunno. It's uncanny to me how skillfully slippery she is. It's...
  10. st. crispian

    Caylee Anthony General Discussion thread #134

    He doesn't want anyone else interferring with his media wh***dom!
  11. st. crispian

    Caylee Anthony General Discussion thread #134

    I'm with ya there too. Casey acts like she knows the number 1 rule of getting away with a crime: don't tell ANYONE. Tell EVERYONE the same story, so you don't get confused. If you tell even one other person, your chances of being ratted out increase exponentially. I'm telling you, her lips...
  12. st. crispian

    Caylee Anthony General Discussion thread #134

    Yes and as someone else pointed out, the lab can check Caylee's hair for signs of drugs.
  13. st. crispian

    Caylee Anthony General Discussion thread #134

    I know!!!!! I love it when I hear about parents who care enough about their child's emotional well-being to preserve their sense of security, even when it's not the most convenient practice for the parent. What I take from reading all the discovery (I was up until 3:30am!) is that Casey...
  14. st. crispian

    Caylee Anthony General Discussion thread #134

    I was intrigued when reading Amy's interview, how she described Caylee sleeping on the couch and marveled at how Caylee could sleep through anything. Then she related how one time she (Amy) was in the house, Caylee was asleep on the couch and Casey was in the backyard. Caylee woke up and...
  15. st. crispian

    Greta - August 21, 1008

    I've actually considered the possibility that Casey's defense will be something related to her reported seizures.
  16. st. crispian

    Greta - August 21, 1008

    You guys ARE kidding, aren't you??? I mean, you don't really think the general public will be allowed anywhere near the family, do you???!!!! IIRC, I believe the last vigil they had, last week sometime, was inside the home and just for invited guests.
  17. st. crispian

    Baez & Casey's relationship?

    I shared the same hmmmmmmm....... moment that Manatee expressed on a few different occasions when viewing Casey and Baez together. I DO think Casey is trying to play him, but I don't think he's dumb enough to fall for it. He may just play along with her. This is all my reaction coming from...
  18. st. crispian

    Please go to the "support l&p" thread to ask questions. Tony on that thread now.

    Thank you for answering my question. Once I heard Jose Baez state that he has instructed Casey not to say anything to anyone, I realized that she wouldn't have to talk if she didn't want to. Thanks again.

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