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DNA Solves
  1. Starfish

    ARUBA - Robyn Gardner, 35, Maryland woman missing in Aruba, 2 Aug 2011 - # 1

    I can't for the life of me understand why Robyn would go on this trip with this guy. She's 35 years old, not a young naive girl like Natalee Holloway. Her best friend even stated on HLN that Robyn knew about charges against him by other women and that he even became aggressive with Robyn at...
  2. Starfish

    ARUBA - Robyn Gardner, 35, Maryland woman missing in Aruba, 2 Aug 2011 - # 1

    Well, I've never been to Aruba Marikesh, but I do own a house on the sister island Bonaire. Most of the land is made up of rock hard coral which is very sharp. If you plan to go off road when exploring the island you want a truck, SUV, 4-wheel type of vehicle, not only for the power but also...
  3. Starfish

    ARUBA - Robyn Gardner, 35, Maryland woman missing in Aruba, 2 Aug 2011 - # 1

    Took the words right out of my mouth Dushi. BTW love your name, so you know some Papiamentu too! tin un dushi día mi amigu!
  4. Starfish

    ARUBA - Robyn Gardner, 35, Maryland woman missing in Aruba, 2 Aug 2011 - # 1

    Does anyone know if she was sharing a room with this guy or did they have separate rooms? Just wondering because that would certainly shed some light on the nature of this trip she took with him. I've heard that it was supposed to be a "no strings" trip between "friends". TIA
  5. Starfish

    ARUBA - Robyn Gardner, 35, Maryland woman missing in Aruba, 2 Aug 2011 - # 1

    I heard he owned an employment agency.
  6. Starfish

    ARUBA - Robyn Gardner, 35, Maryland woman missing in Aruba, 2 Aug 2011 - # 1

    It really has nothing to do with Aruba Waltz, unfortunately this woman agreed to go on a trip with an American nutcase. So Aruba now has 2 highprofile missing person cases......I don't know about you, but I live in the Detroit area where people go missing & are murdered by the minute. Aruba is...
  7. Starfish

    Caylee Marie Anthony Memorial Thread

    Happy Birthday beautiful baby girl
  8. Starfish

    Pictures of Casey Anthony from TMZ
  9. Starfish

    Pictures of Casey Anthony from TMZ

    I don't know that its so much that people actually "care" where she is. I think that the thought of her feeling scared & feeling that she has to hide makes people happy because they feel that she shouldn't be able to just continue on with her life as if nothing happened. Also wanting her & her...
  10. Starfish

    Pictures of Casey Anthony from TMZ

    BBM I thought it looked like a racerback tank top
  11. Starfish

    GUILTY NC - Addison Lanham, 2, dies from abuse, neglect, Gaston County, 21 July 2011

    Poor little angel never stood a chance....father locked up for drugs, mother who leaves her alone with a SO boyfriend. Makes me sick to think of the horror poor children like Addison experience at the hands of the people who are supposed to love & protect them. These poor little angels see &...
  12. Starfish

    Who will make the most money? Includes various book discussion

    Thanks Merc. OMG, pre-owned?????......$25,000 current bid, R U kidding!
  13. Starfish

    Who will make the most money? Includes various book discussion

    Didn't quite know where to put this & did a search & got nothing...mods move or delete if necessary. OMG how scarey is'd have to be pretty darn brave to walk around with this on. I must say the ears are PERFECT! :great: Would be great if one of our techie WS'ers could post...
  14. Starfish

    UK - Judges Free Child Rapists: Say 12 Yr Old Girls "Wanted" Sex

    Disgusting! What kind of a world do we live in? It's terrifying to think that someone in such a high position as a judge has this type of mindset....shudder
  15. Starfish

    GUILTY MI - Anthony, 4, & Alayna Hinojosa, 3, die in arson fire, Huron Twp, 9 Oct 2009

    I'm not sure about the drugs Cazzie, mental illness may be a factor although my SIL never mentioned it. Sharon was adopted, so don't know the history of her family other than that she is of American Indian heritage. My SIL's friend is a wonderful woman, it's one of those situations of a good...
  16. Starfish

    GUILTY MI - Anthony, 4, & Alayna Hinojosa, 3, die in arson fire, Huron Twp, 9 Oct 2009

    This monster set her estranged boyfriends mobile home on fire with 2 of her children inside. She escaped, with one of her children, who just so happened to be the child of the boyfriend who owned the mobile home....the 2 children who died were fathered by another man, or men, not sure. My SIL...
  17. Starfish

    2010.07.22 Casey reported seen in Palm Springs

    You are right, and I would never want to be in her shoes! But it bothers me to think that it will not effect her in the least, nothing else seems to. Is she capable of living out her days totally guilt-free & simply deleting Caylee from her mind? I pray not.
  18. Starfish

    2011.07.22 George & Cindy Board Private Jet for Nassau Vacation

    ITA, there are innocent people that live in the neighborhood too, they didn't ask to have this family for a neighbor. Seems like their right to privacy is being ignored because people feel, understandably, the A's have lost their right due to the behavior of their family and the great injustice...
  19. Starfish

    Post-Verdict: I am sick and heartbroken

    Its disturbing to think of the message the not guilty verdict sends to this already warped mind: Lying & everytime, even with murder. OMG.....I'm so blessed to be such a good liar!
  20. Starfish

    2010.07.22 Casey reported seen in Palm Springs

    She probably thinks she's sooooo popular, everyone looking for her, wanthing to hear her story, being offered millions for interviews, just like a celebrity. Hanging out in Palm Springs at a private home or luxury hotel, relaxing poolside. Where's Caylee.......reduced to ashes & made into...

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