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DNA Solves
  1. CorallaroC

    The carpet outside of the wine cellar with urine stains

    3 PATSY RAMSEY: There. There is a tiny 4 yellowish color there. Can you see that? 5 I'm not sure if that is one of my kitchen 6 knives, to tell you the truth. That must be something. 7 TOM HANEY: We would have that. 8 PATSY RAMSEY: I could see that. In the 9 picture it looks like it is a very...
  2. CorallaroC

    Was Burke Involved? # 4

    About the pineapple and milk, if sources are still available online you will find a reference to it in one of the JR interviews with LE. IIRC he explains that he is somewhat familiar with it being a "southern type treat" but claims to not understand the detail about milk curdling. I'm sorry...
  3. CorallaroC

    Found Deceased IL - Robert Bee, 13, Pekin, 17 Nov 2016

    searches continue, but no news so far
  4. CorallaroC

    Found Deceased IL - Robert Bee, 13, Pekin, 17 Nov 2016

    As of today, I am not finding any updates. Locals on social media talked about handing out flyers at the Thanksgiving Day parade, also hoping Robert might mingle in the crowds for food like free hot chocolate given to children. I keep praying for this young man! Do we know if this pic...
  5. CorallaroC

    What's eating you alive re this case?

    Hey PL - regarding JR's encounter with an "intruder" in his home in Atlanta - the FUNNIEST LITTLE CLUE about that "story" is that once again JR said he was in his UNDERWEAR! Hmmm, just like he was when he was reading the ransom note that morning before PR called 911. Hmmm... just like his...
  6. CorallaroC

    Who molested/abused Jonbenet?

    I have had similar questions! For anyone who has read or wants to review the recent NatEnQ, word search it for BR's answers about general squabbles he might have had with JBR in the car. IIRC, his answer was something like "NOT THAT RIDE". IMO that answer is very telling and a lie.
  7. CorallaroC

    Was Burke Involved? # 4

    Your post reminded me of something... remember how PR reacted in interrogation about the "funny little clue" of hearts drawn and "no No NO" scribbled on the AG pamphlet? She just could not imagine who did that, right? Well, maybe this evidence of basement photos is another thing we should pay...
  8. CorallaroC

    Was Burke Involved? # 4

    RBBM - good point Positive Light. The word popped out at me too, considering the fact that is was used and misspelled in the Ransom Letter.
  9. CorallaroC

    Media Links Only
  10. CorallaroC

    Media Links Only old footage of John & Patsy Ramsey on "connecting Point: with Pastor Wayne in Hawaii good refresher - these old videos might disappear off the internet someday
  11. CorallaroC

    Media Links Only

    old interview from Connecting Point Pastor Wayne in Hawaii interview - good refresher to watch in case these old interviews disappear from the internet
  12. CorallaroC

    Media Links Only

    refresher link of old footage JOHN AND PATSY RAMSEY PIECE FOR FOX NEWS 2000 good refresher. many of the old videos have long since disappeared
  13. CorallaroC

    Day Number 1 What Convinces You There Was No Intruder/12 Days of JonBenet

    This might not be the best thread to ask this but.... Do we know exactly where the fresh urine stain was located just outside the WC? All the crime details and I'm now scratching my head as to why officer French would have missed seeing that. Maybe the basement was so cluttered and dirty? Or...
  14. CorallaroC

    Dr. Phil Interviews Burke Ramsey (9/12 & 9/13 2016)

    thanks M_S for the link. The LGlass observations are interesting. In another recent LG analysis, I seem to recall her saying that BR's body language (when he was interviewed as a child) when describing his own theory of JB being carried quietly down to the basement that fateful night LG...
  15. CorallaroC

    The Case of JonBenet Ramsey-CBS Sept. 18 # 3

    matching cord was found (early on, by BPD detectives) at McGuckins hardware in Boulder as well as a nearly-matching cc receipt of PR purchase a few weeks earlier. Stanport brand? the info is here on JBR thread somewhere. I just can't remember how many feet those packages contained. Anyone...
  16. CorallaroC

    Who molested/abused Jonbenet?

    I agree PL. Much of this case is a bit shocking even today October 2016. But think back to 94-96. Madonna, Evita, Like a Virgin. things like that. But also we should all think back to 12/26 back when mothers who kill their children was shocking to society. In fact, both the OJ case and...
  17. CorallaroC

    Was Burke Involved? # 4

    Good morning Scandigirl, I think you are in a good place by thinking through all the strange pieces of the puzzle. Sometimes the known evidence makes ssense, sometimes it doesn't. Other times, the evidence seems to make sense even if the actual perp or motive does not. It is mind boggling at...
  18. CorallaroC

    If what Kolar implies is correct, what would justice look like?

    Ozazure, very thoughtful post you made above. Very much worth thinking about.
  19. CorallaroC

    What's in this cellar room photo?

    Heymom, yes I remember JR saying the same thing. IIRC he described it as a "parking garage than turned into a robot or visa versa". If you google Lego parking garage robot - you can probably find pics of such a thing, although I'm not sure if that particular toy was available Dec 96. Appeared...
  20. CorallaroC

    What's eating you alive re this case?

    KY Karen - you might want to check the deposition Arndt gave for her lawsuit against BPD. It is difficult reading, but maybe an FIND ON PAGE feature would narrow it down. I think she was the one who reported the utterances of JR when he found JBR's body.

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