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DNA Solves
  1. B

    GUILTY WI - Kayden Powell, 4 days, Beloit, 6 Feb 2014

    Right, so the missing child's aunt, either by marriage or blood. (if she is telling the truth about who she is) I watched the interview with Brianna's mom, and she talks about this woman, says the woman 'says' she is Brianna's sister but grandma 'doesn't know this girl at all'. Hoping this is a...
  2. B

    Q: Were the victims raped, as JM described?

    If the reason for them to be naked wasn't for some kind of sexual abuse (which I find possible, up to and including some method of rape) I think they may have been forced to take their clothing off as a means to control them. There were 3 boys. I believe it is possible there were fewer attackers...
  3. B

    GUILTY UT - Michele MacNeill, 50, found dead in bathtub, Pleasant Grove, 11 April 2007 - #4

    I'd lay money that Macneill had everyone in his inner circle pretty much bound to do his bidding. Even if his requests didn't make sense, his crazy making made it make sense. This is how the narcissist/sociopath operates.
  4. B

    GUILTY UT - Michele MacNeill, 50, found dead in bathtub, Pleasant Grove, 11 April 2007 - #2

    Watching all these tribute videos, WOW. My heart just breaks for Michelle's children. It becomes so much more than a salacious story/trial. These people lived a whole lifetime believing in the man, and so much sadness has been wrought upon them by his evilness.
  5. B

    Evidence you can't explain

    In my theory, PR did it and blamed BR to enlist the aid and undying devotion of JR. However, the evidence I can't explain- the black light lighting up on her thighs, assumed to be semen. Would blood also light up? Is there any other line of thinking about what fluid or substance was present on...
  6. B

    Grand Jury True Bills John & Patsy Discussion thread

    Oh. I think she hit her in the head with the flashlight. LOL was posting at the same time as the Dragon above lol! Yes, I bet PR used the flashlight on her nightly rounds to potty her daughter.
  7. B

    Grand Jury True Bills John & Patsy Discussion thread

    To add: I think Patsy was stressed, tired and/or had been drinking. I think JB had a lengthy history of frustrating and odd behaviors around toileting. I think PR had either known about or had corporal cleaning done to herself in her family history. I think she did it to JB regularly, and it was...
  8. B

    Grand Jury True Bills John & Patsy Discussion thread

    Not very specifically- I do not remember the autopsy report as clearly as some here do, but in re reading that could probably narrow it down to what type of blow causes the fracture she had. As I recall, it was considered more likely to be an actual direct strike to the head with an object as...
  9. B

    Grand Jury True Bills John & Patsy Discussion thread

    I still like my theory. I think PR caused the chronic damage to JB's body with corporel cleaning (which imo is sexual abuse). I think PR accidently killed her that night, probably due to rage over bed wetting. And I think she convinced JR that BR did it while molesting his sister, enlisting his...
  10. B

    GUILTY UT - Michele MacNeill, 50, found dead in bathtub, Pleasant Grove, 11 April 2007 - #1

    I just really don't think she can help the additional statements and facial expressions, etc. She can't stop them, but her testimony has to be heard.
  11. B

    GUILTY UT - Michele MacNeill, 50, found dead in bathtub, Pleasant Grove, 11 April 2007 - #1

    Just because she has 'different' mannerisms and a diagnosis does not mean that if I was on the jury, I wouldn't believe her. I think it will actually be important that the jury know her diagnosis. But her testimony is important, and her experience reads true.
  12. B

    GUILTY UT - Michele MacNeill, 50, found dead in bathtub, Pleasant Grove, 11 April 2007 - #1

    Another Jeff MacDonald. Sooooppppper creepy. Poor kids. Oh! And that other bathtub killing mormon husband! What was his name??
  13. B

    Deceased/Not Found MI - Coral Hall, 14, Flint, 22 Sept 1998 - *L. Janish guilty*
  14. B

    GUILTY TX - Alanna Gallagher, 6, Saginaw, 1 July 2013 - #8

    Oh I just pray this will cause the break they need to find whoever did this to that lil baby. Get them and punish them to the full extant of the law and keep them from ever hurting another child again.
  15. B

    GUILTY TX - Alanna Gallagher, 6, Saginaw, 1 July 2013 - #1

    I agree. I do not at all believe the primary parents, at least, have anything to do with this child's demise.
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    GUILTY OH - Elaina Steinfurth, 17 months, Toledo, 2 Jun 2013 - #1

    I feel like after Casey Anthony, all these loser parents know if they can just keep the body hidden until there is no evidence left, their chances of walking free or minimal time is the way to play it, once the damage is done. Look at the Hillsboro Ohio parents. And this one. And there will be more.
  17. B

    Verdict is in! GUILTY of MURDER ONE - Hung Jury On Penalty Phase

    IMO, that is exactly the kind of parenting that helps create BPD. Inconsistent, disturbed attachement- there for the child 2 times out of 5. So, there for Jodi and concerned for weeks and months of trial, somehow not there the day of her judgement. Messed up.
  18. B

    Penalty Phase - Verdict Watch #4

    I have the courtroom up!
  19. B

    Aggravation phase #7

    Hey, did Jodies hand look bruised or was it just the color on my screen?

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