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DNA Solves
DNA Solves
  1. M

    Federal Investigation of Suffolk County Police Chief

    There are so many viable suspects, it's scary. Some have been implicated by spouses - others have left clues, others trinkets on the crosses placed by the families. I'm sure there are a thousand more I have not heard of and maybe nobody has. I know if I knew someone directly that i suspected...
  2. M

    Breaking news in the LISK case

    I have the same necklace. I'm not Asian, nor do I belong to any club. I'm going on LE theory here - this is her zodiac sign and she was born in 71, 83 or 95. Since they're not great at guessing that quickly on age at TOD nor how long a body has been at a location, it could be any of these...
  3. M

    Victim: Jessica Taylor, 20, found Manorville July 2003 & Gilgo Beach Mar 2011

    I don't see how someone could have used a boat in the case of the 4 girls and/or SG. Perhaps the other "parts" (sorry to have to put it that way) because they could possibly be tossed. It would be EXTREMELY difficult to have worked through that area from the water to put these girls near...
  4. M

    Federal Investigation of Suffolk County Police Chief

    This is what I think. Every single suspect I have heard of - has some kind of connection to LE. Either they are a cop, their neighbor is a cop, or they are close with a cop. If there is one thing that is very true about Long Island is that EVERYTHING is politics. Everything is who you know...
  5. M

    Post your PROFILE

    That would be very difficult, if not impossible for most of the days and times. Unless someone was keeping tabs on someone and making very strict notes. The area the girls were found is so close to the city, any one of us in the area could easily drive to the city and be back before anyone...
  6. M

    Victim: Megan Waterman, 22, missing June 2010, found Gilgo Beach Dec 2010 *Rex Heuermann charged*

    You have amazing insight into how this goes. Apparently someone else here has decided to subscribe to the belief that thse girls simply decided to do this with no nudging by a heavy hand. Sadly... you and I both know those girls are more rare than most would believe. MOST are not just getting...
  7. M

    Victim: Megan Waterman, 22, missing June 2010, found Gilgo Beach Dec 2010 *Rex Heuermann charged*

    If I had to guess, I'd guess they've been spoken to once again. Why would they testify to one thing and then change their tune when sentencing comes. If they have the reach to do this and scare these girls several states away, what exactly are these guys capable of ? I'm not sure what...
  8. M

    Victim: Megan Waterman, 22, missing June 2010, found Gilgo Beach Dec 2010 *Rex Heuermann charged*

    The problem of sex trafficking has become such an issue in Maine, they now have a shelter specifically for such victims. Scary
  9. M

    Victim: Megan Waterman, 22, missing June 2010, found Gilgo Beach Dec 2010 *Rex Heuermann charged*

    Charges are filed, he's sitting in jail and we're at the sentencing phase. For some reason (gosh, can't imagine why) they've changed their tune and are now refusing to play ball. He's been tried, he's been convicted - there's not recharging him for the crime now.
  10. M

    Federal Investigation of Suffolk County Police Chief

    Well... SCPD isn't doing it... SCPD sure isn't going to share any information... Ordinary citizens can only do so much without being forced to turn over any evidence to SCPD. (Of course, this only depends on someone calling them and telling them what you have found... be careful who you allow...
  11. M

    UID Victim: The Female Toddler, UP9704, found Gilgo Beach Apr 2011

    Ah yes... I suppose that would be helpful :) I for some reason was thinking for a second it was only her skull they had found. That was actually JD who's legs were found on FI - :( So.. mom perhaps was dismembered - since baby remained intact and theoretically, they would have been...
  12. M

    UID Victim: The Female Toddler, UP9704, found Gilgo Beach Apr 2011

    I dont' know if NAMUS has dropped the ball on updating anyone ruled out as being John Doe or if they never looked into some potential matches I submitted months ago. Either way, I question the effectiveness of this organization since suddenly the pic is gone and no names are listed as being...
  13. M

    UID Victim: The Female Toddler, UP9704, found Gilgo Beach Apr 2011

    At one time, the NAMUS profile for John Doe had his sketch... for some reason it suddenly didn't. I'm dumbfounded by them not having composites done of mom and baby or they haven't updated to (at least) say for sure whether it is mom and baby. Sister's, aunt, niece, grandmother.... they surely...
  14. M

    Federal Investigation of Suffolk County Police Chief

    This is why I feel the FBI needs to take over this investigation. There are too many links between suspects and SCPD members This goes for known suspects and some lessor known suspects that I know for a fact have not been discussed on this board or any other ;)
  15. M

    Victim: Megan Waterman, 22, missing June 2010, found Gilgo Beach Dec 2010 *Rex Heuermann charged*

    OH.. also, RB is facing muh more than 2 years, He's facing 2 years per victim and has a much more lengthy rap sheet compared to Akeem. They're adding additional points for past convictions and the coersion charges. Lets not forget also that Akeem was giving a stiffer sentence than he was...
  16. M

    Victim: Megan Waterman, 22, missing June 2010, found Gilgo Beach Dec 2010 *Rex Heuermann charged*

    To listen to some of the tactics RB used on these girls shows they were definatley coerced (at least) into remaining in the business. What's truly alarming is the way they have now changed their stories. 2 of the 3 cases were basically dropped since the last hearing in January because 2 of the...
  17. M

    Federal Investigation of Suffolk County Police Chief

    Hmmm.... I've been going around and around in my head about this one - Curiosity is killing me :confused:
  18. M

    Victim: Megan Waterman, 22, missing June 2010, found Gilgo Beach Dec 2010 *Rex Heuermann charged*

    I will keep you guys posted I had given up on any of these discussion type places because things just get too crazy with the crazies But, with the time passing and lack of progress by those in charge of this investigation, I am grateful to see there are some out here still thinking about these...
  19. M

    Victim: Megan Waterman, 22, missing June 2010, found Gilgo Beach Dec 2010 *Rex Heuermann charged*

    Sorry Deedee .. was off reading on another thread YES... he has been incarcerated for quite some time :) Appears in standard issue jail garb - it's not very flattering for him either :floorlaugh:

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