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DNA Solves
  1. N

    11.11.13 - WeBsLeuThs RADIO

    I think it is possible that every piece of information in this case, for some reason, just has to be confusing. Why would a person who knew anything about the law, well meaning or not, take it upon themselves to start showing witnesses pictures? This case is already so messed up with all the...
  2. N

    Cell Phone Activity Timeline as of 11/11

    Couldn't Debbie and Jeremy just release they're own phone records or would LE not want them too? Seems like it would make life easier on them all if they just got the records and even if they couldn't release them to the media couldn't they're lawyer just read off them? I know I can print mine...
  3. N

    11.11.13 - WeBsLeuThs RADIO

    Listened to the show and just found Jim Spellman's twitter and he is really great about answering questions with just the facts he knows. It is very helpful in cases like this!
  4. N

    "Jersey" and MW #2

    My husband worked overtime so I could stay home with our daughter, I quit my job to be at home with her. He had a bad experience with day care and wanted one of us home, he made more at the time so I stayed home. He would sometimes work insane hours but it was a personal choice for us and I...
  5. N

    Emergency custody papers filed by mother of JI's son 11/14/11

    I am still not sure what to think about this whole story and I hope that in the end the boys can be loved and cared for by they're whole family and extended family. I always say they're isn't enough people in this world who can love and care for my daughter, she has a lot of "family" that take...
  6. N

    Police say parents are not answering vital questions

    She was irresponsible yes but I have not heard one person say she wasn't loving, nurturing and caring.
  7. N

    MSM coverage of Baby Lisa, 11/13/11

    I posted this in another thread but it can fit here has well. A couple days ago I was picking up my daughter from school when I started chatting with a neighbor. She made the comment that she knew my husband was working a lot because she didn't see his car when she walked her dog at night, but...
  8. N

    Emergency custody papers filed by mother of JI's son 11/14/11

    It was a statement made by the newscaster in the video quoting the bio-mom.
  9. N

    Cell Phone Activity Timeline as of 11/11

    I give away mine when I get new ones, just pull out my sim card and they put theirs in I have done it a few times. My number and plan go with my card so I don't get charged for anything they do on the phone.
  10. N

    Police say parents are not answering vital questions

    If LE would have been more careful in they're questioning (good cop instead of bad cop) does anyone else think they would have found out more? I mean all the accusing really didn't do them any good, the parents went on TV at first, but were picked apart so now they chose not to and they are...
  11. N

    what are your thoughts now? *re-re-poll*

    My opinion changes all the time. I think it would be easier if there wasn't so much media spin on both sides. I am not sure the facts anymore because everything is so confusing. The stories keep changing, but because police haven't said much I am not sure whats changed, what was reported wrong...
  12. N

    People Magazine article about Lisa

    I could see not wanting to be apart of searches now, I wouldn't want to be the one who found my child dead, I know that sounds awful but I don't blame them for not searching, I do find it odd they aren't at least doing something though, but maybe they are behind the scenes. (I really try to...
  13. N

    Police say parents are not answering vital questions

    I am a person who thinks that everyone has rights, I never knew it was your constitutional right to only be questioned with your partner/person you are dating. If they are not married there isn't privilege and I know they don't have to answer questions but can't police make them sit there and...
  14. N

    Cell Phone Activity Timeline as of 11/11

    If the phones were restricted couldn't the police still access the mailbox to hear the voice mails? If DB or whoever was trying to check messages, but couldn't cause it went to the call center wouldn't police still see the incoming calls and be able to listen to messages? Also when you delete a...
  15. N

    MSM coverage of Baby Lisa, 11/12/11

    The Attorney never said the cops were nasty he said the questions they asked were nasty imo that is a big difference! The article misrepresented what was said for headlines, the media has done that throughout the case its a big reason why there is so much confusion.
  16. N

    MSM coverage of Baby Lisa, 11/12/11

    This is part of what makes me so mad, the article had one quote that used the word nasty "The gesture came as the parents of Lisa Irwin had a private gathering and their lawyer reasserted there are no plans to let police interview the couple separately after what he called 'nasty' questioning."...
  17. N

    Police say parents are not answering vital questions

    If you like body language stuff you can check out this guy too Lisa Irwin Parents New Interview - My Body Language Analysis. MUST SEE. GMA. CJB - YouTube He did a few that I found really interesting :)
  18. N

    MSM coverage of Baby Lisa, 11/9/11

    I grew up around drug addicts and I can tell you addicts will do very strange things while on a binge. I seen a lady pick her baby because of bugs then try to give the child to my dad because he was "possessed" by something. They get something in they're head and it gets stuck. I could see...
  19. N

    MSM coverage of Baby Lisa, 11/9/11

    I hope its ok I post this here, but something happened to me today that kinda made me think of this case. While I was picking up my daughter from school my neighbor came up and we started chatting, she mentioned she knew my husband was working alot because she noticed his car was gone late at...
  20. N

    MSM coverage of Baby Lisa, 11/9/11

    I was thinking maybe she saw her around the time something happened that could explain how they got the time. My little girl will tell people something happened while Dora was on or something so they may just be saying 630 but the little girl actually said something different that let them know...

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