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  1. Zak

    What small foreign faction?

    I already gave you 2 examples from DOI where PR referred to herself as "southern". I realize that this thread is SFF topic but I was only responding to a post from HOTYH.
  2. Zak

    What small foreign faction?

    But don't forget that both of the R's often referred to themselves as "southerners". (Although, I have never understood this because neither are from the south, but they did live there for a good number of years.) Other than the fact that neither of the R's talked with a southern accent they did...
  3. Zak

    What small foreign faction?

    PR moved to Atlanta after graduating from college and JR was already living there. I believe it was after this that the rest of her family moved to the south. So JR would have been a southerner longer than PR.
  4. Zak

    What small foreign faction?

  5. Zak

    What small foreign faction?

  6. Zak

    Cracked Crab...Priscilla White....Strange??

    Thank you for the wonderful post! That is exactly how I feel, but I must add that it was after I read DOI that I knew without a doubt that the R's were guilty.
  7. Zak

    Cracked Crab...Priscilla White....Strange??

    No, it wasn't a typo. If you read both JR and PR's LE interviews then you will read that PW was making plates of cracked crab for all the kid's so that they could have some before all the adults ate it all up.
  8. Zak

    Cracked Crab...Priscilla White....Strange??

    I'm not sure why anyone thinks that Priscilla was fixing all the kid's plates at the turkey dinner they were having. The way I read JR's statement is that Priscilla had a big platter of cracked crab that she was setting out and that is what she put on little plates for the kids to have later...
  9. Zak

    NIV Study Bible - listen carefully/SBTC

    My Bold The White's broke off their friendship with the Ramseys so how could they keep the White's close to them? After the murder the White's wanted nothing to do with the R's. From the depositions that I have read I know that JR said something like that they were not angry with the White's...
  10. Zak

    Ransom Note and Common Sense

    Thanks so much for the very informative thread.
  11. Zak

    Ransom Note and Common Sense

    Two things about the RN that I have never understood. PR had stated many times that she only read the first few lines of the RN. So when John is on the hallway floor in his underwear on his hands and knees reading the note, why did PR ask him what do we do? If she didn't read the note at this...
  12. Zak

    What's in this cellar room photo?

    Great catch! To me the object that you have outlined looks like a Barbie type doll laying on something. Looks to me like the head and an arm is showing in a pinkish colored outfit.
  13. Zak

    In case you missed it. Nancy Grace addresses the Burke Ramsey “break.”

    What I said was "No one, not the R's, not Smit, not any LE agency ever believed that a SFF ever wrote the RN." You need to ask them why they don't believe there ever was a SFF. I don't have the official report that you are always looking for, but I have read that the FBI eliminated the SFF...
  14. Zak

    In case you missed it. Nancy Grace addresses the Burke Ramsey “break.”

    I must apologize for interjecting SFF into your post. I thought that you believed that the RN was written by a real terrorist group and thats the someone that you were talking about. How do I go from a SFF wanting one of their crimes highly publicized and getting a lot of notariety to them...
  15. Zak

    In case you missed it. Nancy Grace addresses the Burke Ramsey “break.”

    [/B] My bold If this SFF wanted the extra attention and publicity, then they sure got it. Years of attention and publicity. So why didn't or haven't they come forward to claim this deed if thats what they were after? No one, not the R's, not Smit, not any LE agency ever believed that a SFF...
  16. Zak

    Prior Vaginal Trauma

    Exactly! ITA Let's don't forget the fact that Dr Cyril Wecht wrote a book about this case and the R's and LW never sued him. I find that very telling. Were they afraid to go up against a medical professional with his experience? I know the R's didn't ever want to be inside a court room...
  17. Zak

    2010.09.28 Levi P. Show: JonBenet Case Heats up! Tricia from WS weighs in

    I'm not blaming IDI as if they came up with all of this. I just don't understand how it can be believed that an intruder/kidnapper did all of the things that I listed. It appears that you won't believe that any of what I listed actually happened until you see a report on it, but several things...
  18. Zak

    2010.09.28 Levi P. Show: JonBenet Case Heats up! Tricia from WS weighs in

    Thank goodness they were very tidy kidnappers! Not many kidnappers would take the time to borrow a pen and pad to write a ransom note, put the cap back on the pen and put it right back where it came from. Plus, they very nicely returned the tablet to the hall table. And let's not forget that...
  19. Zak

    2010.09.28 Levi P. Show: JonBenet Case Heats up! Tricia from WS weighs in

    [/B] My bold But.....she wasn't moved to a car and technically she wasn't even kidnapped. Things a real kidnapper does: Get in and out as quietly and quickly as possible. A note is not necessary, a payphone call will do. And most importantly, take the intended target of the kidnapping.
  20. Zak

    In case you missed it. Nancy Grace addresses the Burke Ramsey “break.”

    Did I miss something or did I hear them say that the R's took a police polygraph? I thought they took 2 private ones. I think it's just awful that NG has a show that they can't even get the facts straight. She must be too busy nowadays to refresh her memory before doing a show. I can barely...

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