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DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
  1. S

    Baby Sign Language

    My child does ASL and at that age (20 months), she wouldn't be helpful as I obviously never taught her signs for things related to kidnapping or murder. She could sign milk, baby, sad, cry, car, mommy, scared, etc. but she couldn't sign sentences. Also, at that age, children have little sense...
  2. S

    2010.06.28 - Kyron's Dad files for divorce and restraining order

    This reinforces to me that she has something to hide in regards to Kyron. Her criminal defense attorney is involved in her divorce proceedings. She is trying to keep herself from incriminating herself in any kind of courtroom, and she is hoping this will "blow over." Eventually, many people will...
  3. S

    Is the flow of information in this case going to prevent a fair trial?

    Plenty of people don't have a clue about this. Just like I don't have a clue who won the last few Superbowls, or NBA Championships or World Series or World Cups (Germany?). And those things all got a lot more press than this. I only JUST found out who Justin Bieber, and apparently he's on TV...
  4. S

    What would you ask Kyron's teacher?

    I would ask: "What interactions did you have with Kyron that day?" "What time did you last see Kyron that day?" "Were you concerned when he was not in class? If no, why not? If yes, how did you respond to that concern?" "When was his project brought in and when was it planned to be taken home?"...
  5. S

    Could you serve as an unbiased juror in this case?

    I did not immediately suspect her, and have no strong "gut" feelings on what happened. I do think Terri Horman is probably responsible for Kyron's disappearance, but if I were called to be a juror I would put aside my own (simple) theories and look at what the evidence says to determine a guilty...
  6. S

    Why haven't Terri's parents filed for grandparents visitation rights?

    It's not even 2 months since they were staying at the house. It doesn't sound like they saw the baby daily or weekly (or even monthly) prior to all this. So filing for legal visitation rights at this point sounds like overkill to me.
  7. S

    Dede defends Terri - People Magazine

    So many times, people commit crimes (murders) that they could have gotten away with had they just not opened their mouths. I have to wonder if DeDe talking to People magazine serves two purposes - to defend herself (not unreasonable, I'd want to do the same) against allegations that she's...
  8. S

    Spicher was gone 3+ hours on day Kyron vanished

    Hmm ... maybe it was an appreciation lunch - or something special because of the event going on the next day. In which case, she might not have expected it. Or maybe whatever it was that prevented DeDe from attending was more important in her mind.
  9. S

    Spicher was gone 3+ hours on day Kyron vanished

    It always sounded to me as though this were a one day or very short term type of thing - did DeDe regularly work at this farm? Was it paid work or volunteering in preparation for the tour that was to occur the next day?
  10. S

    Dede defends Terri - People Magazine

    Yes, not to mention that she wasn't attending a class, she was WORKING (or volunteering). Details get very confused ... don't envy the investigators trying to sort all of this out.
  11. S

    Dede defends Terri - People Magazine

    The problem is, of course, that we don't have all the information. So DeDe told her friends she left her phone at home. Her friends tell news outlets this information. But we don't know whether that is true or not. The police should easily be able to confirm whether that was true, but no one's...
  12. S

    The Wall of Hope - New location!

    Should definitely be moved before school begins. It can't stay there forever ... and Kyron might not be found for months or years. In a few months, it will just become litter strewn across the school grounds. Better to plant a tree or put in a small garden bed (Kyron's garden). Something that is...
  13. S

    If Terri is guilty...why isn't she cracking?

    If she keeps her mouth shut she may get away with this. First thing any good defense lawyer will tell you is CLOSE YOUR MOUTH. Don't say anything. The police are trying to build a case without a body and probably with mostly circumstantial evidence (read: Scott Peterson, Casey Anthony). It is...
  14. S

    Family Sets Up Website for Kyron - /All Fundraising Information

    I just have to say ... you get bonus points for using the word 'surreptitiously.'
  15. S

    KOIN 08.13.2010; interview with gj witness who met Terri the day Kyron disappeared

    BBM Yeah, me neither, but I was trying to not be all witch-hunty. ;0
  16. S

    The 90 minutes Terri spent driving around--Do you believe it?

    I'm from Portland, and I know plenty of people who don't ascribe to green living philosophies or think the planet will be fine. I even know people in Portland who don't recycle! And I've seen Humvees in Portland (not to mention Escalades and Suburbans, and stretch limos). But I do find it a...
  17. S

    KOIN 08.13.2010; interview with gj witness who met Terri the day Kyron disappeared

    I totally agree. And for me, the main reason why this is such a sticking point is because I think it makes perfect sense to behave this way if you are trying to establish an alibi, remain mobile, and appear to be very busy (too busy to be up to no good). It could also just be that she happened...
  18. S

    KOIN 08.13.2010; interview with gj witness who met Terri the day Kyron disappeared

    So strange ... this woman Terri barely knows (Andrea L) knows Baby K is sick from the previous day, yet when Kaine was interviewed about the Friday Kyron went missing, he never mentioned once that Baby K had been sick. Did he not know? Was she not manifesting any symptoms by that time? I...
  19. S

    KOIN 08.13.2010; interview with gj witness who met Terri the day Kyron disappeared

    I think this is all very thoughtful. I would just add that Skyline Elementary didn't make calls for absent students. However, I suppose if - for some reason - the alarm was raised because teachers had seen Kyron and then not seen him and weren't sure what happened to him (which is still VERY...
  20. S

    KOIN 08.13.2010; interview with gj witness who met Terri the day Kyron disappeared

    Many daycares - and we are talking about a gym daycare, this is optional playtime for the parent, not a job (I use gym daycare services, and go to the gym 5 times a week, so I'm not biased against gym-going moms) - have a list of symptoms that your child shouldn't have if you want to drop them...

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