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  1. JayBee1940

    Casey as CEO

    You are correct, it was an email from CA's brother to CA. However, I have read his email again and I think he is saying KC ran up a large debt that GA had to pay off. CA's brother seems to put his thoughts in order; i.e., he starts off talking about GA throwing his dad through the window...
  2. JayBee1940

    Casey as CEO

    Not to contradict you; but, if you can find the emails that CA's mother wrote, she made mentioned that and made a statement like "KC ran up the tab", but GA had to cover the debt...possibly online gambling. You're right, the A's bend over backward trying not pi$$ little KC off. That...
  3. JayBee1940

    Casey Anthony's Shocking Comment.

    bold by me. You are absolutely correct. It's all about her. KC, KC, KC! Couldn't keep track of the number of times she used I, I've me, mine, me. me, me, me, me! :furious::furious::furious:
  4. JayBee1940

    Psychic Ginnette Lucas claims she was on the phone with D. Casey while he searched

    Kathi B. Interviews woman who hired Ginnette Matacia Lucas to find nieces killer. This woman thinks Lucas/Matacia is a scam artist (my words). This family paid Lucas around $5000 for her services. When they could not afford to pay any more money, the "psychic" would no longer talk to them...
  5. JayBee1940

    Psychic Ginnette Lucas claims she was on the phone with D. Casey while he searched

    GSJ popped into my head, too. Curious. I'm also wondering how the A's knew of this "psychic". :confused::confused: I'm thinking along with LanceLot that she might in some way (directly or indirectly) be affiliated with KFN???
  6. JayBee1940

    Psychic Ginnette Lucas claims she was on the phone with D. Casey while he searched

    She said (paraphrasing) "it's right behind the Gonsales house".
  7. JayBee1940

    Psychic Ginnette Lucas claims she was on the phone with D. Casey while he searched

    On NG last night she claimed to have a "big reputation" in the northern VA/DC area; yet, when I google her name (both Lucas and Matacia), there is nothing prior to 01/13/09. You'd think there would be at least one news item if she's so well known. Right?? Not believing her baloney!
  8. JayBee1940

    Psychic Ginnette Lucas claims she was on the phone with D. Casey while he searched

    ITA: I also did a google search. Found this on a forum from 2003. Is this Ginnette's father? It explains what a military dowser does....if there actually is such a thing. I'm gonna write my brother and ask him. He was in Nam for 18 months. "Louis Matacia is a well known dowser and...
  9. JayBee1940

    Psychic Ginnette Lucas claims she was on the phone with D. Casey while he searched

    she also stated that her father is/was a "military dowser". Anybody know what the heck a "military dowser" is?
  10. JayBee1940

    Possible Significance of the Neighbors Names?

    WFTV interviewed "psychic" Ginnette Lucas who claims to have been on the phone with D, Casey during his search. Ironically, she said she told D.Casey that "it's right behind the Gonsales house"!
  11. JayBee1940

    Psychic Ginnette Lucas claims she was on the phone with D. Casey while he searched

    She claims an intermediary put her in touch with D. Casey. That she called him. She also says the A's sent her a teddy bear that belonged to Caylee...that she later had a dream telling her the location.
  12. JayBee1940

    S.A. Concerned Defense will Sell Pics of Caylee's Remains

    On Wednesday George and Cindy Anthony’s attorney, Brad Conway, met with the State Attorney's Office and lead investigators telling them his clients want strict regulations put on how three discs with photos and x-rays taken during Caylee's autopsy are handled by their daughter Casey Anthony's...
  13. JayBee1940

    Civil Suit Hearing Tues., 1/6/09 Judge Reprimands Defense Team

    "During Tuesday morning's brief meeting, the judge refused to hear the request and scolded Jose Baez's team for personal attacks against Morgan and Morgan, the law firm representing Gonzalez, and said Baez was taking the profession to a new low." "The judge told Baez to stick to the law and...
  14. JayBee1940

    P.I. Says He Videotaped Area Where Caylee Was Later Found #2

    The article is confusing because it sounds like Dominic called LP on the 15th; however, LP is actually quoting the other PI (Hoover) regarding a conversation he (Hoover) had with Dominic on the 15th. Sounds confusing until you watch the video. Not sure what date LP talked to the PI though...
  15. JayBee1940

    P.I. Says He Videotaped Area Where Caylee Was Later Found #2

    "Padilla says a private investigator named Dominic Casey who worked with the Anthony family was aware as early as mid-November that the remains were in a wooded area near Suburban Drive"
  16. JayBee1940

    Caylee Time Line Calendar-Key Date Discussion

    TonE left for New York on June 30 and returned on July 5
  17. JayBee1940

    Details Emerge: Casey/Cindy Fight - Part 1

    Or, perhaps CA caught KC abusing little Caylee and went off on her. KC left in a huff taking Caylee with her; never to be seen alive again by the grandparents. Thus the grandparents feel guilty about the outcome of that fight. Just speculating an opinion.
  18. JayBee1940

    Geraldo - 12/20/08 Saturday

    Thank you, Patti. You know what? YOU ROCK!
  19. JayBee1940

    Baez Lashes out at Investigators-UPDATE Allegations of Evidence Tampering

    "A spokesman for Casey Anthony's defense lawyer accused police of lying to the press and suggested they could be tampering with evidence at the site where a little child's bones were found.",2933,469545,00.html Oh Boy! It's started already. Just what I...

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