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  1. suki

    Anthonys join haleigh's mom and gramma at vigil

    They just don't know when to give up. Cindy's tears did not impress me in the less bit. What some folks will do in front of a camera. Crystal should not get involve with the Anthony's - she should tell them the next time they show up to keep on down the road.
  2. suki

    Cindy was going to commit Suicide?? CLOSED FOR REVIEW CHECK BACK LATER

    In my view, the only thing Cindy was conjuring up was not suicide - it was how to get the attention back on HER and how to CAPITALIZE on in money. I can hear her thoughts now.... George is getting all this attention and I'm getting nothing! *pout pout* Well....two can play THIS...
  3. suki

    Cindy was going to commit Suicide?? CLOSED FOR REVIEW CHECK BACK LATER

    She was no more thinking of suicide than I was. Just makes me want to hand her a quarter and tell her to call someone that might really care. She gives fake a new meaning. Good try ole Cindy but I ain't buying it!
  4. suki

    2009.04.09 - George Anthony Deposition (video link included)

    Poor poor Georgie. Had to answer all of those 'big boy' questions w/o his dear sweet wife to poke him in the ribs for this answer or squeeze his hands for that answer....tsk, tsk, tsk. I could have sworn I saw his nose grow a little here - a little there. Perhaps a modern day Pinnochio...
  5. suki

    2009.03.14 Geraldo - Dr. Baden, Slip or Not on Chloroform In Caylee's hair test?

    Oh my! Bombshell news and we heard it here FIRST (as we do with other interesting tidbits) - thanks to Tracey! I can't wait to see how they will try to straighten this slip-up out.
  6. suki

    In your opinion, why do you think Ron and Misty REALLY got married?

    I said that in a nutshell the other day - and I still say it. I agree with you, it was done out of fear of a possible custody battle. Something about marriage gives a more 'stable' look some. Of course in my opinion, there is nothing stable about this case or some of the people involved.
  7. suki

    Ronald proposes to Misty #2 UPDATE: Wedding planned for 03-12-09

    Yup - I agree, the courts are more lenient these days. What I should have included in my sleepy time post this morning (ha ha) was that the Dept of Social Services might view it better if the "I do's" were said. It was just speculation on my part - you know how some are if you aren't married...
  8. suki

    Ronald proposes to Misty #2 UPDATE: Wedding planned for 03-12-09

    I think they are getting hitched because bio-mom has lawyered up and from the sound of her attorney on NG last night, there might be a possible custody battle down the road. Ron and Misty are 'cleaning up their act' IMHO. Just 'looks better' when you are married....ya know?
  9. suki

    Ron C. #2

    Judging from the pictures I've seen, I'm sure that the $400 could have been spent more wisely. This bothers me. I'm sure those that have donated will silently be kicking themselves, thinking their money was going to be used in other areas other than a dang tatoo! Of course I'm sure that...
  10. suki

    RK is considering legal action against LP

    I was thinking the same. Thanks for letting me share your thought on this one. :)
  11. suki

    A big thank you to fbi & osco

    :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: and ditto to what everyone else has said also!! :woohoo:
  12. suki

    2009.01.07 - Audio of P.I.'s interview

    I'm not for sure - he sure does have a lazy speech going on but they way that he spoke some of his words, he might be from the North - I heard a little bit of Jersey in some words, a little Boston in others.
  13. suki

    George Makes Debut As Kidfinder's Spokesman

    Getting back to George going down there - I think under the circumstances it was a bad idea. The Anthony's did not have a good relationship with the public or media that I could tell and I feel as though George could only pass negative advice from his own experience to Haleigh's parents. How...
  14. suki

    Marc Klaas Wants To Know What You Think. Please Participate

    In my opinion, Casey... - feels like Baez and his dream team will free her from jail - loves the attention she is getting - is focused on the end result - money, movie and book deals. - should not be in a private jail cell with commisary privileges. - does not know the meaning of love in regards...
  15. suki

    The Round Buttons on The Three Anthonys clothes

    I saw shamrocks - and IMHO I think those shamrocks were for Casey. I do not think they were appropriate under the circumstances. I felt like they were being worn for showing support for Casey.
  16. suki

    Caylee's smile/behavior

    This picture is the one that bothers me more than the others also LaLaw2000. If I had to describe the possible scenes behind this photo, I would say that someone had just 'chewed' Caylee out and probably she cried as a result - causing the redness in her face. That is probably why her smile...
  17. suki

    Are you planning on attending Caylee's public memorial?

    Due to distance, I won't be attending. But if I lived there, I would not be attending either. I remember when the memorial was held at BP. I watched it, I prayed for little Caylee, my heart was heavy with sadness. To me, that was the day that I began to experience closure. I can only grieve...
  18. suki

    Conway Presser - Fri., 2/6/09

    I viewed this presser as free advertising - he was just 'drumming up business' for Tuesday's event - gotta fill those pews!
  19. suki

    Is this case on your "local" news?

    I'm in SC and I don't have time to watch our local news (wouldn't do it anyways) because I'm too busy watching or listening to Orlando's local news. Sometimes I feel as though I'm there instead of here in SC. I don't even know any of our local news reporters names but I sure do know Orlando's...
  20. suki

    Capital Crimes/ Death Penalty VS Life in Prison

    I tend to agree with your statement. I would also like to add that death (for her) is just an easy way out. I much rather see her thrown to the sharks that lives within the prison walls. Slow suffering - night after night, knowing that she will never have her freedom, that she will never shop...

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