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  1. JayB12

    trial day 45: the defense continues its case in chief #137

    Google your friend. :floorlaugh:
  2. JayB12

    trial day 45: the defense continues its case in chief #137

    When used in this situation, I think of wine. The process of corking the bottle would be analogous to to "f'ing" someone. Porking someone would mean the same thing...I've never heard of the corking expression though.
  3. JayB12

    trial day 45: the defense continues its case in chief #137

    She should also thank her theater teacher because her theatrics are on center stage.
  4. JayB12

    trial day 45: the defense continues its case in chief #137

    She conveniently throws out the "old-fashioned" card when it is beneficial for the defense, IMO. One way to avoid the issue of the type of sex that was had and who initiated it (Arias).
  5. JayB12

    trial day 45: the defense continues its case in chief #137

    I don't think ALV would be moved by them at all. She already set the stage with her ridiculous comments about DV victims not knowing when to stop...paving the way for justifying what Arias did as a natural reaction. All bunk...her testimony and opinions.
  6. JayB12

    trial day 45: the defense continues its case in chief #137

    So...all the other DV patients she has didn't know when to stop and used excessive force on their abusive partners...riiiiiiiiiight, ALV. She makes NO sense at all.
  7. JayB12

    trial day 45: the defense continues its case in chief #137

    ALV referring back to prior relationships is ridiculous. It is one way to see if there were patterns of behavior but did you ever think, ALV, FOR ONE MOMENT, that Arias was obsessed with Travis and not the other guys in past relationships?????!!!!
  8. JayB12

    trial day 45: the defense continues its case in chief #137

    Listening to the juror Qs now. Wow, ALV really doesn't understand alot of straightforward Qs. Unbelievable how dense she is being...wonder if it is intentional or not.
  9. JayB12

    trial day 45: the defense continues its case in chief #136

    Extra time needed for DT to argue if juror questions will be tossed and to coach ALV on her responses to be consistent with the web of lies already spun.
  10. JayB12

    trial day 45: the defense continues its case in chief #136

    There should be a law which prohibits sociopaths from having kids or mandating that the kids must grow up in prison and never be allowed to leave. :silenced:
  11. JayB12

    trial day 45: the defense continues its case in chief #136

    Probably why Willmott ended when she did. A bit earlier, forcing an early lunch, knowing full well they could delay the afternoon start after going through all of the questions. This is absolute bunk! Let the expert answer the questions without being coached FFS!
  12. JayB12

    trial day 45: the defense continues its case in chief #136

    :floorlaugh: Bring her toblerones and, well, just bring her toblerones. Nothing else.
  13. JayB12

    trial day 45: the defense continues its case in chief #136

    Holy %$#@! Some people just don't have faith in themselves or believe that there are so many choices outside of their relatively small circle. I could see those types resorting to inmates in search of a soul mate. Geez. What a great story for the kid. Listen Johnny...while your dad was...
  14. JayB12

    trial day 45: the defense continues its case in chief #136

    BBM That is extremely weird. Must have been other underlining issues in their relationship and she was looking for someone else. Wouldn't shock me if some guy tried to link up with Arias for the conjugal visits. Alot of sick people in this world.
  15. JayB12

    trial day 45: the defense continues its case in chief #136

    The inefficiencies of this court/judge are astounding! I'm pretty sure any of us on here could consult with the judge for 10 minutes each trail day and help her with this stuff. Judging is her gig. Being efficient is not her strong suit.
  16. JayB12

    trial day 45: the defense continues its case in chief #136

    BBM Years ago, we put my grandmother in a (very nice) assisted care place. She had he own room, TV, phone, reading area, etc. During one of my visits, she chatting away with me, very lucid and with it, mentally. My mom would tell me that she was manipulative, at times, when she didn't...

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