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DNA Solves
  1. NotMyselfNEMore

    Aggravation phase #7

    Same here, when I cry it's not pretty. You can't really compare to cmja, because your tears probably involve human emotion, which she can imitate, but can't quite get it right ..
  2. NotMyselfNEMore

    Aggravation phase #7

    Exactly ! How is Willmott supposed to be helping? The victim was locked in his own bathroom and left to decompose for five days before anyone saw him, it would have been at least an additional day before Dr. Horn saw him for autopsy. Did Willmott just object to 'lack of foundation' as to...
  3. NotMyselfNEMore

    Aggravation phase #7

    So Willmott doesn't even state a reason when objecting anymore? Just "Objection!" - then waits for judge to tell her to "Approach"? Isn't it proper to state a reason for an objection?
  4. NotMyselfNEMore

    Aggravation phase #7

    That's an excellent point! I always have to take off my glasses when I cry - and I'm an ugly crier
  5. NotMyselfNEMore

    Aggravation phase #7

    How hard would someone have to stab impact a victim's skull? I'm thinking very hard.
  6. NotMyselfNEMore

    Aggravation phase #7

    There was a recess because KN asked for one before the witness testified, as Dr. Horn was about to take the stand.
  7. NotMyselfNEMore

    Aggravation phase #7

    So if we can all agree what happened to Mr. Alexander is cruel, finish up please. 27 stabs and a gunshot to the head is extreme by any standard, yes it is especially cruel. Keep objecting JM - don't let the family suffer one more moment of cruelty.
  8. NotMyselfNEMore

    Aggravation phase #7

    No reason for mja to be shaking her head - she has no memory of any of this brutal stabbing - nothing to argue.
  9. NotMyselfNEMore

    Aggravation phase #7

    Hey, her own testimony described her 'suicide' attempt, in great detail - improper argument? really?
  10. NotMyselfNEMore

    Aggravated waiting for the aggravation phase #6

    I believe she did both - sent flowers to grandmother in June, and also sent an 18 page letter to T's family (although I think she sent the letter from jail- shortly after her arrest). JM asked her about it on cross.
  11. NotMyselfNEMore

    Verdict Watch 05/06/2013 and 05/07/2013

    What!?! I thought he was my Mike....;)
  12. NotMyselfNEMore

    Verdict Watch 05/06/2013 and 05/07/2013

    A verdict today would be wonderful - I hope that is a real possibility. Though, as so many others here have pointed out, there is a great deal of evidence the jury will consider (or choose not to). This is a smart jury, and they will make a wise decision based on what they've seen, what they...
  13. NotMyselfNEMore

    Closing arguments- thread #175

    We know Travis did not make it out alive, that they ran down the hallway before she stabbed Travis (tho it was full of blood), and that Jodi put Travis in the shower, locked the door, and gated the dog. Told no one, waited days for him to be found decomposed. And then she took a long drive...
  14. NotMyselfNEMore

    Closing arguments- thread #175

    Dr Horn said he did not recall speaking to Det Flores the next day - not that he did not speak to him.
  15. NotMyselfNEMore

    Closing arguments- thread #175

    Appropriate that the cell phone went off as Nurmi was making a point about Alyce LaViilolette..
  16. NotMyselfNEMore

    Closing arguments- thread #175

    Einstein would not have picked the very top shelf....
  17. NotMyselfNEMore

    Closing arguments- thread #175

    I really think she's sitting between the two other women so she can lower her chair as much as possible and appear small between the two.
  18. NotMyselfNEMore

    Closing arguments- thread #175

    What Travis, or anyone else in the universe chooses to practice regarding their chosen religion is between themselves, and their Church - It is in no way a subject for a court of law to decide. A budding professional photographer? Because Jodi said so?
  19. NotMyselfNEMore

    Closing arguments- thread #175

    It would be ironically more inappropriate if she was terrible at her oral practices.
  20. NotMyselfNEMore

    Closing arguments- thread #175

    What no one heard on 'the tape' was Travis' acknowledgement that he knew or wanted to be recorded. Or that he was fully awake, for that matter.

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