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DNA Solves
DNA Solves
  1. Wholehearted

    Found Deceased NH - Celina Cass, 11, Stewartstown, 25 July 2011 # 4 *Arrest*

    Several posters have talked about the possible links between mental illness and violence. I found an interesting article that really clarified the issue for me. Dr. Richard Friedman wrote a really thought-provoking piece in the New England Journal of Medicine: “Until recently, most studies...
  2. Wholehearted

    Found Deceased NH - Celina Cass, 11, Stewartstown, 25 July 2011 # 4 *Arrest*

    It shocks me that Celina was on FB, apparently with no supervision. After everything that has been reported in the media, etc., about bullying and sexual predators, it just doesn't seem safe for an 11 year old to be on FB. There was so much in front of Celina. What a loss for the world it is...
  3. Wholehearted

    NV NV - Monica DaSilva, 7, Reno, 23 Sept 1990

    Huh, you're right about Monica's brother being five. For some reason, I glossed over that, because of where it said one of her favorite things to do was taking care of him. Seemed like something you'd say about a much younger child. I agree, it does seem like he would have had a lot of...
  4. Wholehearted

    NV NV - Monica DaSilva, 7, Reno, 23 Sept 1990

    Both girls were abducted from their bedrooms, while their brothers slept. It seems so risky, from the perspective of the killer, to abduct children in this way. Monica's brother was too young to pretend to be asleep or to be threatened into silence (I'm thinking of Elizabeth Smart's sister and...
  5. Wholehearted

    Theories we have regarding Kyron's disappearance

    The thing about the MFH case is that there has to be some convincing evidence for the judge to use it as a basis for a decision in a family case. I mean, in divorce and custody proceedings, there are routinely allegations of all kinds thrown by either side. So, there has to be some proof. Again...
  6. Wholehearted

    Theories we have regarding Kyron's disappearance

    Didn't Desiree give up custody because she had to go to Canada for treatment for kidney failure? I'm sure you have a personal knowledge of her that may be different than the media portrayal, but unless it's been reported wrong, she didn't simply walk away from her child. Interestingly, Terri...
  7. Wholehearted

    2011.07.26-28 HLN & FOX (Weekly) News Coverage - Caylee Anthony

    So Finnell, an illustrious lawyer, was called in for the penalty phase as a big gun, but she was called by the judge to come in because the state didn't have a case? Huh? Why call in the big death penalty lawyer if you're not worried about a conviction? I guess you could be worried about an...
  8. Wholehearted

    Theories we have regarding Kyron's disappearance

    It is so hard for me to understand how TH can keep quiet, even if it's in her own self-interest. It really makes you wonder what makes some people talk about what they know, or confess, and what keeps some people from ever sharing anything. It seems unimaginable to me that TH could keep up the...
  9. Wholehearted

    Kyron's parents' statements, interviews

    I think it's actually the reverse. In the interview, Desiree says, "Obviously I have changed my opinion over time, but in the beginning of the case, I -- I definitely thought Kyron was going to come home any second. I knew we were going to find him, he was going to be ok and everything was...
  10. Wholehearted

    Rebecca Nalepa - suicide or murder? #1

    I understand that some people who commit suicide by hanging tie their hands so that they don't pull at the rope and save themselves. But why the feet? I'd think it would make it harder to commit suicide--harder to kick the chair away if you're on a chair, and way harder to jump off a balcony. I...
  11. Wholehearted

    LA LA - Carol Cole, 17, Shreveport, Dec 1980

    I do think there’s some resemblance between the LA Jane Doe and Melinda Creech, but to me, the details don’t match up entirely. Melinda is described as being 14, 5’3 and 110 lbs. The Jane Doe is estimated to be between 16-21, and approximately 5’5-5’6. Melinda had a previous fracture of...
  12. Wholehearted

    Update from MCSO

    Has there been any word on the investigation into the suspicious fire 20 years ago in Terri's parents garage?
  13. Wholehearted

    Potential Biorelatives of Caylee wanting to bring Wrongful Death Suit

    There's another woman who's making the same claim, regarding her dead son: I think all the scam artists are going to come out of the woodwork to try to "cash in" via a wrongful death suit. The DNA test will end...
  14. Wholehearted

    LA LA - Carol Cole, 17, Shreveport, Dec 1980

    Just spitballing here: I worked at an emergency youth shelter a long time ago, where teenagers stayed for various reasons—delinquency, abuse, neglect, etc. One of the young men who stayed there for quite a while had braces. He had been in the care of the state for years, and the state...
  15. Wholehearted

    Anthony Verdict & Terri Horman

    I agree. It would be ridiculous to base a conviction solely on the fact that Terri is the stepmother. If a jury did such a thing, it would be a big mistake. My point is simply that the circumstances of the two cases are different in a crucial way. Biases can work for or against a defendant. In...
  16. Wholehearted

    OK OK - Sharon Marshall, 20, multiple aliases, OKC, 1990 - ID'd as Suzanne Sevakis - #5

    You definitely make some good points about the spectrum of knowledge that kids can have when they start going to school. But I wonder if there’s a distinction between being able to read, or recite facts, and being able to write, for example. A really bright kid can pick up the skills of reading...
  17. Wholehearted

    Anthony Verdict & Terri Horman

    I agree that without a body, it will be very difficult to prosecute Terri. But I have hope that what's in the emails goes way beyond what could be explained away by a defense attorney as frustrations/resentments/dislike or even hatred of Kyron. I can't imagine that the police would show them to...
  18. Wholehearted

    OK OK - Sharon Marshall, 20, multiple aliases, OKC, 1990 - ID'd as Suzanne Sevakis - #5

    I don't know. I find it really hard to imagine that Floyd had the ability or the desire to teach Sharon all those skills, but I guess it's possible. I'd be really curious to know what exactly her school report cards said about her in first grade. I think that while Floyd may have taken pride...
  19. Wholehearted

    OK OK - Sharon Marshall, 20, multiple aliases, OKC, 1990 - ID'd as Suzanne Sevakis - #5

    I’m new to this forum, so please forgive me if my questions/thoughts have already been addressed. I just finished “A Beautiful Child,” and I was really struck by the passage on pg. 115: “After Floyd, using the name Trenton Davis, resurfaced in 1975 in Oklahoma City, he enrolled Tonya, then known...
  20. Wholehearted

    Enter new thread ideas here! (All new threads must be approved)

    Radar Online & the Huffington Post are reporting that Jerry Springer is offering $1M to Casey, if she appears on the show with GA, LA, & CA. Pretty sure this is just another publicity gimmick, a la the Vivid Entertainment offer. But maybe it's worth a thread.

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