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  1. kimmera

    MD - Freddie Gray dies in police custody #3 *INDICTMENT*

    Something STINKS, methinks! It's going to get very interesting when these autopsy results finally come out...I don't think MM would be terribly concerned about them leaking out if they supported the charges she brought. JMOO, but I think there is something there, like the article said, a...
  2. kimmera

    MD - Freddie Gray dies in police custody #3 *INDICTMENT*

    __________________________________________________ _______________ "Whenever an arrestee is transported in a police vehicle, ensure: > That he/she has been searched and handcuffed, (hands cuffed in the rear), before being placed in a prisoner transport vehicle or a “C. P.” truck. > The...
  3. kimmera

    MD - Freddie Gray dies in police custody #3 *INDICTMENT*

    Does anyone have a link to the actual BPD seatbelt policy? I have googled till my fingers fell off and can't find it. I would like to see the actual wording of it, and also see if there is an exception rule for uncooperative prisoners. TIA.
  4. kimmera

    MD - Freddie Gray dies in police custody #3 *INDICTMENT*

    I heard the 'headline' about them calling for the medic on local radio on my way to work this morning but got to work before they actually talked about it. I will have to look for that story. Everything you have said here supports the claim that Mosby rushed to judgement, and that is not looking...
  5. kimmera

    MD - Freddie Gray dies in police custody #3 *INDICTMENT*

    Wow that IS tight! I don't know if that is the same model but the BPD van is laid out that way.
  6. kimmera

    MD - Freddie Gray dies in police custody #3 *INDICTMENT*

    Thanks. I think we are all a little frustrated that so little real, verifiable info has come out. Lots of rumors and anonymous this and that. I think that all citizens should be held accountable for their actions, whether civilians or police but the police have the right to due process also...
  7. kimmera

    MD - Freddie Gray dies in police custody #3 *INDICTMENT*

    I am not sure if this has been discussed previously. I apologize if it has, but Officer Eddie Nero was a certified EMT in NJ. http:// IMO, this helps his defense. Even if...
  8. kimmera

    MD - Freddie Gray dies in police custody #3 *INDICTMENT*

    She did discuss this on the previous page. Check post #279.
  9. kimmera

    MD - Freddie Gray dies in police custody #3 *INDICTMENT*

    I have wondered this as well...and perhaps he made a hard stop at some point, not on purpose but to avoid hitting someone...
  10. kimmera

    MD - Freddie Gray dies in police custody #3 *INDICTMENT*

    Hi all, old timer here. I haven't posted in a few years, but I wanted to add to this thread. I am a native Baltimorean so this case is of great interest to me. A couple of things: I don't know if this info has been posted before, but these officers did what is called a 'Terry stop'. Here is a...
  11. kimmera

    Penn State Sandusky Trial #11 (Verdict - GUILTY!)

    Hence the reference to his dear wife (cough) as 'Sarge'. Apparently it was a tough job to keep all of that 'horseplay' between boys in check...
  12. kimmera

    Penn State Sandusky Trial #11 (Verdict - GUILTY!)

    Hi all...I have been lurking here throughout the whole trial and I have to say how grateful I am to have followed the trial with my fellow WS! You guys are so awesome and I was happy to the point of tears at the verdict. That said, I have something on my mind that may not be a popular...
  13. kimmera

    Dr. Phil w/George and Cindy Anthony Air Date 9/13 and 9/14 2011 Thead # 2

    Someone opined upthread (I can't remember who it was...sorry) that perhaps Caylee was in the wheel well when the car was found and CA and LA may have been the ones to put her in the swamp. That is an interesting thought, and would account for CA's cavalier attitude towards the way that Caylee's...
  14. kimmera

    Dr. Phil w/George and Cindy Anthony Air Date 9/13 and 9/14 2011 Thead # 2

    I'm sure you are right, but I keep hoping against hope that after the end of tomorrow's segment DP will come on with a little postscript and say that they don't deserve a penny! Especially considering all of the public outrage this has generated, KWIM? JMO.
  15. kimmera

    Dr. Phil w/George and Cindy Anthony Air Date 9/13 and 9/14 2011 Thead # 2

    Yup, and I can think of four more..."accessories after the fact". JMO.
  16. kimmera

    Dr. Phil w/George and Cindy Anthony Air Date 9/13 and 9/14 2011 Thead # 2

    I know, right? I was shocked by that too. I was equally shocked by CA's delivery of this info...lots of details and often with a little smirk towards KC, as if to say, 'b****, I know you did it'. :eek:
  17. kimmera

    Dr. Phil w/George and Cindy Anthony Air Date 9/13 and 9/14 2011 Thead # 2

    This is the only thing that makes sense to me too. Why else would they immediately start cleaning up what they KNEW was a crime scene, before they even knew what had happened? They knew that KC was involved in something very bad as soon as they retrieved the per usual, the went into...
  18. kimmera

    Dr. Phil w/George and Cindy Anthony Air Date 9/13 and 9/14 2011 Thead # 2

    You know what, I am still holding out hope for this too. That perhaps DP is well aware that they have lied and lied and lied, and that their 'foundation' is a complete sham. He has repeatedly stated that there has been no donation made YET. Maybe DP will say that because the A's continue to...
  19. kimmera

    Dr. Phil w/George and Cindy Anthony Air Date 9/13 and 9/14 2011 Thead # 2

    BBM~ I have to admit that it took me about half a day to even digest that nonsensical statement. LOL. But once I finally did comprehend what she was saying, she is basically saying that KC obviously knew where Caylee's remains had been placed. Oh course, WE all know this, but for CA to come...

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