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DNA Solves
  1. MasonJunior

    Theories On What Happened to Caylee Part #8

    rose222 Registered User <<<<< I cannot imagine Casey putting duct tape on a decomposing body. The only thing I can imagine Casey doing if she got freaked out about some postmortem twitching or whatever....... >>>>> I can understand Casey [KC] wrapping the duct tape early on when she...
  2. MasonJunior

    Delay revealed-Motion to determine competency filed by defense

    <<<< Geraldo just wanted to look like he knew something that nobody else did. He took a chance ......... He is a big faker. >>>> Geraldo is so washed up & looking for a come back. Doing defense maneuver of 'throw all to wall - see what sticks'.
  3. MasonJunior

    2011.06.24 Sidebar Thread (Trial Day Twenty-seven)

    <<< Harping on the pool pics. Who put the ladder up? They keep leaving that part out. >>> And not reporting the body harps suspicion. Marks on Caylee's neck or body indicates drowning. Why no mention of the fight in the house the day before disappearance? Remember theft of nursing care...
  4. MasonJunior

    2011.06.23 Cindy's Testimony

    <<< .... were getting ill by eating bamboo leaves, wouldn't there be a number of searches like "bamboo leaves" and "dog sick eat leaves" or "is bamboo poisonous" leading up to the search about Chloroform? >>> ~ ~ Exactly ~ ~ Always the lead in. Cindy's nursing...
  5. MasonJunior

    2011.06.23 Cindy's Testimony

    I don't trust Cindy!!! Throughout the trial kept thinking, "What does she have up her sleeve?" The root of Casey's behavior is her mother. Lot's of lying passed down to daughter.
  6. MasonJunior

    2011.05.24 TRIAL Day One (Afternoon Session)

    Duct tape wrapped around the head to stop the decomp leakage.
  7. MasonJunior

    Evidence That is Incompatible With an Accident Theory

    <<< Cindys 911 call...and "what have you done !" and "George we lost her, Caylee". >>> A mother knows what a daughter is capable of doing. Cindy has encounter Casey's temper & anger during her lifetime. Caylee was gone & Cindy knew it!
  8. MasonJunior

    2009.03.18 Nancy Grace

    <Casey Anthony Jailhouse Birthday on March 19 - Will YOU Wish Her a Happy One? In this report, we include Casey Anthony’s mailing address so you can send cards and letters wishing her a happy birthday, or … ??? > For more read ...
  9. MasonJunior

    Details Emerge: Casey/Cindy Fight - Part 1

    Perfectly said! I cringe at the thought of those having to sit on the juror. Of course much of the facts won’t be introduced into evidence at trial? Piecing together the days of June 15th & 16th could possibly be a significant determinant to KC fate.
  10. MasonJunior

    Details Emerge: Casey/Cindy Fight - Part 1

    ***Double Whoa*** 7:45am call definitely interesting. Check back to past months if CA repeatedly left early morning messages.
  11. MasonJunior

    Details Emerge: Casey/Cindy Fight - Part 1

    Hmmmm ~ you're from California with all the movers & the shakers. Hey. down here in quiet sectors of Florida we're retired, nearly old, or old. We do try to be considerate of our friends & neighbors.
  12. MasonJunior

    Details Emerge: Casey/Cindy Fight - Part 1

    I find it odd the neighbor was, in particular, mowing his lawn & washing his car on Father’s Day ~ but then he has no reason to ‘make that up’? Father’s Day is a day families get together for dinner & togetherness. Out of respect, my neighbors will intentionally have their yards looking good...
  13. MasonJunior

    Again: Where was Casey going for two years?

    Never did I think her stealing was isolated to family & friends. Shoplifting had to be a common occurrence. When she left her car at Amscot, the groceries in her possession probably came lifted from the surrounding stores while she waited for TL. Particularly the ice pops had to be a recent...
  14. MasonJunior

    George Anthony Reported Missing *UPDATE FOUND*#2

    Same here … thinking the same. Either drunk or a ruse. Especially if the six page note plugs KC’s innocence.
  15. MasonJunior

    Do You Think Caylee died before or after Casey was at Blockbuster with Tony?

    Caylee was gone before KC meeting with Tony for the evening. Two triggers led KC to ending Caylee's life - CA choking her during the argument & the unanswered phone calls around 3 pm on Monday. Mention of the swimming pool on video displayed a smirky smug comment "surprise surprise". More than...
  16. MasonJunior

    Casey Anthony's Shocking Comment.

    Exactly, I see her taking it one step farther. Two triggers lead KC ending Caylee's life - CA choking her during the argument & the unanswered phone calls around 3 pm on Monday. Mention of the swimming pool displayed a smirky smug comment "surprise surprise". More than likely, KC anger turned...

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