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  1. B

    Mistake puts elderly lady with the luggage...

    Poor old bag. J/K. :crazy:
  2. B

    The Perfect Tree for Halloween?

    I hope someone doesn't pick it! Great fun for Halloween.
  3. B

    Infant dead, mauled by pet pit bulls!

    I have a 3 month old grandson and will not leave him alone with my little Maltese or even my cats. You never know how an animal will react to a child. They make shrill sounds that can be construed as an injured animal and when they are big enough to walk look similar to young prey. And we had a...
  4. B

    Oprah balks at Hosting Palin

    The other day I was in the State Attorneys office with a victims advocate. She had tons of religious pamplets laying around. One had a Darwin Fish on it and then told why evolution was wrong. It said fish could never fly the space shuttle so we could never have decended from them. I was shocked...
  5. B

    GUILTY NV - O.J. Simpson charged in Las Vegas armed robbery, 2007

    I think OJ is a person that will never mind any laws and always think he is above them. I hope for this reason he will be found guilty and get the maximum sentence. Otherwise we are going to be dealing with his dirty deeds for his life time. He has continued to get into trouble after his murder...
  6. B

    Hurricane Ike and Topical Storm Hanna

    Jim Cantorre on TWC just said aside from the little boy 10 yrs old that died with the tree falling on him there were 2 teen girls and a woman that are missing from a fire.
  7. B

    Cases That Haunt You

    Tara Calico bothers me. We had moved to a small town in the same county. We went to Port St.Joe {Joeseph} to go to the beach. We stopped at the same conveinience store we always did. My mom went into the store and came out asking about a van we were parked right next to when we pulled in. My...
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    Hurricane Ike and Topical Storm Hanna

    You'd have to kill me too to leave mine behind, but and this is a big but lol. I have heard on the news many times to leave you animals untied and free from their pen so they have a chance at surviving but get yourself out. I have always taken my animals and had to sleep in my car due to it. If...
  9. B

    Court Rules Police Illegally Taped Nursing Home Sex

    Heeellllooooo. She is in a coma. No one knows what kind of pain she is feeling or what kind of turmoil her mind is in. For a man to lay on her huffin and puffin he likely is not getting anything back. She is definately not responding with passion. How can he get off on this? How does he know he...
  10. B

    Why are her parents coddling Casey?

    It all comes down to how they dealt with her while she was growing up. IMO She likely did not conform to their ideals of what they wanted so it became easier for her to lie and them to pretend to beleive the lies so as not to rock the boat. Now they are doing what they have come to learn...
  11. B

    Hurricane Ike and Topical Storm Hanna

    If you can fill your tub with water. You will likely have to boil it to drink or whatever but if you are in the path of the storm your water will likely be shut off due to the flooding and roads collapsing onto water pipes. I know everyone feels like they can stick out a storm but truly, when...
  12. B

    Hurricane Ike and Topical Storm Hanna

    Get them now and make sure you buy a few packs. I am in the FL panhandle and it is blowing hard. This storm is gonna be a mean one. ETA: Stay safe. Wish y'all the best.
  13. B

    Hurricane Ike and Topical Storm Hanna

    BF's family are in the process of going to TX to pick up their uncle and get him out of harms way. They are in FL and have a 10 hr drive at least to get him and then 10 hrs back. I am proud of the way they planned this to get his uncle. His Dad just passed and his family still got together to go...
  14. B

    Fox 35 Mobile Webcame Thread #13

    You are being too polite. I'd say Casey is hiding behind the search for her child.
  15. B

    Will we see Casey's version of a bereaved mother?

    I have seen Casey cry. Watch any of the court videos and she cries real tears. Who she cries for is not Caylee. She could give up any info that would put LE on a kidnappers trail but she doesn't. She cries for herself. She pities herself. Her parents are not coddling her to get to the truth...
  16. B

    Burglar victims wake to spice rub, sausage attack

    Would that be a giant grill that is missing from the story? I think these guys were going to end up as dinner.
  17. B

    Minister Calls on Teen to "Come Back to Life"

    People are usually autopsied and then they are embalmed. What was this Pastor thinking? It had to give the family hope and then realize the teenager was not coming back. It seems extremely selfish of him. Very cruel.
  18. B

    Amscott, the car & the garbage dumpster revisited

    If the car ran out of gas wouldn't her Dad have had trouble starting it and had to put gas in it before driving it home from the tow yard? Couldn't the tow yard owner be asked if the car started up and was driven away?
  19. B

    Has the search been called off

    FL had drought conditions this summer. Then we started getting rain to make up for it. Swampy areas may have had much more exposed dry land than they do in normal conditions.
  20. B

    Has the search been called off

    Thanks. It sounds like he was honestly saying he did not want to search an area and clear it as having been searched when due to wet areas they might have missed something. He made an excellent point and I did not feel he had any other reason to call off the search. He made it clear it is only...

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