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DNA Solves
DNA Solves
  1. B

    Canada - Tim McLean, 22, decapitated on bus, Winnipeg, 30 July 2008 *Insanity*

    Good fore thought. They are saying on the news the passengers will need therapy to get over this. I watched when the story broke and it is sooo edited now. I am glad they edited it because it was way too graphic to handle. I guess we will never see the original account again but I will tell...
  2. B

    Caylee Anthony 2 year old General Discussion #33

    This post must be in reference to a special team that searches for bodies. Of course LE will search. That is what they do. Hey it maybe FL but we aren't all hicks. LE I think is on the ball and just biding their time to find Caylee because they know she is dead and they want Mom to pay. They...
  3. B

    Caylee Anthony 2 year old General Discussion #33

    I think the baby sitter was xanax and the trunk of her car. Honestly. I have asked the same question you are asking and no one knows how the child was taken care of while Casey partied. It seems the exact date of Caylee missing is not as important as she had to have been missing for a long time...
  4. B

    Caylee Anthony 2 year old General Discussion #33

    Identifying remains and finding cause of death are seperate things. If Caey did not injure Caylees bones time will help her case.
  5. B

    Canada - Tim McLean, 22, decapitated on bus, Winnipeg, 30 July 2008 *Insanity* I saw this on the news before they started putting out warnings about it being graphic and could upset a person. Well it upset me. A man sat and the guy next to him got up and stabbed a man sleeping with his Ipod on. Then the...
  6. B

    Caylee Anthony 2 year old General Discussion #33

    I agree. We want LE to search but they do not know where to search. I think Caylee is dead for quite a while. They know it, we know it. It is sad. I don't think I will feel any better when they find her remains.It is just so hard to cope with thinking about a child that young. They are in their...
  7. B

    Caylee Anthony 2 year old General Discussion #33

    I think she is having a breakdown and we are so judgemental we refuse to acknowledge it. I actually feel very sorry for her. She is trying so hard to be a mother and a watchful eye on her grandchild. I think she never could imagine this would happen. She will look in hind sight and see how it...
  8. B

    Possible Diagnosis

    I would have to say I could site an instance of Caysee doing everything listed but perhaps the first. And that is just from tv info.
  9. B

    Caylee Anthony 2 year old General Discussion #32

    I think it has a paternal link. I think LE is looking into who Caylee's father is or isn't.
  10. B

    Possible Diagnosis

    He did surprize us by saying she was not mentally ill. Anyone that has kept up with this case knows she is crazy. It is bad for the defense to say she is not insane because they certainly could use this in trial. On the other hand she is not crazy as in the definition of insanity. She certainly...
  11. B

    Possible Diagnosis

    I am sorry. My posts got screwed up. I tried to reply and it did not work so I sent it again and lost part of my post. I think the opening post is great. I find the Narcistic personality fits like a shoe. And I am so glad it was posted.
  12. B

    Possible Diagnosis

    Never mind. I reread it and she definately has all these signs. It is sad because it really does tell us she likely, or in my opinion definately , killed Caylee. I bet it is really difficult to fit someone in all the symptoms. Casey has all of them. I wonder how many are needed to diangnos. I...
  13. B

    Possible Diagnosis

    Seen this one before. It is suposed to be rare but we find it often in murderers. I can see all but one for sure. The next to the last says Constaantly envieous of others and seeks to destroy objects they feel the same about and are to act simialary. Right off I would say this is Caylee. But I...
  14. B

    Possible Diagnosis

    Well Nicole it is definatelty not this one. For example, the person might be presented as being fantastically brave, knowing or being related to many famous people. Pseudologia fantastica is not currently listed as a symptom in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, nor in...
  15. B

    Caylee Anthony 2 year old General Discussion #31

    I just posted how fast the smell can start. I think the car was something Casey needed to get around in and it was her moms. She could not just ditch it but finally decided to after finding the odor so strong. Smell is an important part of our memory. They say certain smells can bring back...
  16. B

    Caylee Anthony 2 year old General Discussion #31

    I have read before that the dogs can smell the body decomposing very soon after death. My kids dogs brought a rabbit in the house and we did not know if it was dead or not. It's body was limp so rigor definately had not set in. The dogs would not let us have the rabbit so we did not know if it...
  17. B

    Caylee Anthony 2 year old General Discussion #31

    Drugs would make you tired so you would leave her where she was at least for that day. This case is so much like Trenton Duketts. Both moms lie and pretend a kidnap happened. This woman will never tell the truth. Her family will get the big picture and stop defending her. I feel for them. Can...
  18. B

    Caylee Anthony 2 year old General Discussion #31

    I think if Casey found Caylee dead or killed her she would be tired and sick from drugs, ( I think that is what lead to this) and she would not drive very far to dump the body. She is fairly smart, at least in deception, would she really ask to borrow a shovel when she needed to bury her child...
  19. B

    Caylee Anthony 2 year old General Discussion #31

    Every Highway you drive down has trees and no one ever goes there but the occaisonal maintainence worker. Caylee weighs about as much as a family pet and her body is just as small. So many people have dogs lost and never find them I can only imagine how hard it would be to find a tiny body like...
  20. B

    Caylee Anthony 2 year old General Discussion #31

    Could the abuse be from getting in trouble when you don't perform? One of my sons grew up with a step dad that hated him. He started showing signs of abuse. I wonder if Casey was always pressed to be more than she was. Maybe compared to her brother who was Honor Society. And then getting...

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