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  1. ColdDayIn

    2011.07.06 Sidebar Thread (Post-Verdict)

    I hope someone will post this to HLN's facebook, as they are covering Caylee's law on HLN right now, maybe they will cover this as well. I signed too.
  2. ColdDayIn

    2011.07.06 Sidebar Thread (Post-Verdict)

    I am having a hard time right now with all of this. Everyday, I turn on the t.v. or the web, or come on WS, I see something new that a juror has said that they were NOT supposed to even consider in their decision. Every time I hear/read this, it's like twisting the knife in further. I feel so...
  3. ColdDayIn

    2011.07.07 Sentencing Hearing Thread

    My husband told me just a few minutes ago, that regardless of what a travesty this is, the judge will more than likely let her walk as she was voted not guilty by a group of peers and is considered vindicated, and that he thinks it will be unlikely the judge will step in and keep her in jail...
  4. ColdDayIn

    For those who believe in the Divine

    The way you are feeling is an example of why people do believe things happen for a reason and have a faith in something higher, or a religion to follow. It gives us hope and faith. Without that faith, we are left feeling lost and hopeless. You are right. Some humans are horrible, despicable...
  5. ColdDayIn

    For those who believe in the Divine

    I have wondered this same thing. As hard as it will be to swallow if she becomes rich, we have remember what is worth more? Love or Money? She killed the one person in this world that loved her the most. Something she may never have again. Her freedom is going to come at a huge cost. Only the...
  6. ColdDayIn

    Look Out Houston, Texas - Here Comes ICA?

    Good. Let her murder in Texas and face REAL justice.
  7. ColdDayIn

    2011.07.06 Sidebar Thread (Post-Verdict)

    F-Freeing L-Lying O-Odious Murderers. R-Real? I-Imaginary? D-Doesn't Matter. A-Acquit Yep, this sums up how I feel.
  8. ColdDayIn

    2011.07.06 Sidebar Thread (Post-Verdict)

    In Caylee's name, one of the best things that could come from this terrible mess of injustice, is to raise awareness of mother's killing their children. It happens everyday, yet we live in a world that refuses to believe it. We need harsher punishments for the legal guardians of children that...
  9. ColdDayIn

    What if George really was involved?

    Since they had no evidence that George was involved, I think what swayed them was the appearance of ICA. She was put in that tiny chair, had a matronly hairstyle, wore oversized clothes at times. Actually I just keep going back to the fact that the jury just didn't follow instructions. They...
  10. ColdDayIn

    What do you want to personally say to the jurors?

    Perhaps Alice in Wonderland would be more fitting?
  11. ColdDayIn

    What do you want to personally say to the jurors?

    Please tell me you have the link to this. I would love to see it.
  12. ColdDayIn

    What do you want to personally say to the jurors?

    Honestly, the majority of the jury minus the IT guy apparently don't have a high enough IQ to even work a computer.
  13. ColdDayIn

    mandatory child abuse laws needed
  14. ColdDayIn

    mandatory child abuse laws needed

    There is already a petition floating around for a "Caylee's Law" that I just signed. Lemme go get the link.
  15. ColdDayIn


    Opinions are like a-holes...everybody has one. I'm sticking by mine. She's guilty.
  16. ColdDayIn

    Caylee's Civil Rights

    I can think of hundreds of thousands of reasons the FBI would go after's called hundreds and thousands of disgruntled American citizens who feel duped by their own system of justice. I wouldn't be surprised if the president gave it a secret nod. Honestly, more people are upset about the...
  17. ColdDayIn

    Media Interviews with Case Players (SA/DT) ***Merged**

    You are right. In fact, the judge specifically told them to NOT speculate OR IMAGINE other scenarios.
  18. ColdDayIn

    Post-Verdict: What's Next? Predictions?

    What really sucks is the state of florida will probably continue to pay for Casey. I am sure they will have police acting as bodyguards for weeks or months....all at the expense of the tax payers.

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