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  1. diz39

    Cindy Anthony subpoenaed to appear in court

    Thank you for your answers! If I can ask a followup: what is the implication of being a hostile witness? Also, if LDB impeaches their credibility due to conflicting statements, is there any legal repercussion for them? TIA!
  2. diz39

    Cindy Anthony subpoenaed to appear in court

    LambChop, you would think so, but we have seen demonstrated over and over that the A's all seem to have "Diarrhea of the Mouth". Why use one word when fifty will do the job better? They all do it: misuse/mispronounce words, add unnecessary extraneous details, blah blah blah. I do not think they...
  3. diz39

    2010.07.01 Cheney Takes on Another Major Case - Jim Greer

    I was stunned when I heard CM was taking on the Greer case, and more when I heard a few snippets on local radio this morning about how he was going to be subpoena-ing (oops!) everyone from Gov Christ, the AG Mccollum, Dean Cannon and Mike Haridopolous. Incredible! The defense team is falling...
  4. diz39

    Cindy Anthony subpoenaed to appear in court

    OK, I may be the only dumb one here ( I lurk more than I opine) but what happens if Cindy or Lee get on the stand and really show their arse, a la Morgan depo. Do they declare them hostile witnesses? What is the implication of that? Or if they tell LIES in direct conflict with previous...
  5. diz39

    2010.06.25 Document Release: More Letters

    All I can say is OMG. I am just in the initial pages, and it is scary to me! I think some of these people are truly very religious, and want to witness to KC, but others are complete wack jobs. The guy who says that if KC is not interested in him (AS A FRIEND, he emphasizes), then would she...
  6. diz39

    2010.06.15 George & Cindy on Good Morning America

    Are they still passing out the stuffed bears? Was that part of the "foundation"?
  7. diz39

    2010.06.15 George & Cindy on Good Morning America

    Blah blah blah. "It's so hard.." Showing tattoos, remembrance jewelry. "Telling lies does not make you a murderer." In other words, nothing new. Cindy says she read the letters written by ICA, and they were "hurtful" to George, who just sucked through his teeth and shook his head, but stated he...
  8. diz39

    *REVISIT* Does Anyone Feel Sad for Casey? Or Family Members?

    This has to be one of the most insightful things I have read in a very long time. Thank you.
  9. diz39

    The Anthony Family: Who Might be the First to Tell the Truth?

    I voted no one would crack. I think that lying and cover ups of any behaviors deemed less than perfect to CA has been going on forever: they do not know how to function any other way. This family functioning reminds me of gangs or the mafia, where you don't rat any one out, regardless of...
  10. diz39

    2010.05.21 Document Release

    I was wondering that, too! i guess even then she was throwing old George under the bus, making him sign for the wrong hairbrush she gave. Nice, real nice!
  11. diz39

    Would You Visit Casey if You Were Cindy, George, or Lee?

    Excellent thoughts so far! As a mother, I would go and make every attempt to see my child. If she refused my visits, I would inform her via her lawyer or mail that I would be present at each and every visiting day waiting to see her. From the get go ( or from "Day One..") I would not have...
  12. diz39

    2010.05.10 - Casey Anthony Motions Hearing

    This is so ridiculous! JB is lawyering so badly I am cringing!
  13. diz39

    2010.05.10 - Casey Anthony Motions Hearing

    Hi, everyone! I thought Baez was going to cry when talking about the 6 helicopters and the protestors around the Anthony home. Sheesh, man! Grow a pair, willya???
  14. diz39

    2010.04.30 Defense responds to JS order stepping down

    I am curious about what consequence filing of this response to JS recusal there could be for the defense team. I have seen people allude to Judge Perry taking some action, and others mention the Bar. I am not too familiar with the rules and laws governing attorneys, but could there be some...
  15. diz39

    2010.04.30 Casey Anthony: Friday hearing

    Another question, sorry! Can Judge Perry do that?:waitasec:
  16. diz39

    2010.04.30 Casey Anthony: Friday hearing

    From your mouth to God's ear. Wouldn't that be awesome???:dance:
  17. diz39

    2010.04.30 Casey Anthony: Friday hearing

    Just read JB's response. Not being very familiar with court process, is this normal? Is there some reason (other than to be an azz) that he wrote this? Does this now have to generate a response from someone, or is it just part of the record? I am confused.:waitasec:
  18. diz39

    2010.04.30 Casey Anthony: Friday hearing

    BBM. Followed by fingers wagging in ears, tongue out and "Nanny nanny boo boo! Stick your head in doo doo! I know you are but what am I?"
  19. diz39

    2010.04.30 Casey Anthony: Friday hearing

    I wonder what condiment he will choose for flavor when he winds up eating those words.... Urp!:crazy:
  20. diz39

    2010.04.30 Casey Anthony: Friday hearing

    Have been skipping around the web to day, looking at different coverage of this morning's hearings, and read what I thought to be the most apt description of Judge Perry, and this was by no means disrespectful. He was referred to as the "Honorable Judge Belvin "Badazz" Perry". After the firm, no...

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