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DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
  1. G

    What's in this cellar room photo?

    Paralyzed dwarf? K you made me laugh! Do you have a link for the video of JB in the pageant with the large Santa in the background? I don't know, there are too many large Santas around for my taste. Creepy!
  2. G

    What's in this cellar room photo?

    Ok I'm not sure where to put this question but this always freaks me this video, at exactly 2:00 pls look. Is that a stuffed huge Santa or a 'real' Santa? Kind of creepy if you ask me! (I never knew there was a HUGE Santa in da house!)
  3. G

    Patsy's Art Work

    You said exactly what I was thinking...they look like my mom's paintings when she started painting class. Not a bad thing, but they are just paint on canvas. My mom's paintings evolved so much and showed emotion and heart and individuality after a while though. Patsy's seem cold in some way...
  4. G

    911 Call

    See I never knew about that trick. I always thought she ran up and down the staircase a few times to get that out of breath effect (which failed in my opinion cause she carried it on waaay too long in the call - gasping for air etc. = bad acting)
  5. G

    Misty gets 25 years - Are you happy with the St. John's verdict? ***POLL***

    You are so right! On a side note though, Misty's judge was a smug *****. IMO of course.
  6. G

    New Interviews Planned in JonBenet Killing-Oct 3,2010

    "Modern technology" only works when they are willing to test EVERYONE in JB's life - like every single person at every single Christmas party the week before she was killed. Old people and babies included!
  7. G

    In case you missed it. Nancy Grace addresses the Burke Ramsey “break.”

    Here is the interview, John says that at 4:00...the thing is, when I watch it I don't really hear "3 am", it seems like he stumbles on something but definitely says "morning". What I have learned is that Transcripts are not always reliable either. Watch and tell me what you think...
  8. G

    Boulder Police meet with JonBenet Ramsey's now adult brother

    "I understand that they met with Burke and gave him a card and said, 'If you want to talk to us, here's how you would contact me,'" Wood said. "But the police have not interviewed Burke." OMG reading this just made me want to PUKE! Burke is going to say "nope, no I have nothing to add as I...
  9. G

    2010.09.28 Levi P. Show: JonBenet Case Heats up! Tricia from WS weighs in

    It is very creepy about the dolls. If there were dolls, it could suggest that JB took them down to the basement with her and something happened there. Were these dam dolls ever tested for DNA? Possibly Pam took them out of the house when she collected "important things" like golf bags and...
  10. G

    Dam I Wish I Could...

    I know we all wish we could do something or change something that pertains to JB like "I wish I could choke so and so till they come to reason" but I'm talking about things never discussed before - stupid stuff, like mine is I WISH I WERE THE GARBAGE MAN FOR THE WHITES the day after. Or I WISH...
  11. G

    Boulder Police meet with JonBenet Ramsey's now adult brother

    Holy Sheet! I never would have expected this. I think it's great.
  12. G

    Where Should Boulder Police Start?

    Sorry here is the link:
  13. G

    Where Should Boulder Police Start?

    This interview with John always bugs me... at 4:40 or so he says there is a dangerous KILLER out there...and this dangerous KILLER (obviously he doesn't buy into the FF) will kill again IF HE'S STILL ALIVE!? I can see him saying this 30 years after the murder or something but this interview was...
  14. G

    RN and persons with a key

    I always wondered if the perp smoked, and used the suitcase to stand on and blow smoke out of the window.....and if they had any cigarette butts within throwing distance from the window. If the perp was a smoker, and would have been in the house for any amount of time, the odds are he would have...
  15. G

    2010.08.16 Misty Croslin Scheduled For Hearing On Drug Charges

    I just think it's ridiculous that they are getting 15 years from that one drug deal. I live in Canada and rapists don't even get that amount of time in jail. They were stupid, dumb and didn't care but 15 years!?? Here they would have got 3 years tops for that one drug bust. Really, should...
  16. G

    WFTV Exclusive: Plea deal next Monday on Check Fraud Charges

    Thanks for this. I was trying to remember if there was a video of Amy but I don't think there is. The video I was thinking of seeing was of Annie! (Morgan deposition re: ZG)
  17. G

    WFTV Exclusive: Plea deal next Monday on Check Fraud Charges

    I agree! I think it would be good for Amy to let Casey know just how much she screwed her around. Now I remember seeing Annie's video deposition where she was close to crying at times, but I'm not even sure Amy has been deposed yet? Maybe I totally missed that...
  18. G

    WFTV Exclusive: Plea deal next Monday on Check Fraud Charges

    Can you please lead me to Amy's deposition? I think I remember reading it but I don't recall actually seeing it - thank you!!
  19. G

    Casey's Life in Jail, Visitors; Phone Calls; Commissary etc.#3

    Yes does anyone know where to find this info? I'm very curious also. Thanks.
  20. G

    The DNA - for RDI

    I can actually see your point, sort of. But my question is, what did the FF DO after that? Their point wasn't made. Did they go home and cry? Were they pissed off that their big THING got messed up? How come they never tried again? Obviously JR and PR was a big bust. Sheet.

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