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DNA Solves
  1. Murdock

    VERDICT WATCH - Sentencing of Jodi Arias - Retrial Day 43, Part 2

    I'm not a legal professional, but it's my understanding that to qualify for a DP jury you have to agree both that you can consider the DP, and that you can consider giving life. If your mindset before the trial even begins is that a guilty verdict automatically means the DP then you don't...
  2. Murdock

    Interim discussion regarding questions from the jury and Arias on the stand #79

    This is a really good point that I hadn't thought about before your post. She claims he wanted the pictures to show-off/check out his new leaner body but pictures taken under running water, through a closed shower door, in a poorly lit room are not going to turn out very well. Pictures in his...
  3. Murdock

    The camera - is it possible for it to go off on its own?

    I haven't seen a specific thread to discuss the crime scene photos. The photos & links to the more graphic photos are in the media/timeline thread, starting on page 2.
  4. Murdock

    100 questions from the jury: Arias answering on her 16th day on the stand #73

    Maybe they wanted to know when did she first tell her attorneys that it was self-defense & not ninjas.
  5. Murdock

    100 jury questions: what is YOUR prediction? *no discussion*

    If you only remember shooting Travis, but not stabbing him & cutting his throat, then you couldn't have possibly known he was dead when you were driving through the desert. Why didn't you call someone to go check on him in case he needed medical care?
  6. Murdock

    Mistakes made that led to Casey being aquitted...

    I don't know if that would have helped, or not. Only the jurors can really answer that question, but after talking about with my husband, I don't know that proving Caylee had partially decomposed in the trunk was really that important. It was crucial when "Zanny the nanny" took her, but once...
  7. Murdock

    Mistakes made that led to Casey being aquitted...

    The prosecution not changing its strategy after opening statements. Once the defense admitted that Casey had known all along Caylee was dead, so much of their case, including the car became irrelevant. I wish they would have spent more time with Dr G explaining why they felt the duct tape was...
  8. Murdock

    June 23rd 2012 Family holds balloon release

    BBM I've never found one, but I had one of mine found. We did a balloon release in elementary school, and my balloon was found about 20 miles away. The distance was impressive when I was 9 years old - not so much now.
  9. Murdock


    Where is this other SPD timeline? Orlando Sentinel says it was part of last week's document release. Was it part of the documents released to the public? I can't find it.
  10. Murdock

    Witness accounts

    BBM I enjoyed reading your post. I want to comment on the portion in bold. I don't think they threw that into the doc dump to make GZ look like a racist. From what I remember of the "other Florida case", everything gets turned over in discovery & then released under the Sunshine Law...
  11. Murdock

    New website for Lisa

    Did you get this from Cityslick's post, or because you saw something on the website saying this?
  12. Murdock

    How much does Jeremy know?

    I'm sure JI does drink. Whether it's as much as DB, less than, or more than, I have no idea. As far as the "alcohol doesn't change a person" comment, I can think of 4 different ways to look at that: 1) JI was responsible for what happened to Lisa. He was drunk, lost his temper, and is...
  13. Murdock

    New website for Lisa

    Thank you for the explanation. I was having a hard time understanding why the people who think the baby is dead were the ones angry about the web site. (because if the baby's dead she's not coming home no matter how well designed the web site is) I don't know if I agree with your conclusion...
  14. Murdock

    New website for Lisa

    Speaks volumes about whom? Do you think the parents asked for a poorly designed website, and if so why?
  15. Murdock

    How much does Jeremy know?

    People who are shy do act different around people they know. I'm shy, and barely talk when I'm with people I don't feel comfortable around, but with friends and family I never shut up.
  16. Murdock

    New website for Lisa

    Yes, you're right. I was thinking the website could be better designed. In particular I think there should be more information on the front page. It's easy to criticize from a distance, isn't it? :blushing: I don't know how to design web sites, but I'll send them my suggestions.
  17. Murdock

    New website for Lisa

    BBM I'm sorry, but I don't understand. What do consider "telling" and what is it telling you?
  18. Murdock

    New website for Lisa

    Thank you, askfornina. I thought I remembered seeing pictures of her from the party, but I couldn't find them when I tried to do a search.
  19. Murdock

    Thousands of spiders blanket Australian farm after escaping flood

    Those are like photos straight out of my nightmares. I don't know how I would deal with something like that. I really don't. I think my mind would snap and I'd have to be hospitalized. That's if I didn't die from a heart attack. I hate spiders. I can deal with just about any other creepy...
  20. Murdock

    Questions that you would still like answered.....

    Does Jersey have an alibi? Is Jeremy on camera the entire night at work, or is there a period of time when he's not seen? Did SB see Lisa after Jeremy left for work on Monday night? What are the results of the forensics on the items taken from the house?

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