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  1. Murdock

    Let's Get Situated For the Hearing on 7/15/10

    Me, too. I love reading their first hand accounts.
  2. Murdock

    Casey & Family Psychological Profile #10

    Is there anything they can do, at this point, to change public perception? The time to both support KC & endear themselves to the public was in 2008, IMO. Anything they would say now, (such as thanking TES, and Roy Kronk, for example), would be taken as insincere.
  3. Murdock

    Similarities to other Cases. Melinda Duckett, Diane Downs and more

    IIRC the three children were around 8, 7, & 3 yrs old. The 7 year old died & the 3 year old was paralyzed. It was the oldest child who testified against her. I missed this 20/20. I wish I would have seen it. Small Sacrifices was the first true crime book I ever read. Does anyone know...
  4. Murdock

    2010.05.10 - Casey Anthony Motions Hearing

    Do you mean a work comp claim? Work comp covers you from the first second you are on the clock.
  5. Murdock

    2008.07.30 Discuss Jail Visit with George & Cindy

    I'm sorry I don't know how to make links. I found it on You Tube. It's the 7/30/08 jail house visit with GA & CA. It's part 1, when they are waiting for KC to sit down. My friend just responded to my email. She hears "When she comes in I'm going to flash her this shirt and see."...
  6. Murdock

    2008.07.30 Discuss Jail Visit with George & Cindy

    I've now listened to it so many times it's starting to sound jumbled. The first few times I thought I heard "If she tells the truth it will be the first time through any of this." I'm only about 20% certain that's what I heard, though. I asked my husband what he heard, but he couldn't...
  7. Murdock

    2008.07.30 Discuss Jail Visit with George & Cindy

    I never even noticed anyone talking before Casey sat down. You have good ears. I think I could make out "If she tells the truth" but I couldn't hear the rest of it. Does anyone know what is said there?
  8. Murdock

    Was Caylee Stored in the freezer?

    Casey did not write the "I like monkeys" story. I've heard it before.
  9. Murdock

    Source: Casey's Attorney Marketing Photos To Media

    What if your child wasn't missing, but was already found dead before you were arrested? Would it be OK then? What if it wasn't a child, but a co-worker, or neighbor & ABC wanted pictures you took at a party? This is a hard one for me because my initial reaction is that it should never...
  10. Murdock

    Who is the Mystery Man who came for Chili ?

    IMO, Casey doesn't ask about him, because she doesn't care. She was already annoyed that she had missed the chili party, so I don't think she wanted to hear about a stranger that got to eat her share of the chili. Her lack of reaction, or curiosity, as to the stranger that happens to be...
  11. Murdock

    *UPDATE *INFO CAN BE RELEASED ANY TIME 'Casey Pros Allowed To Keep Evidence Secret

    BBM If you really want to be secretive you can purchase pre-paid phone cards at a gas station or grocery store.
  12. Murdock

    2009.12.09 Document Release: Adolescent Calling for Help Near School

    It's an interesting theory, but wouldn't that mean that he had Caylee with him while he was driving around reading meters? That doesn't seem plausible, IMO.
  13. Murdock

    Legal Q&A Thread for R Hornsby

    Will the videos of the family visits to jail, & KC's phone calls from jail be allowed in as evidence?
  14. Murdock

    Caylee's "Big Trouble..." Shirt Incl. Photos *Merged*

    I remember that cropped picture and the person claiming it was their daughter. It was in 2008. It was shortly after I discovered WebSleuths.
  15. Murdock

    The Pontiac - "Revisted" #1

    I once had my car run out of gas along the side of the road. It started back up, once I put gas into it, without having to do anything extra. My car didn't sit for any longer than maybe a hour, until I was able to get gas for it, though. I don't know if it's different when the car has been...
  16. Murdock

    "G (Guilty)" vs "NG (Not Guilty)" Where do you stand?

    I've never been on a jury. How does that work? If they come back with a guilty verdict, do they have to explain how they reached their decision?
  17. Murdock

    "G (Guilty)" vs "NG (Not Guilty)" Where do you stand?

    Guilty. As interesting as some of the alternate theories have been, I just can't see a resonable situation where a mother doesn't report her kid missing, or injured, unless she has something to hide.
  18. Murdock

    "G (Guilty)" vs "NG (Not Guilty)" Where do you stand?

    Wudge, Do you think they will change to an accident defense?
  19. Murdock

    "G (Guilty)" vs "NG (Not Guilty)" Where do you stand?

    Hi. I'm a long time lurker with a question. I hope my question doesn't sound stupid. Since the defense isn't claiming this was an accident, will they even be able to offer alternate duct tape placement theories? The "kidnapper" would have no reason to use duct tape after she was dead.

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