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DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
  1. XcomSquaddie

    GUILTY PA - Ashley, 22, Dreux, 2, & Orlando Guarino, 11 mos, murdered, 9 July 2008

    Another local news site: And one more: No additional info at either one, really.
  2. XcomSquaddie

    GUILTY PA - Ashley, 22, Dreux, 2, & Orlando Guarino, 11 mos, murdered, 9 July 2008

    Whoa. I grew up in that area. Hope they nail him quick.
  3. XcomSquaddie

    The Ramseys are Cleared

    They had four handwriting samples from her. If she wrote it, they could have proven it.
  4. XcomSquaddie

    The Ramseys are Cleared

    What? You mean when he testified about bodily movements after the spinal cord was severed? or his infamous AHA! moment?
  5. XcomSquaddie

    The Ramseys are Cleared

    From [/LIST]You disregard all of this?
  6. XcomSquaddie

    FL - Yailen Abreu, 23, pregnant, shot to death, Orange County, 7 July 2008

    There are visible powder burns around the muzzle and the chamber. If you use good (expensive) ammo, there's less. If you use cheap ammo, there's a ton. It can actually jam a weapon after firing a box or so (about fifty rounds). You can also smell the gunpowder pretty easily. Running a...
  7. XcomSquaddie

    FL - Yailen Abreu, 23, pregnant, shot to death, Orange County, 7 July 2008

    Oooooooooooh. That's bad. :crazy: True, but bad... :D
  8. XcomSquaddie

    FL - Yailen Abreu, 23, pregnant, shot to death, Orange County, 7 July 2008

    I don't know. That's a stretch. A big stretch. Gun Cleaning: (For a semi-auto, S&W Sigma series handgun. Works for Glocks too.) 1) Hold the gun in your firing hand, finger off the trigger. Note that your finger should never be on the trigger anyway, unless you're firing. 2) Using your...
  9. XcomSquaddie

    Serial Rabbit Killer uses Google Earth to find Victims

    Very scary. That'd be time to start breeding piranha...
  10. XcomSquaddie

    Serial Rabbit Killer uses Google Earth to find Victims

    No prob. What's scary is that all you need is a person's name OR an address. Within a minute, literally, you can have a map to their house from yours. You can pull up street maps for directions, satellite photos show the terrain and if you're lucky, you may find floorplans of the house...
  11. XcomSquaddie

    Serial Rabbit Killer uses Google Earth to find Victims

    Pretty twisted individual. The use of high-tech will make it that much worse when he/she graduates to human victims.
  12. XcomSquaddie

    Family Stranded at Airport After Being Kicked Off Plane

    It's always nice when adults can handle stressful and unpleasant situations with grace and maturity.
  13. XcomSquaddie

    Family Stranded at Airport After Being Kicked Off Plane

    My son sometimes screams and yells as part of his stimming. That behavior is entirely different from when he is angry and throwing a fit. Sorry if I'm nitpicking. At this point, no one can say. No stories have specified which child was doing what. It's hard to speculate. Easier said than done...
  14. XcomSquaddie

    Family Stranded at Airport After Being Kicked Off Plane

    It really shouldn't be the issue. However the media emphasizes it because it generates sales and some parents play it as a G.O.R. card. (Get Out of Responsibility card) Everything about air travel is a joke these days. The supposed security zones are penetrated at will and do nothing...
  15. XcomSquaddie

    Family Stranded at Airport After Being Kicked Off Plane

    LOL. I've suggested doing that to my dad. He hates flying and always makes himself a nervous wreck before a flight. :D
  16. XcomSquaddie

    Family Stranded at Airport After Being Kicked Off Plane

    No. Everyone has an expectation of a trouble-free flight. No one has a "right" to anything in life. I agree 100% although I would add that your statements apply to typical children as well. I agree with that as well. To an extent, yes. That's the hope of mainstreaming, that they will...
  17. XcomSquaddie

    MA - Woman denies medical care to her son

    You're only hearing one side of the story. The mother may have asked for help. She may have asked the father. The problem is she hasn't spoken and the police don't need to investigate because they have their criminal. The father sounds like an idiot from what he said. Your child comes first...
  18. XcomSquaddie

    MA - Woman denies medical care to her son

    This isn't as rare as you would think. Cancer treatments involve weekly (or even multi-weekly) visits to the hospitals and doctors, a myriad of tests, procedures, medications and even strict protocols regarding germ exposure and more. There are parents out there who just feel it is too much...

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