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DNA Solves
DNA Solves
  1. L

    OR OR - Kelly James (dead), Brian Hall, 37, Jerry Cooke, 36, Mt. Hood Climbers, Dec 2006

    Two of the best climbers - these guys made multiple summits of Everest. Both died on there in 1996; they were guiding people up Everest when a terrible blizzard struck, and they violated some of the basic rules of Everest (if you haven't summited by 2pm, turn around.) I highly recommend "Into...
  2. L

    OR OR - Kelly James (dead), Brian Hall, 37, Jerry Cooke, 36, Mt. Hood Climbers, Dec 2006

    Rob Hall and Scott Fischer were experienced climbers, too.
  3. L

    OR OR - Kelly James (dead), Brian Hall, 37, Jerry Cooke, 36, Mt. Hood Climbers, Dec 2006

    I read it yesterday. He may be an expert, but it's not clear that the people climbing are as knowledgeable about how to properly build a snow cave, whether they brought enough food and fuel to last this long, etc. Scroll down and read his second post. Even if the guy in the snow cave...
  4. L

    OR OR - Kelly James (dead), Brian Hall, 37, Jerry Cooke, 36, Mt. Hood Climbers, Dec 2006

    Not good... it takes a lot of calories to do what they were attempting to do (descend a mountain.) I'm guessing they didn't have a GPS with them, since they've had more than enough time to hike to a village. As they say on Everest, getting up is the easy part.
  5. L

    OR OR - Kelly James (dead), Brian Hall, 37, Jerry Cooke, 36, Mt. Hood Climbers, Dec 2006

    The sun being out is a mixed blessing. Out here in Seattle, the famous cloud cover also keeps the temperatures warmer at night. Whenever it is sunny and clear, you can bet on it being COLD at night. The difference is easily 10+ degrees in the lowlands. And as others said, it can also make...
  6. L

    OR OR - Kelly James (dead), Brian Hall, 37, Jerry Cooke, 36, Mt. Hood Climbers, Dec 2006

    They've got to be running low (if not just out) of fuel by now. You can't eat snow (for long) - it will lower your body temperature.
  7. L

    link between Johnny G, other Iowa boys, and Jacob W?

    Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence.
  8. L

    IA IA - Johnny Gosch, 12, Des Moines, 5 Sept 1982 - What if no ring / No conspiracy?

    Deflection about her involvement in her son's disappearance? When she sends people off hunting for pedophine rings, government conspiracies, etc., they're not looking at HER as a suspect. For those of us who think she's just a crackpot, again, we're not really looking at HER. Her husband...
  9. L

    IA IA - Johnny Gosch, 12, W Des Moines, 5 Sept 1982 - What happened? - #2

    Noreen cannot say under oath that Paul was telling the truth; she has no way of knowing for sure. She can THINK he is telling the truth, but she can't KNOW. Noreen is a crackpot, IMHO.
  10. L

    TN TN - Disappearances in the Great Smokey Mountains

    Not necessarily - I have a friend who is a geologist for the county, and says they're always finding illegal mines, usually old ones. It would be pretty easy to fall into one.
  11. L

    NY NY - David Michael Loew, 22, USAF Sergeant, Rome, 10 Dec 1984

    The first thing that grabs me is that $500 loss on a game. I wonder if he ran up some other gambling debts that he was unable to pay.
  12. L

    IA IA - Johnny Gosch, 12, W Des Moines, 5 Sept 1982 - What happened? - #2

    Not to be defensive, but there is a world of difference between having sex with a seven year old and a seventeen year old.
  13. L

    Identified! CA - Mendocino Co, 2 WhtFem Teens, Jul'79 *Francine Trimble & Kerry Graham*

    This link indicates that there was a recent DNA test that showed the kids weren't related.
  14. L

    !!!!!!!!!! Patsy did it!!!!!!!!

    But the Ramsey's were in the best position possible to remove the body from the house before calling the police. They could have put the body into their car in the garage, dumped it, then came back and called police.
  15. L

    !!!!!!!!!! Patsy did it!!!!!!!!

    And this doesn't apply to RDI's?
  16. L

    Here is my John Karr did it theory. whaddya think?

    Yes, it's much more likely that one of the Ramsey's wrote the note in their own handwriting, and didn't even try to remove the body before calling the police and risking them discover said body before JR could "contaminate" the scene.
  17. L

    I was wrong!!!

    Not if he's given life without parole.
  18. L

    Breaking News Archive - 20th - 26th Aug

    As an aside... remember 1996 was the year that Richard Jewel was all but tried, convicted, and sentenced for the Olympic bombings.
  19. L

    Breaking News Archive - 20th - 26th Aug

    If the attitude of the police is "we need to clear you as part of routine", then I would cooperate. If their attitude was "we think you did it, and we're just going to dig into your past until we find enough evidence to charge you", then I'd lawyer up. You'd have to be downright dumb to...
  20. L

    Evidence of IDI...?

    1. By using paper and pen in the house, the police can't use forensics to track the source of the paper/pen. Also, several handwriting experts thinks it is his handwriting. 2. Kidnap, yes, but not necessary kidnap for ransom money. The ransom note would have bought precious time...

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