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  1. B

    NBC Action News new timeline - 11/02/2011

    Because lights on and a window open, in and of itself doesn't make one jump to OH MY GOD WHERE ARE THE CHILDREN! He comes in and it 'appears' everyone is sleeping, and the lights have been left on, window left open. So he jumps to the conclusion that most people would go to (IMO) first -...
  2. B

    "Jersey" and MW

    I think the issue is we can only ASSUME he came back and turned the sprinklers off. For all WE know, another neighbor may have seem the sprinklers going for 8 hours and decided to turn them off. I am not saying Jersey is not involved, but I find it interesting that he was known for breaking...
  3. B

    MSM coverage of Baby Lisa, 10/31/11

    DB claimed in the interview with MK that it was within a couple of hours of being 'interviewed'.
  4. B

    MSM coverage of Baby Lisa, 10/31/11

    Just jumping off your post. That's interesting when you consider at minute 54 they were asking for a case number for a kidnapping. (based on scanner request of case number at 4:58am) Me thinks JT is prone to exaggeration.
  5. B

    MSM coverage of Baby Lisa, 10/29/11

    I understood it to be "what for" as in 'what are we calling this 'crime' so that we can label it - not why do you want a case #. I think she was establishing what kind of case it was, not that she wanted to know WHY he wanted a case #. Although I initially thought the same thing, TBH.
  6. B

    MSM coverage of Baby Lisa, 10/29/11

    I thought the same thing. He/she not only had time to kidnap a child and grab the cell phones (while leaving every light on - and the pumpkin light, lest we forget) but also walked around the house to make sure there was no land line. They would had to have known or walked around to ensure there...
  7. B

    Interview with the two boys has been cancelled

    I know there are many on the fence about this family, but IMO this screams 'I am more worried about my children incriminating me' than 'I wonder if the boys know something that can help find Lisa'. oh and FTR they have been on a 'break' since Oct 6th. They should be well rested by now.
  8. B

    Interview with the two boys has been cancelled

    ...dare I say shocked? Just shocked I tell you. *pssst, not really surprised*
  9. B

    local media's first home tour and presser 10/27/11 **cancelled**

    Never mind, I just saw where the kids will still be interviewed. Maybe..... Perhaps.....
  10. B

    local media's first home tour and presser 10/27/11 **cancelled**

    Me thinks something is afoot. (I hope I hope I hope they have something) If this is just another stunt, they have to know that it makes them look worse to the public. Postponing the kids interviews, etc. looks like the act of desperate guilty people trying to hold off the inevitable.
  11. B

    Are WE to blame for being suspicious?

    Just go look at the "crimes against children" threads and you'll have your answer. 3-5 children A DAY are murdered by their mother or father. 200 a year by their mother. We act like its so rare and uncommon that this happens, but its not. It happens all the time. The thing is not all parents...
  12. B

    26 October 2011 Main Stream Media coverage of Baby Lisa

    I noticed it too (on more than one occasion - the lawyer said it as well ) and wondered what that was supposed to mean? I thought it was odd as well.
  13. B

    LE wants to interview the parents separately

    Color by me. Presumably, based on LEs rare media blurbs, there is new evidence to be discussed. In addition, as mentioned in other posts, until the parents are cleared, it is difficult to move forward. The longer the parents hem and haw, the harder it will be to find Lisa. I, and many of us...
  14. B

    LE wants to interview the parents separately

    Snipped for brevity. What about the benefit to the missing child?
  15. B

    LE wants to interview the parents separately

    I don't think its unprofessional. I think that they hit a loggerhead with getting the parents to come in and sit down and talk with them (and with the boys too). We have no idea if they have contacted Attys and if they are being turned down. I think they put it out there in the court of public...
  16. B

    25 October 2011 Main Stream Media coverage of Baby Lisa

    Lets put another 'spin' on it. If this was a daycare provider or a nanny that was 'drinking on duty' there would be outrage with or without an accident. But because its mom, its okay? Whether there was an abduction or she did something herself, she is responsible. Her actions (drinking to 'black...
  17. B

    25 October 2011 Main Stream Media coverage of Baby Lisa

    Ding ding ding! Winner. We keep 2 guns and a baseball bat by our bed, but leave windows and doors unlocked and make sure all the internal doors are closed so we can't hear a stinking thing if someone does decide to break in! ^^^ This is a PSA on what not to do if you are concerned about a...
  18. B

    25 October 2011 Main Stream Media coverage of Baby Lisa

    Snipped for brevity... This site claims that @200 children are killed by their mothers per year It also states that 3-5 children are killed A DAY by their mother or father. Not by a stranger. On the flip side of that...
  19. B

    25 October 2011 Main Stream Media coverage of Baby Lisa

    This made me laugh hysterically - thank you for that! More importantly there is a huge element of truth to it.
  20. B

    25 October 2011 Main Stream Media coverage of Baby Lisa

    I thought Jersey was last seen in the neighborhood on Saturday BEFORE Lisa went missing. Or did I misread that? Now when I google it I see that the last time he was seen was the night Lisa went missing.

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