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DNA Solves
  1. S

    was Deb's brother there that night ?

    I read somewhere days a go that the brother stayed in a camper or travel trailer at their house. Can't find the link but it was out there. Understandably so because the story goes she raised him after the mom died.
  2. S

    Dumpster Fire - related to Lisa's disappearance?

    I agree. I also think she may have known when she saw the clothing it was not her child's. I would have known weather or not they belonged to one of mine.
  3. S

    Dumpster Fire - related to Lisa's disappearance?

    I didn't read or see that but I'm not surprised. It gets more complex everyday and I can scarcely keep up.
  4. S

    Missing Cell Phones #2

    MW's answers were very vague to me. Could it be that her phone was missing and the caller was contacting whomever they knew had it? But I guess if she had reported it to the phone company the police would not have questioned her 4 times.
  5. S

    Cyndy Short: "I will continue to search for Baby Lisa" PC tomorrow

    I don't know. I'm just hoping & praying for a break through. When they told people they would be prosecuted for searching on their own I believe that a lot of people who would have otherwise looked stopped. I am hoping she can rally up new ideas and searches that result in finding baby Lisa and...
  6. S

    Cyndy Short: "I will continue to search for Baby Lisa" PC tomorrow

    Privileged information has not brought results; new information is what is needed! I hope they turn over every rock until they find that baby. If she wants to give her time to be part of it only as a concerned citizen my hats off to her.
  7. S

    Cyndy Short: "I will continue to search for Baby Lisa" PC tomorrow

    Agreed! She is certainly qualified to head up a citizens search group. The Irwin family had no say in her dismissal because (and was unaware of it) they didn't hire her -Joe T did. All I can say is God Speed. We want the truth.
  8. S

    10/28/11 Private Investigator Returns, Baby Lisas Family Leaves

    I read in a report the boys had been in school everyday and I think they most likely will be back in that same school Monday.
  9. S

    10/28/11 Private Investigator Returns, Baby Lisas Family Leaves

    Could they have meant outside of organized searches -where searchers report back and every area searched is marked on a map? Because if this happened in my area/neighborhood threats of prosecution would not stop me from doing whatever I could do.
  10. S

    New Search Being Conducted 10/27 at small lake at Chaumiere Park

    From what I read they just decide to re-search that area. Dogs were also used; nothing found.
  11. S

    Mother of one of Lisa Irwin’s half brothers speaks out

    She can't recover what has been lost but I would start today letting my voice be heard. The longer she remains silent the less chance she has of influencing the situation.Those children may be programed against her already.
  12. S

    Mother of one of Lisa Irwin’s half brothers speaks out

    I don't have any sympathy for her because she didn't try to see him. There are so many parents like this. I raised 5 children as a single parent (4 are my own flesh & blood) and often had to work two jobs to keep the roof over our heads after the garment plants went down. The boys had school...
  13. S

    Mystery Man Surveillance

    The inside of the house from the ABC film looks undisturbed. I don't understand that. Maybe it was a rug which they rolled up and it was assumed to be carpet? Did I not read they had "cut carpet"?
  14. S

    Mystery Man Surveillance

    I believe the out of town Attorney needs a local who is licensed in that sate to be involved (so two for the family).
  15. S

    Mystery Man Surveillance

    Did you view the rest of the ABC video? There are too many discrepancies in the reporting of this case. What jumped out at me was the new lawyer showed the inside of the home and there was not any carpet removed as claimed! Perhaps they took a throw rug which could have came from a thrift store...
  16. S

    *alleged* Baby Lisa sightings.

    I think there was a tip of a someone seen in California that had a baby with them that looked like this baby in question. I believe it was ruled out also.
  17. S

    Q & A ~ Ask a question, leave an answer. NO DISCUSSIONS

    In my state if two people are married and the woman has a child by another man the child is the child of the married couple regardless to who fathered it. He is legally responsible. What is the law there where they live? If same as ours the soldier would be Lisa's father. Where is he?
  18. S

    The boys heard clicking Noises discuss here

    Certain leather boots make a clicking sound on solid flooring. If the child noticed the sound it was something he was unaccustomed to hearing; which rules out a lot I would think.
  19. S

    FLOOR-PLAN of Baby Lisa Irwin's home likelihood of this being stranger abduction

    If a person came in the computer room window they passed right by the cell phones on the counter and after leaving baby Lisa's room went out the front door. Which side of the house is the path that leads to heavy wooded area on? Is that on the side closest to the front door through a gate? And...
  20. S

    cadaver dog hits in Irwin home~search warrant served on family home #5

    I raised 5 children and they rolled off beds many times but it never hurt any one of them, Children don't stiffen up so it would not have caused a death unless she fell on a sharp instrument or something. I guess I am in denial because I keep thinking dogs can lie too. It's been what 20 hours...

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