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DNA Solves
  1. L

    PA PA - Ray Gricar, 59, Bellefonte, 15 April 2005 - #12

    Just saw the news about case assignment to PSP, and of course "Sporadic" on Centre Daily Times was my first stop on the news. Glad this has come about, to rekindle things. Just hope there is some transparency. In any regard, best regards to all...hope there is resolution...after all this...
  2. L

    PA PA - Ray Gricar, 59, Bellefonte, 15 April 2005 - #9

    I am posting this primarily to show just how much the public perception of RFG has collapsed in the last 18 months. From my standpoint, prior to Sandusky, when I told people that I wrote a blog, and they would ask me what it was about, I'd say, "Do you remember the DA from State College that...
  3. L

    PA PA - Ray Gricar, 59, Bellefonte, 15 April 2005 - #9

    Now after all this time, you know Ivy Butterworth would catch my attention...indeed how ironic. LoL
  4. L

    PA PA - Ray Gricar, 59, Bellefonte, 15 April 2005 - #9

    Back to check in Gang. Glad to see the vigil is still on. So we seem to be more towards the Walkaway scenario, JJ ? Inclined to agree on that. I need to read up a bit before making commentary. Good to see all of you. Lordy
  5. L

    PA PA - Ray Gricar, 59, Bellefonte, 15 April 2005 - #9

    Just checking back to get refreshed on the Gricar case. Long time, but has stlll been on my mind. Will read up here for a bit. Glad to see the thread is running.
  6. L

    PA PA - Ray Gricar, 59, Bellefonte, 15 April 2005 - #8

    I offer the Post Script as reason to continue on in this most perplexing case...there has been good material offered here. Now, if the 'uncorroborated' sightings have been taken as dead-end no answers (because LE has just flat out said so), then we need to corroborate those stories perhaps...
  7. L

    PA PA - Ray Gricar, 59, Bellefonte, 15 April 2005 - #8

    Yes, the comment Jana made, 'the evil around Ray Gricar' does seem to come into play. Another thought I had, increasing the odds of murder, is in consideration of the extended time since 4-16, along with no other 'credible' sightings, also increases the odds of murder. What the heck, we are...
  8. L

    PA PA - Ray Gricar, 59, Bellefonte, 15 April 2005 - #8

    I urge the readers to read JJ's blog from last week: Upon my return, I was going to ask just where the 'Odds' seemed to stand, and I see that has been neatly covered !!! So murder is 'up', eh ?
  9. L

    PA PA - Ray Gricar, 59, Bellefonte, 15 April 2005 - #8

    Thanks for the Welcome Back. I had been away, due to the recent passing of my Mother, whom I had been living with and caring for the last year and a half. I have just recently returned to my home, and with lots to do in the aftermath. Thanks for your insights into the "3 Grand Juries". I...
  10. L

    PA PA - Ray Gricar, 59, Bellefonte, 15 April 2005 - #8

    I had always wondered about previous investigations, and now it is revealed about 3 prior Grand Juries into Sandusky. Coming from you, JJ, the 'maybe RFG did do more' comment is huge. :)
  11. L

    PA PA - Ray Gricar, 59, Bellefonte, 15 April 2005 - #8

    Now, let's go a step further. Stacy Parks-Miller, the current DA. Oh yes, now she gets all sorts of accolades for going after Sandusky, but I feel that is Bull. How bad does the Press have to get for her to release anything at all of the Gricar Case that she is so committed to ? And not this...
  12. L

    PA PA - Ray Gricar, 59, Bellefonte, 15 April 2005 - #8

    This medical discussion is very interesting. Perhaps this 'identity' for Ray Gricar could have been done as his 'new identity' in the Walkaway scenario. We have learned that Ray Gricar had been one for aliases. Just to add to your thought. Thanks.
  13. L

    PA PA - Ray Gricar, 59, Bellefonte, 15 April 2005 - #8

    You draw an interesting parallel between Madeira and Gricar, with leaving the community unprotected.
  14. L

    PA PA - Ray Gricar, 59, Bellefonte, 15 April 2005 - #8

    I see that JJ has already given an answer to this. IIRC, Madeira has never been part in the Dateline productions. Certainly, Buehner has.
  15. L

    PA PA - Ray Gricar, 59, Bellefonte, 15 April 2005 - #8

    The Lord_Chatterly nic was from years ago that I used in the "Rock N Roll" days of MSN know, 'back in the day'. LC got the same response back then, and I couldn't resist bringing him out of the Moth Balls to be 'of service' Once Again !!! :crazy:
  16. L

    PA PA - Ray Gricar, 59, Bellefonte, 15 April 2005 - #8

    Why thank you, Jana. I must say that I have suffered bite marks on my tongue, as it is firmly planted in my cheek ! :)
  17. L

    PA PA - Ray Gricar, 59, Bellefonte, 15 April 2005 - #8

    I'm sure he would, just as I'm sure MTM would regret some of his official action, even those in the RFG investigation. That does not change the fact that he took them. Nor does his presumed "regret" change the fact of RFG's decision. You had the victim, possibly another victim, and then...
  18. L

    PA PA - Ray Gricar, 59, Bellefonte, 15 April 2005 - #8

    Perhaps it could be used for our Bridge Toss Contest, too !!! With some fishing line attached, so there is no littering, of course.
  19. L

    PA PA - Ray Gricar, 59, Bellefonte, 15 April 2005 - #8

    No 'rub' at all. Re-read JJ's Post #464 above. Along with that, we are speaking of data recovery technology circa 2005. My opinion is also that the hard drive was received by the FBI and the others in a dried out condition. It is the process of having been wet, THEN dried out that destroyed...
  20. L

    PA PA - Ray Gricar, 59, Bellefonte, 15 April 2005 - #8

    Thank you. What JJ and I had discussed was the data recovery problem that "drying out" the hard drive presents. That same information is presented in the useful link you have provided. :) It is not just getting the hard drive wet, but when it becomes dry, the data is then lost, in short.

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