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DNA Solves
  1. V

    The Rumor Mill -- unsubstantiated, yet possible relevant information

    <modsnip>- clearly you're not from the area where he lived and worked, or you would know: 1. He most definitely was closely involved in local politics. 2. Everyone knew what he looked like because he was all over the local press for his "very famous business" and all the other things he did...
  2. V

    The Rumor Mill -- unsubstantiated, yet possible relevant information

    Wow, 16 pages already! I don't propose to read them all (sorry), but wanted to bear witness to quite a few people hurting from these completely unsubstantiated rumors, many of which are spreading locally like the wildfire that ignited a few weeks ago in Manorville. The sensible response IMHO...
  3. V

    NY-LI 10 bodies found on Beach-Poss. SrlKlr-12/10-4 id'd; more found 3/11 #11

    Not sure if this has been posted already, but I just picked up on the Gilgo Beach connection in Chad Johnson's trial for the murder of 26 yr old prostitute Jennifer Papain. There's testimony from his brother that he stripped her naked, took her clothes to Gilgo Beach and burned them. Add to...
  4. V

    The Rumor Mill -- unsubstantiated, yet possible relevant information

    Hi 'sleuthers! Haven't been here for a while, still have to catch up, so maybe this has already been posted somewhere, but I think not: Just in, homicide - not much detail yet, but close enough to mention I think...
  5. V

    Media Links Only **NO DISCUSSION**

    Could missing Stony Brook student be 8th body? HAUPPAUGE, N.Y. (WABC) -- Could the eighth body found be that of Stony Brook student Jimmy Tsui? Kam Wai Tsui lives every day with the grief and the devastating uncertainty of what happened to her youngest son, Jimmy. The 20-year-old Stony...
  6. V

    Gravestone Jetties near Oak Beach

    I find the title of this thread offensive - just MOO. Yes, there's an SK on the loose there right now, which is horrible for everyone, but that's no reason to characterize people as "weirdos" simply because they're lucky enough to have carved out for themselves an alternative lifestyle that...
  7. V

    Media Links Only **NO DISCUSSION**

    Suffolk County DA Handout: Subscription only:
  8. V

    Japan - 9.0 Earthquake-Tsunami -Reactor Status, 2011 #6

    Japan Officially Orders Censorship Of Truth About Fukushima Nuclear Radiation Disaster The government of Japan has issued an official order to telecommunications companies and web masters to censor reports which contradict the state media reports that the Fukushima nuclear radiation disaster is...
  9. V

    NY-LI 10 bodies found on Beach-Poss. SrlKlr-12/10-4 id'd; more found 3/11 #8

    BBM: Distinguishing feature worth remembering. There are six bus routes through Riverhead County Center, one of which is S62 bus that connects with Hauppage. - click "Riverhead County Center" in left list, and you can see all the routes on the right.
  10. V

    NY-LI 10 bodies found on Beach-Poss. SrlKlr-12/10-4 id'd; more found 3/11 #8

    Homeless Douglas Rico, 44, pleads not guilty to second degree manslaughter. Unrelated to the SK murders imho.
  11. V

    NY-LI 10 bodies found on Beach-Poss. SrlKlr-12/10-4 id'd; more found 3/11 #8

    BBM . As a general comment, I would say crime is going up on LI because people are under tremendous financial pressure. It's being swept under the carpet because it doesn't fit with the feel good message that the economy is getting better. There's a rise in petty larceny, home invasion, drug...
  12. V

    UPDATE- Bin Laden is Dead-President spoke

    BBM Very wise words. I feel exactly the same.
  13. V

    UPDATE- Bin Laden is Dead-President spoke

    Thanks, mysterview. The sad thing is that I've pretty much given up hope of peace for our children. To achieve that, we have to give up oil, and our various other addictions, like a growing economy, and that's not going to happen without a riot. I'm glad they got Bin Laden, he deserved to be...
  14. V

    UPDATE- Bin Laden is Dead-President spoke

    Hi misterview, I understand what you're saying, but it doesn't apply to me, or many millions of others in the US. I'm a first generation immigrant. My father wasn't fighting over "there", he was "there", as was my grandfather. Yes, it probably is very different having people come onto your soil...
  15. V

    UPDATE- Bin Laden is Dead-President spoke

    BBM My parents knew that, they fought in the 2nd world war, my grandparents knew that, they fought in the 1st world war. My generation knew that, friends fought in Vietnam, my children knew that, as did we, we were all in NY on 9/11....sorry, can't agree with you, there isn't a generation of my...
  16. V

    UPDATE- Bin Laden is Dead-President spoke

    We have to have photos and DNA proof, according to Islam, he has to be buried within 48 hours. There's no official verification of this photo, it's coming from multiple sources. It makes sense that CIA would release a photo, (especially in the light of the Donald Trump birth certificate fiasco)...
  17. V

    Japan - 9.0 Earthquake-Tsunami -Reactor Status, 2011 #6

    Here's a link a Huffpost article about the French Research Institute mentioned above, with a couple of additional links in the comments. Kat, I don't know of any other monitoring...
  18. V

    Japan - 9.0 Earthquake-Tsunami -Reactor Status, 2011 #6

    essies, great link, thanks. To get this into perspective, using a "safe" limit of 100 millisiverts per year, I converted the old system of picocuries (pCi) , (still used in the US on your link to measure radiation levels), to the new International system of "intensity millisieverts". By my...
  19. V

    Japan - 9.0 Earthquake-Tsunami -Reactor Status, 2011 #6

    Well here's a curious thing: Mike and Dutch (You Tube: patrioticspace) made a video that starts with looking at the storms of the last couple of days and a connection with HAARP rings/ weather manipulation, but bear with it, because 10 minutes in they show a couple of maps of the radiation...
  20. V

    NY-LI 10 bodies found on Beach-Poss. SrlKlr-12/10-4 id'd; more found 3/11 #6

    I completely agree and that's exactly what I said, "in the area". We were discussing earlier about transient workers "in the area" who would be familiar with it and around at the time SG disappeared, including people who routinely grade the sand on the beaches. I explained that's not how beaches...

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