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DNA Solves
  1. M

    Wrongful Death Suit filed Nov. 13, 2013 in California

    Was Howard Lubers work schedule for that next day (Wednesday?) ever verified? He must have had patients scheduled. Did he keep those apps? This could be easily verified through patient insurance billing records for that specific day. If there weren't any, then it's possible he did not fly out...
  2. M

    Wrongful Death Suit filed Nov. 13, 2013 in California

    I think there is a great chance of depositions proceeding. Judges are inclined to give plaintiffs latitude for doing their own discovery. I imagine those depositions could be very illuminating. Many a murder has been staged as a suicide. In this case we have a POI with a documented history of...
  3. M

    Wrongful Death Suit filed Nov. 13, 2013 in California

    Hey I'm not a suicide or homicide advocate. Im on the fence. I'm open to any possibility, suicide or homicide and no one has attacked or flamed me on here for my opinions. I have repeatedly defended Jonah, Kimberly and the kids because it's obvious they all have behaved with class and dignity...
  4. M

    Wrongful Death Suit filed Nov. 13, 2013 in California

    Does this article imply the 2nd Dr Phil show Dina commissioned dishonored this tragic case as well? Personally I think neither show dishonored Max or Rebecca. Dr Phil simply raised serious questions regarding the Sheriff's conclusions more than anything. It was only after the second show on...
  5. M

    Wrongful Death Suit filed Nov. 13, 2013 in California

    Correct me if my wrong, but were the tapes from the Ronald McDonald House included on the list of items requested by the Zahaus legal team? I know The Zahau team has stated Jonah was seen on the hospital tapes. I was under the impression the Ronald McDonald tapes were still in question.
  6. M

    Wrongful Death Suit filed Nov. 13, 2013 in California

    If your correct, then an investigation and depositions will certainly clear all three of them. Alibis and unanswered questions will be clarified. I can imagine they (Dina, Nina and Adam) must be very excited to clear their names this way. I've already expressed on here more than once I will...
  7. M

    Wrongful Death Suit filed Nov. 13, 2013 in California

    My house was broken into last month with very random things missing. Oddly the most expensive items were not stolen. We called the police and and a thorough investigation was done. There were no fingerprints, no signs of break in, or DNA found anywhere. All we had was a safe open with the...
  8. M

    Wrongful Death Suit filed Nov. 13, 2013 in California

    Let's pray the Zahau family are finally able to blow the lid off the mysteries surrounding Max and Rebecca's bizarre deaths. Thank you to the Zahau family for keeping this court case alive for both victims.
  9. M

    Wrongful Death Suit filed Nov. 13, 2013 in California

    The description of Rebecca's murder had rather precise details. The accusation that it was Dina who instructed Adam to paint the message on the door really jolted me. Is that speculation or is there an inside informant? Maybe Nina is cooperating and that is why she has no need for an attorney...
  10. M

    Mysterious Message on the Door

    What would it have been cut with? Bolt cutters? It seems unlikely bolt cutters would be just laying around the house to use quickly. The front door was all glass and "see through" across the street fom a busy public beach. Any passerby on the sidewalk could have seen the whole staging scene...
  11. M

    Maxie's House

    Is a second annual party happening this year? Did Dina file her taxes yet from all her fundraiser parties last year? It would be odd for Dina to recently donate to the YMCA in Max's honor, then just completely neglect organizing her own non profit's supposed second annual Halloween fundraiser.
  12. M

    Estate of Rebecca Zahau et al v. Shacknai et al

    Or maybe the PI is helping Dina prepare for the "Maxie's House Second Annual Halloween Party and Fundraiser"? It was to be a yearly event was it not? Halloween is rt around the corner. Btw: I don't see Dina as being fearful of Jonah hurting her in any way shape or form. That is not why the PI...
  13. M

    Estate of Rebecca Zahau et al v. Shacknai et al

    IMO She is afraid of what she did that summer.
  14. M

    Reasons why you think it could be suicide

    According to Anne Rules book, Rebecca owned a home she purchased with her own money. She had continued to pay the mortgage on that home while she was living with Jonah. Let's suppose Jonah did kick her out as you continually suggest. It wasn't as if Rebecca had "no where to go" and couldn't...
  15. M

    Estate of Rebecca Zahau et al v. Shacknai et al

    SDSO only needs cell triangulation to verify an alibi. In fact you don't even need to be present on any hospital records or tapes by SDSO standards. Thank goodness for Dina. We know she wasn't anywhere to be "seen" at the hospital.
  16. M

    Max Shacknai EMS Report

    Read this from just a year ago? "Sometimes the only way to obtain answers is to file a lawsuit and force people to speak whether it be doctors or witnesses. A refusal by LE to launch an investigation most likely will be followed by a wrongful death lawsuit. " Why suddenly change the tune?
  17. M

    Estate of Rebecca Zahau et al v. Shacknai et al

    My prayers to the Shacknai family. With Max being gone I doubt Dina or Nina will ever be invited to any Shacknai birthday, graduation or wedding celebration of any kind. Ever. The only way I can imagine Jonah would communicate with Dina at this point is through an attorney. God bless...
  18. M

    Estate of Rebecca Zahau et al v. Shacknai et al

    Oh dear lord, here we go again. This constant insecurity feeding the need tto be "right" :)! . My easy to comprehend point was I find it unlikely your dad was without a pulse 30 minutes and posturing like Max was upon arrival. I think KZ and Dr Peterson would agree Max had little chance for...
  19. M

    Estate of Rebecca Zahau et al v. Shacknai et al

    You stated a few months ago you worked in a trauma hospital. You must be aware that being "revived" from cardiac arrest is not the same as being without a pulse 30 minutes, being revived and presenting with posturing. Or maybe you worked in clerical and are unfamiliar with the differences? God...
  20. M

    Estate of Rebecca Zahau et al v. Shacknai et al

    Yes they did blow her off when she did not accept Max's accident findings the first time. They blew her off a second time ( quite callously IMO) when she presented them with her expert findings. Jonah however was incredibly impressed with LE's work and findings. Jonah even went to the trouble...

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