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DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
  1. M

    Estate of Rebecca Zahau et al v. Shacknai et al

    Maybe your not up to speed here? LE did not agree with Dina or her experts regarding Max's death. LE and the San Diego County medical examiner disputed Dina's expert claims and pretty callously turned down her request to reopen Max's case. The only thing LE can verify is the facts. How would...
  2. M

    Dina Shacknai: "Parental Disclosure Act" Proposal

    Can the "caregiver" or new girlfriend use a fake FIRST name with the kids for many years to hide her identity? For example: I am assuming Dina would not have been OK with Rebecca telling Max her name was "Lara" ? I'm just trying to clarify here what is and is not OK with Dina's proposed law.
  3. M

    Maxie's House

    Maybe someone hired by Dina to "investigate" Rebecca or Jonah, prior to Rebecca's death, came forward to the Zahau team? Until discovery proceeds, its all speculation. The fact remains we just don't know.
  4. M

    Maxie's House

    My sentiments exactly. Jonah certainly has picked the most legitimate and classier ways to remember and recognize Max's life. Organized, goal driven, legitimate, steady leadership, and honor worthy. Dina's still has not submitted to the public any accomplishments or goals reached within...
  5. M

    Why didn't Max's parents file a civil wrongful death lawsuit?

    The Coronado Police Chief didn't ignore it. He met with Dina and said it had no merit. So did Lucas. Personally I didn't agree with their dismissal. I think "IF" Dina is now insinuating some secret investigation is going on, its a lie to save face. She probably let a lot of people down...
  6. M

    Estate of Rebecca Zahau et al v. Shacknai et al

    IMO I am assuming it would have been obvious during Rebecca's autopsy if she (Rebecca) had carried a child full term and given birth. This was never noted so its safe to assume XZ is not her daughter. Maybe someone can catch me up to speed with this one, but didn't both autopsies mention her...
  7. M

    Do you think Max's scooter was involved in his fall?

    I'll copy MyBelle's May to June 2013 posts pertaining to this subject if you are unable to find them. Thank you for reminding me to include all prior posts to avoid confusion in the future. To get you up to speed: MyBelle had quite a bit of chatter going on in May to June 2013 about how...
  8. M

    Do you think Max's scooter was involved in his fall?

    Then why o' why did Dina not pursue a wrongful death lawsuit against Rebecca's estate and XE? Lord knows we heard enough threats from her supporters on here the past year. Guess she let you all down. With a wrongful death lawsuit, Dina and her followers on here could have had that...
  9. M

    Estate of Rebecca Zahau et al v. Shacknai et al

    Are you suggesting that only Rebecca controlled what Max ate in the home? Incredible that Rebecca had all this control and Jonah none. Not unbelievable. Jonah is in great shape physically, and a self described health nut. Jonah is in amazing shape for a man in their 30's, let alone his...
  10. M

    Estate of Rebecca Zahau et al v. Shacknai et al

    According to Dina, Max did witness their violent fights. Dina documented in a police report (made public) that Max was not only present for a violent argument between the two, Max's bed wetting was the very catalyst for the feud. Didn't Dina claim it was during that fight the family dog...
  11. M

    The case for murder, #2

    I think your onto a stroke of genius here. Wouldn't it be fascinating for a team of forensic psychiatrists and criminologists to take all of the evidence known in this case, brainstorm, and then present their theories at a professional conference?
  12. M

    Mysterious Message on the Door

    Perhaps someone who had lived in the house before and knew where all of the art supplies were kept? The office was the room right next to the hanging room was it not? Who knows why the lunatic who killed Rebecca used acrylic paint and not permanent markers or spray paint? Pens and pencils...
  13. M

    Mysterious Message on the Door

    Your assuming that the lunatic who wrote the message had the "where with all" to realize immediately after their first kill that Rebecca's ex would have an alibi. My guess is this person freaked out after they killed Rebecca. Whomever wrote it was out of their mind on rage or drugs. They were...
  14. M

    Mysterious Message on the Door

    If anyone other than Rebecca wrote it, all signs point to Dina. Or her equally angry twin. IMO That message was written by someone out of their mind with rage or on drugs.
  15. M

    Maxie's House

    Your right! Those did get scrubbed. Right after it was posted on here. Well I guess if there was ever a question in anyone's mind if the twins were obsessing daily about the posts here on Websleuths, we now have our answer.
  16. M

    Mysterious Message on the Door

    This theory makes a lot of sense! I am sure whomever was there when Rebecca died probably panicked and this nonsensical note was done in haste with the attempt to thrown LE off. Who would be a better fall guy then Rebecca's ex? Too bad for our killer/s he had an airtight alibi hours away.
  17. M

    The case for murder, #2

    I apologize if I am asking questions that have been answered. Does anyone know if the bed was made in the master bedroom where Rebecca's clothes were found folded? Was there ever any mention of wet towels that Rebecca may have used being found? Was a towel ever taken into possession by LE...
  18. M

    The case for murder, #2

    I apologize if I am asking questions that have been answered, but I am not privy to all the information others who have been following the details of the potential crime scene. Does anyone know if the bed was made in the master bedroom where Rebecca's clothes were found folded? Was there...
  19. M

    Maxie's House

    Sorry but I am totally impressed with what Jonah has done for the community. I stand by my statement, I am convinced Jonah has realized he made some mistakes along the way. He picked this specific focus because he knew Max would be in a wheelchair had he lived. This is Jonah at his best, and I...
  20. M

    The case for murder, #2

    My guess is that KJ didn't like Dina being around her 2 children. Why else would Dina use a different name and hide her true identity from the children?

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