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DNA Solves
DNA Solves
  1. M

    Estate of Rebecca Zahau et al v. Shacknai et al

    Nina was specifically asked by the reporter something to the effect "when did you tell anyone you had been at Spreckles Tuesday night?" Nina stated to the reporter she first told Jonah and the investigators Wednesday at Rady's "oh... by the way, I was at the house last night". Listen to the...
  2. M

    Estate of Rebecca Zahau et al v. Shacknai et al

    IMO I am fairly certain had Jonah known Nina was ordered by Dina to text and wake up Rebecca that night (Dina stated in her magazine interview she requested Nina do this), he NEVER would have given Nina permission to use his car. It only makes sense if you consider the possibility that Dina...
  3. M

    Estate of Rebecca Zahau et al v. Shacknai et al

    IMO:That interview was done out of sheer desperation on Nina and Dina's part. If you look at the timeline, Nina's interview was in October or November, sometime after Anne Bremner received the investigation files and before the Dr Phil show. I think Dina and Nina were absolutely desperate to...
  4. M

    Mysterious Message on the Door

    Yes that sounds about right. After watching Dina publicly this past year, and reading Howard Luber's description of Jonah's marriage to her, my best guess is your right on the money.
  5. M

    Reasons why you think it could be suicide

    Then she shouldn't have been running around running her mouth off stating she was going to file a wrongful death lawsuit before she even had an attorney willing to represent her. Really confirms her incredibly poor lack of judgement, impulse control, and bizarre state of mind.
  6. M

    Curiosity Never Kills the Cat: Legal Questions for VERIFIED LAWYERS- ~No Discussion~

    Az attorney: I was under the impression that Dina, Nina and Adam would have 30 days to respond after being served. Since we have not heard anything other than the initial filing and its been more then 30 days, how would one find out if or when the defendants were served? How would one find out...
  7. M

    Estate of Rebecca Zahau et al v. Shacknai et al

    Lets hope for Dina's sake that's possible. Without seeing the videotapes ourselves we have no idea where all the cameras are placed and at what times Dina was viewed entering and leaving the hospital. I think Dina's credibility has already been damaged by her failing to file a wrongful death...
  8. M

    Reasons why you think it could be suicide

    If this was so easy to believe in Dina's mind (and yours) then why did she do NOTHING in the end, when push came to shove? Really think about this. Why in the world did Dina suddenly drop the ball in the last half of the ninth and not file a wrongful death lawsuit? At the very least to save...
  9. M

    Mysterious Message on the Door

    I find it unlikely Dina is abusing Adderal or speed to great extremes considering she so heavy in appearance. "Tweakers" are usually quite thin. I believe she has a history of violence and aggresive behavior (via Jonah's police reports) just on her own psychopathology. I also believe she has...
  10. M

    The case for murder

    Then Rebecca's DNA would be all over that chandelier. Dina has access to that item, why did she not test it in those places of contact you suggested?
  11. M

    Sale of Medicis to Valeant Pharmaceuticals by Jonah Shacknai

    Jonah only made 30 million on the Medicis sale?
  12. M

    Maxie's House

    Good for Jonah. Maybe he is turning his life around after realizing he had made a few mistakes along the way. Has Dina or Maxies House submitted their financials? I would be quite interested in where all the fundraising money has gone.
  13. M

    Rebecca's cell phone records

    If you notice I didn't register on here until shortly after the Dr Phil show featuring Dina. I can only speak for myself, but its precisely the way Dina has called attention to herself that made me think "This girl is really not right in the head". If Dina wants everyone to know she is...
  14. M

    Max Shacknai EMS Report

    What I was stating was a response to someone denying Jonah had a "?" history. I'll be clearer. I think Jonah does in fact have a very questionable history based on Kimberly's statements (the judge believed her) and the government accusations against Medicis and subsequent fines. I would not do...
  15. M

    Rebecca's cell phone records

    I was certain Jonah had nothing to do with it. Dina? I really didn't think so either, but wasn't sure. I stopped paying attention. Then suddenly last year, when Dina came out with her Dr Phil show, I saw how she was behaving. I found her still "red hot" rage against Rebecca and her entire...
  16. M

    The case for murder

    Getting back onto the case for murder. In the past few days I noticed a subject about heavy menses caused by the IUD brought up that obviously begs for comment. Somehow. Somewhere it was insinuated that since Rebecca was using in IUD, making her periods heavier, this explains the blood...
  17. M

    Reasons why you think it could be suicide

    Let's not forget, according to some pretty legit insiders including Kimberly Shacknai's friends and family, Stated while Dina worked for Medicis she actively pursuied Jonah without any guilt or regard for how it would effect Kimberly, GS and infant ES . Dina (according to insiders) was...
  18. M

    The case for murder

    If she was attacked in the back shower, would the shorter staircase not take her to the butler pantry area? That could be closer to the back doors and central courtyard.
  19. M

    Max Shacknai EMS Report

    The very people closest to Jonah have accused him of violence and financial transgressions. The government has too. Jonah's questionable behavior first became public record was by way of his first wife Kimberly. She accused him of illegally hiding millions from her for years. Kimberly...
  20. M

    Maxie's House

    Dina looks pregnant in that photo. Does anyone know if she is having another baby?

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